A Kid in the WWE



I sat on my bed with my ankle propped up on a pillow. My sister Lauren came in and threw a stack of papers at me.

"Read this." She said and sat down next to me.

"Thanks, champ." I mumbled and bit into another fattening spoonful of ice cream.
I looked down at the printed off papers in my lap. They were apparently pages of a blog, a certain someone's blog.

"Why am I reading this again?" I asked.

"Just read it, Char." Lauren gently put her hand in mine as I began to read.

Alright well I'll just come out with it now. I, Michael "The Miz" Mizanin, am in love. Insane, right? Me, the womanizing perverted Playboy of the great WWE is in love. Go ahead, make fun of me. It's not like I haven’t gotten enough of that in the locker room. The lucky girl, or more like unlucky, is Charlotte Marie Kirk. Yes, that's right. The Charlotte Kirk of ECW. We were forced to be together for six months, and as the months progressed, I fell in love. I didn't plan on it, believe me. But have you seen her? Have you had her? Sorry, that's the jackass in me talking. But I screwed it all up. I cheated on her...and she caught me in the act. I'm not even close to finish beating myself up. And Charlotte, if you're reading this, please know that I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the hell I put you through. If I could sing, I'd be singing Buckcherry's "Sorry" to you outside your window. But I'd probably break the glass or something. Anyway, I miss you and I want you back. I won't hurt you EVER again, I promise. Nattie, Maria, Beth, Mickie, Kelly, and even your sister Lauren have kicked my ass every chance they got. And you've got some pretty tough and loyal friends who will do anything for you...even give me a swirly. I'm sorry for everything I ever did to you, if you'll give me one more chance I'll prove to you that I love you more than anything...even myself ha-ha. I miss you, Char. Since you left, everything is boring. The van is nothing without you, plus all the guys ignore me. Ricky dumped a whole bottle of salsa on my head, by the way. Even though I'm not worthy of even thinking about you anymore, I still just want to prove to you that if you give me one more chance I'll make it up to you. Everything. I'll be better. You're probably laughing your ass off because this blog sounds so cheesy, but it's true.

I'm out.

My whole body felt numb, the pain in my ankle subsided as I looked at my sister who was silently wiping her eyes with her sleeve.

"It's just so sweet!" She said. "You're so lucky to have someone like him, Jared isn't even that poetic."

"Poetic? You call this poetic?" I spat, "It's...it's moronic is more like it! He's a womanizer, playboy, cheater! He'll never change, not even for me! Where's the shredder?"

Laurens hand cracked against my face. The skin still stung as I lifted a hand and glared at her. "What the hell?"

"Don't you see how good you've got it? You have one of the most stupid yet changed men in love with you and wants to make up for hurting you! And all you want to do is sit on your ass and eat cookies all day and cry over how he hurt you! Can't you see he's begging for your forgiveness? What happened to my loving, forgiving, caring, and funny little sister?"

"She got her heart ripped out. Now get out." The words sounded like acid.

Laurens face looked taken aback, "What?"

"Get out of my apartment!" I screamed.

"Fine." She said. She grabbed her purse and clicked her heels angrily as she slammed my front door.

I broke down in choking sobs. I felt sorry for myself. I began to cry over the littlest things that people had done to me in the past until I started screaming into my pillow remembering how I walked into the locker room and Mike was all over Maryse.


I stopped crying and looked up at my light blue wall. It was all Maryse's fault. She ruined it. I needed to get back at her. I'm not a Kid in the WWE anymore, I'm a woman. I needed to take something from her that she cared about more than anything else.

The Divas Championship.

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