A Kid in the WWE

Welcome to The Legacy


"Vicky!" The office door slammed against the wall as I barged into the room.

She jumped out of her chair, "Jesus, Charlotte! You scared me!"

"I thought it was funny..." Chavo laughed.

I glared at him, "Out."

"Will do." He said and scurried out of the room.

"What is it? Are you ready to come back?" Vicky asked.

"Oh I'm ready to come back, Ms. Guerro. And I'm also ready for a title match. I want that Divas Championship." I smiled.

She returned my smile, "I knew it. I knew you were strong. I'll just have to inform Maryse tonight that her title will be on the line at Extreme Rules."

"I don't want to wait until Sunday, Vicky. I want that match tonight." I pushed.

She sighed, "You have yet to be on a Pay-per View and to be honest, and the fans are just now noticing you thanks to Mike's blog. You'll get more fans and we'll get more ratings if you win that match on Sunday."

"Fine. But I'm gonna start on the fan base tonight, if you know what I mean." I said.

"I beat you to it, honey." She laughed.

"Huh?" I turned around and Randy Orton smiled at me. His belt was slung over his shoulder and he was dressed in jeans and a tight t-shirt.

"Oh no." I said.

He laughed, "I thought I would personally welcome the newest member of Legacy."

I sighed as I watched Randy, Ted, and Cody in the ring. Randy's music was still playing as he walked around the ring with the microphone in his hand trying to figure out what to say. Finally, he raised the microphone to his lips and the arena went partially silent.

"Legacy has gained a new member, and I'm happy to say that it's not Dave Batista since he decided to be an idiot and verbally attack me. No, it's someone else. Someone better, someone who is actually not that bad to look at."

At that my brand new song, since I was now turned Heel, blared Vengeance Is Mine by Alice Cooper. I walked out to the crowd. Some cheered, others booed.

"Welcome to the Legacy, Charlotte." Randy said. "Four members of the greatest group in the entire WWE, and we are on top of the world, and the only people we can thank is ourselves. We didn't have any favors called in, we didn't have to pay our way in, we worked our way to the top, which is much more than any of you can say."

The crowd booed even louder and some even started cursing at him, which I tried not to laugh because I found it kind of funny. Randy went on talking and I sort of tuned him out. I was thinking of how ways to attack Maryse tonight. I needed my revenge, and that bimbo was my target.

After our little conversation with the crowd, we walked backstage and Vickie called all of us into her office.

"Great job out there, guys." She smiled.

"You've got a new game plan, don't you?" Ted asked.

"Yes, I do actually. I have a great idea to get back at The Miz, Charlotte. Let's make a segment tonight showing sparks between you and Randy." She went on.

"Wait, what?" I asked, "The only revenge I want is to win the Divas Championship."

"Exactly, two champions on RAW who just happen to be a power couple. And I want to bring back the Lady-killer also." Vickie added, motioning us all to sit down, meaning that this meeting was going to be a bit long.

Randy cocked his head to the side thinking this over. "I like it." He said.

My jaw dropped, "You do? Why?"

"Think about it, Char. You and Randy an official power couple after this Sunday at Extreme Rules when you win the Divas Championship. Then next Monday it'll be freakin' awesome!" Cody said.

"That didn't make any sense." Ted mumbled.

"Let's go for it." Randy said.

Vickie clapped her hands, "I knew this would work!"

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