A Kid in the WWE

Midnight Visitor


"Congrats, Matty!" I yelled in Matt's ear.

"It's been three days, Char." He said calmly.

"I know, but I'm just so proud of you." I smiled.

"Okay, thanks again, I guess." He laughed.

"Hey, that's my girlfriend you're talking to." Mike came out of the gas station with two bags of candy and a bag of soda.

"No dip." Jeff said.

"It's okay, I got the dip!" John (Morrison) said, "And the chips!"

I cracked up laughing.

Matt started the van up and we started following the buses and other black vans with the WWE logo on them. It was just me, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, John, Mike, and Ricky Ortiz, who we now call each other best friends.

"Hey best friend, " Ricky said.

"Yes best friend?" I answered and smirked at Mike.

"Have the gay boy pass me the chips and dip please." He smiled.

"Okie dokie!" I said and pulled John's hair to make him look over his shoulder and I grabbed the bag containing the chips and dip and gave it to Ricky in the backseat.

"Thank you best friend." He said.

"You’re welcome best buddy." I said in a childish voice.

Mike rolled his eyes, "Do you ever act like an adult?"

"Nope." I smiled.

"Figures." He said and started eating a bag of Doritos.

I was sitting with my back to the window and my legs draped over Mike and John's legs with Matt driving and Jeff in the passenger’s seat and Ricky had the very backseat to himself.

"I can't believe that we have to travel like this until we can all get along." John said.

"We? I don't know about you, but I get along with everybody." I said.

"So do I!" Matt and Jeff said at the same time.

"What? Uh...yeah, me too." Ricky said with a mouthful of chips.

"Doritos make you fat." I said to Mike who looked up at me and glared. Then I stole the bag and ate some.

"Fanks." He said with a mouthful of Doritos.

"Ew! Close your mouth when you eat!" I said but he leaned over and smashed his lips on mine, Doritos and all.

"Hahahahahahaha!" Jeff laughed from the front seat. Then John threw a cheeto at him.

"Hey! No food fights while I'm driving!" Matt said.

"Great now I have Dorito breath." I said once we were done making out.

"Oh come one, you pulled yourself onto me!" Mike said.

"So? It's still your fault I have Dorito breath." I stole another one from him.

"What the hell?" He laughed and pinched me.

"Ow!" I squealed and pinched him back.

"I love it when you squeal." He said. Matt slammed on the breaks and everyone turned to look at us.

"You stupid idiot!" I whispered and slapped his arm.

"What?" Matt tried to keep his face straight but I could see him turning red.

Jeff busted out laughing then everyone else did.

"Look what you did! And we didn't even do anything together! I can't believe this!" I buried my face in my hands.

"Uh...yeah, we did." He said.

"What? Oh. I forgot." I said and put my jacket over my head.

"Hahahaha!" Jeff's laugh echoed through the car.

"Ok, now you are seriously going to die." I said from under my jacket.


We arrived at the hotel and I immediately went to me and Mike's room. He was going out with the guys and said he would be back later. I didn't really care. The way he embarrassed me today, I was ready to kill him.

I fell asleep on my side and I was woken up by an arm slithering around my waist.

"Seriously? After the way you embarrassed me today? No." I said and shoved him away.

"Grumpy much?" My eyes popped open. That wasn't Mike's voice.

"Who let you in here?" I got off the bed and demanded an answer from the strange man in my hotel room.

He turned on the lights and it was Edge, or Adam Copeland.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked.

"Hawkins and Ryder took Mike's key when he wasn’t looking." He shrugged.

"Really? Or did Mike give you his key so he could keep his job and I'd be the one getting fired?" I backed away from him since he was getting closer to me.

He backed me up far enough to where he had me pinned to the wall.

"It wasn't him, Hawkins and Ryder seriously did steal his key. And I though since you two weren't really that into each other, I could offer up some fun on the side." He smirked.

"Uh...No thank you." I said and tried to move, but he had me pinned.

"Are you sure? 'Cause I can make you change your mind." He said and crashed his lips onto mine and forced his tongue into my mouth.

"Mm! Mt mf!" I tried to say "Get off!" and I finally shoved him away.

"Oh my god! You are a pig!" I slapped him across the face. "Get out of my hotel room!"

"Fine, but my room is right down the hall. Come on over tonight if the 'Chick Magnet' doesn't get back at a decent time." He said and walked out.


I sat on the bed in my red plaid pajama pants and red tank top hugging the pillow.

"Charlotte, I lost my key. Let me in please." Mike said on the other side of the door. I walked right up next to it and looked into the peephole.

"Oh good it's really you!" I said once I opened the door and threw my arms around him.

Hey look it's a wrestling pic I just happened to have found.

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