A Kid in the WWE



"Wake up, please wake up babe." I said over and over again as I held Mike's hand the hospital.

"He's gonna be okay, Char." John ((Morrison)) put his hand on my shoulder.

"Wake up." I ignored him and continued running my hand through his blue-tipped hair.

He stirred, and his eyes fluttered open. "Telling me to wake up over and over again worked." He said groggily.

"Oh thank God!" I nearly shouted and squeezed his hand.

"I told you so." John said.

Mike glared at him, "Let my girlfriend thank God that I'm awake, asshole."

John and I both laughed. "Do you remember anything?" I asked.

"I remember lunging at that dickhead Adam, and hitting my head against a wall. That's about it." He said.

"Jeff called an ambulance, and Charlotte rode in the ambulance with you. I followed in my rental." John said.

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty is awake!" Jeff popped into the room.

"Hardy har har." Mike said.

"That's right, I am a Hardy!" Jeff laughed.

Mike rolled his eyes. "So when am I allowed to leave this place?"

"Well, you rammed your head into the wall pretty hard, gave yourself a concussion." I said and squeezed his hand again.

"Great! This is just great! How long have I been here?" He asked.

"Since last night. Charlotte didn't sleep at all." Jeff said.

"Jeff has some sleeping disorder that kept me awake. He kept yelling random things in his sleep." I laughed.

"You really do care that much for me?" Mike asked.

"Of course I care about you." I answered. "Don't you care about me?"

He smiled, "Yeah. Yeah! You finally realized that!"

"Well, too much gooey love for me. Jeff and I are gonna go ahead and leave for the airport. I checked you two in for another night in the hotel since you'll be out for a couple weeks. Vince is okay with it, and you're stuff is still there." John said.

"Thanks guys." Mike banged knuckles with both of them and I hugged them goodbye.
After John and Jeff left, Mike smiled at me. "Alone at last."

"Whaddya mean?" I asked.

"I don't know about you but I've never done it in a hospital before." He grinned.

I busted out laughing, "You're not serious are you?"

"Dead serious."

"But you have a concussion!"

"So? Doesn't affect my dick."

"Babe, I think you should focus on resting instead of having sex in a hospital bed."
He sighed, "Fine. But you owe me."

"I'm gonna go see if we can get outta here." I said and looked for one of his nurses in the hallway.

"Lookin' for somebody?" His warm breath tickled my neck.

"You have some nerve showing up here, Copeland." I said through clenched teeth.

He smiled, "I had to see you before I left to remind you that you're six months of a false relationship with Mike are almost over. Soon you'll be set free and we can hook up."

"No offense Adam, but Mike and I are doing fine together. I think we're going to actually stay together. Sorry to disappoint you." I said and flagged down a nurse.

"See you later, sweetie." Adam said as he walked away.

"Who were you talking to out there for so long babe?" Mike asked once I returned.

"Oh, just the nurse. You're all set to leave...tomorrow." I yawned.

"I wish you would've stayed at the hotel last night and gotten some sleep. I would've been fine here by myself." He scooted over some on the hospital bed to make room for me.

"I couldn't leave you. You have me magnetized." I snuggled up to him.

He laughed, "I'm glad you did stay, though."

I yawned again, "Me too."

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