A Kid in the WWE

Afterall, You are just a Kid in the WWE


"I can't believe he just did that!" I yelled.

"Calm down Charlotte!" Kelly slapped me on my leg.

"Ow! Jesus, look at Mike! He's pissed!" I pointed to the flat screen at my boyfriend's shocked face.

Then he got drafted to RAW. His face went from shocked to furious in about sixty seconds.

"Uh oh." Kelly said and looked at me.

"Crap. I can't believe they split up Mike and John! That's totally unfair!"

"Please tell me this isn't happening!" Kelly and I watched as Mike hugged John, and then turned on him with a Reality Check.

"Prepare for the worst, Char. Your man needs you right now." She said.

I nodded, "Should I go out there or what?"

"I would just stay backstage for now. Wait ‘til he cools down then go talk to him in the locker room." Kelly hugged me then walked out of Vickie's fake office.

"Well, that was dramatic. I knew that his concussion messed with his brain, he attacked his best friend. He shouldn't of come back so soon." Adam smirked at me from the doorway.

I sighed, "Not now, Copeland."

"I'm not here to jump you...yet. I just thought I'd stop by and tell you that Maryse was seen accompanying your boyfriend to the locker room." He said and walked off.

"What?" I asked myself. I got up and stopped at the men’s locker room door. I opened it to find Mike on top of Maryse, his tongue down her throat with her shirt off.

"What the fuck, Mike?" Tears threatened to spill over.

Mike sighed, "Charlotte, you knew this was bound to happen sooner or later! It was just a fucking storyline, I used you! it meant nothing! Nothing at all."

Maryse smiled, "After all, you are just a kid in the WWE."

I slammed the door and ran down to the parking garage where Mike's rental was. Thankfully, I had the keys. I got in and stuck the keys in the ignition but didn't turn them to start the car. I put my head against the steering wheel and started sobbing uncontrollably.

Someone knocked on the window, "What's wrong?" I looked up and it was Mickie.

I got out of the car and hugged her. "Oh M-Mickie! H-h-he used m-m-m-me!" I sobbed on her shoulder.

"Ssh. It's okay. Just tell me what happened.

I told her what I had witnessed in the locker room, while choking down sobs. When I was finished, her face was unreadable.

"That fucking piece of lowlife shit!" She said.

"I-I-I let him use m-m-me, M-M-Mickie!" I sobbed some more and sniffled my nose.

She rubbed my back while she let me cry on her shoulder, "It's okay, Charlotte. Here, let's go back to the hotel and get your things. You can stay with me tonight." She said, "And why don't you let me drive, okay?"

I moved my duffle bag and suitcase from me and Mike's hotel room on the third floor to Mickie's room on the eighth floor.

Mickie sighed, "I can't believe that asshole! Why would he do that to you?"

I started crying again, "I-I-I don't n-n-know! I-I'm such an i-idiot!"

"No you're not! Mike wasn't even worth your time, Charlotte! But just go ahead and cry, get it all out. It's better that way." She said and handed me a tissue box. She's so nice.
I continued crying until I fell asleep. But before I fell asleep, I had made up my mind that I would talk to my new boss, Vickie Guerro, about possibly taking a leave from the WWE. I'd probably go back home to New York, and maybe visit my sister Lauren. The next morning I took a shower and Mickie helped me with my hair and make-up to make me look better than ever. I looked so good that you couldn't even tell that I had been crying all night.

"Thanks again, Mickie. I don't know what I would've done without you last night." I said and hugged her.

"No problem, Charlotte. I wish you would stay and tough it out, though. But I understand that you want to go home and see your family." She said.

"Well, I'm outta here. I'm gonna talk to Vickie and see about a possible leave for a few weeks. Then I'm gonna go see Lauren on TNA." We hugged again and I left.
As I tugged on the luggage cart into the elevator, Adam got in with me.

"Good morning, sunshine. I see you've been up all night. I couldn't help but hear you cry through the walls." He said.

"Ok. You know what, Adam? I am sick and tired of you pestering me these past few months! If it shuts you up and leaves you alone, I will kiss you right here and now!" I grabbed his shirt collar, and yanked him towards me and our lips met.

The elevator dinged.

And there stood Mike.

"Well, I see you've gotten over the breakup." He said. He didn't bother getting into the elevator with us. He just stood there and watched me as the doors closed.

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