Sequel: Green Porcupine

Bus Stop

Pen Pal Intrigue

"How are you going to get the letter in his bag? I mean he'll be expecting it," Jill asks twitchily.
"I don't know, I'll just see what happens." The green eyed stranger walks on to the bus with Tre, who had dyed his hair electric green. The stranger opens his bag places it on a seat and continues to talk to Tre.
"Hey Jill I got a plan, you make a distraction so I can put the letter in his bag."
"I got the perfect distraction," Jill says wide eyed.
"I lost my earring! Everyone look on the floor around you and look for a blue hoop earring!" As Jill screams this I make my way to dropping the letter in his bag.

Dear Billy-Joe,

That's right I know your name. "How?" you may ask. Easy, your tall and skinny friend called you that and you seemed to respond. So is that your nickname? Is your real name William Joseph something-or-other. Now I'll tell you about myself, I have a part time job as a porn star, my screen name is B.B. Legs. My hobbies include compulsive dieting and bulimic tendencies. I would like to know more about you though, so you play guitar, that's pretty cool. I enclosed some news paper for your toiletry use.

Yours truly,

B.B. Legs

I see that Tre dyed his hair green, tell him that color suits him.

After school, Billie Joe walks on to the bus looks around just as he had the day before and leaves a letter on the seat before he goes to sit with Tre. Since Jill isn't on the bus I had no struggle to get the letter this time.

Dear B.B. Legs,

I'll tell you this once and only once. My name is NOT Billy-Joe, it is Billie Joe and that's what it says on my birth certificate, no William, no Joseph, just Billie Joe Armstrong. Now that we have cleared that up, what's your REAL NAME? I sort of doubt you're a porn star and your hobbies make me sick. Tre says thank you for complimenting his hair and he says if you really are a porn star he'd like your opinion on his penis. By the way MIKE doesn't like being called tall and skinny friend. You know what's funny I actually look forward to coming to school so I can get your letters. Usually I only show up to school once a week, but your letters intrigue me, I usually stay in my apartment all day working on songs and stuff.

Yours truly,

Billie Joe Armstrong

Pulling a paper and pen out of my bag I start writing my response so Billie Joe can have it today. Once finished writing it I get up and place it in his bag and get off the bus.

Dear Billie Joe,

Sorry for getting your name wrong, my name is Bianca Sylva, I have been told I have very nice legs by the way, hence the inspiration for my screen name. Tell Tre I'm sorry, the whole porn star thing was a lie. I'm not a porn star and I don't plan on ever becoming one. I'm flattered that I'm altering your school attendance for the better. You said you usually stay in your apartment all day, does that mean you live on your own? Tell Mike I'm sorry for calling him "tall and skinny friend," where is Mike by the way; I haven't seen him on the bus. Now for the truth about me, the pep squad has labeled me "freak" my real hobbies are playing guitar and well yeah that's about it. My favorite bands are The Ramones, The Clash, Sex Pistols and some other bands that I don't feel like listing right now. My fake hobbies make me sick too, I don't worry about my figure, I don't worry much . . . .mainly because I have a fast metabolism and because I like pizza too damn much!

Yours truly,

Bianca Sylva

The next morning on the bus, Billie Joe's letter leaving routine was the same.

Dear Bianca,

Your true self seems SO much more awesome than your porn star self. To answer your question, I live in an apartment and my roommates are Mike and Tre, we're also in a band together. We just changed our band's name to Green Day (yes, like the weed binge day) we used to be called Sweet Children. Tre claims he knows you from elementary school, apparently he was in your grade six class. You also asked where Mike was, well the only reason you saw him on the bus at all was because his truck was in the garage being fixed. Why don't I get a lift with him considering we're roommates? The reason is because he has a leech of a girlfriend named Veronica and she doesn't want to be around Tre and I (especially Tre). We have something in common the pep squad also labeled me as a "freak" too. (well they actually labeled Tre and Mike freaks too). Oh, we're playing a gig on Friday, and I would like you to come. The address is written on the back of this letter, I hope to see you there.

Yours truly,

Billie Joe

You haven't altered my school attendance much, yes I go to school but that doesn't necessarily mean I go to my classes.

'Hey Jill, do you want to go to a concert on Friday?'