The Children of the Beast

Wolf tale

It was morning daylight at last, I felt like I had not seen it in months, it was warm and comforting, washing away the tears and fears of the night before.
I spent most of the day familiarising myself with Leeds, my new home. Abi went to the tavern just before sunrise, she said she need to use the bank. I didn't understand, but there were a lot of things I didn't understand about Abi. She said that she would probably spend some time with Danyelle and her friend Frankie.
I had not seen or heard from Danni since she left the Eigejia, I don’t know much about her, only she hates being alone, is a vampire and gives extra strong cuddles. I could not wait till the next meeting, perhaps I would find answers to my questions, learn how to improve myself.
"Tristan… This is the real world calling Tristan." I recognised the voice but it was not what I was focussing on, I was lost in my thoughts, in a dream world. "Tristan!" its sounded in my ear and snapped me out of my trance.
"Huh? What?" I turned round to see Abi doing things to attract my attention. "Sorry Abi I was daydreaming."
"Of what?" Abi's head twisted, as if I was thinking of something-
"Of-of I don't know, lots of things, nothing of what you're thinking about!" Abi giggled.
"Poor Tristan… always the one to jump to conclusions and be defensive. Of course you weren't thinking those thoughts." She teased. "Anyway did you know there is a emergency meeting?" she asked, returning to normal Abi.
"No, is there? And how come your here in daylight?" Abi lowered her head into her hands.
"Tristan, notice we are indoors?" I nodded "Also notice that I'm in the Shade?" she said patronisingly. "So the UV light doesn't affect me for there is barely any."
"Oh right. I can't wait for the next meeting." Abi giggled
"So you can see Danni again?" I went red. "You're blushing it is true."
"No it isn't!" I denied even though see was right. "I want to learn how to control beast and find out more on what's going on."
"Well you're in luck the emergency meeting tonight at the tavern be there six o'clock sharp." I looked for a clock to see the time. "It's five Tristan if your were wondering. So you have an hour to go home and get changed."
"Sh… I mean oh dear. What about you, so have you, race you home?" Abi shuck her head and walked backward further into the shadows, so I couldn't see her. When she came out again, she was in full uniform. "Hey! No fair!" Abi giggled and walked off, she patted my shoulder as she went past. I turned and she was gone.
I took the bus, to Abi's flat block, got inside as quick as possible. Picked up a pair off cleanish black jeans, my black over coat and for it was getting cold out I put on a scarf I had brought with me from home. I looked at the time. "Sh… I mean balls. I'll have to run." So I did, as fast as could, jumping down whole staircases, avoiding open space for it was the last night of the full moon.
I took me ten minutes to get to the tavern. When I arrived I was panting heavily; I needed to get fit. I entered to dimly lit tavern and looked for somewhere to sit.
"Hey Tris!" Tris? No one had ever called me Tris before. "Over here." The call came from a table in the corner where Lorna, Yazy and most of all:
"Danni!" I quickly walked over to the table. Danni got up and hugged me tightly around the neck. "A little looser Danni." She let go and I sat down neck to her. The others resumed their conversation:
"I heard the meeting was pulled forward for Michael was here." Yazy whispered
"Don't be stupid Yaz!" Lorna snorted "If they were here, we would not, we would be killing them."
"So what has the meeting been brought for-"
"Silence!" It was Danyelle brother he must do this every meeting. "All rise. Announcing Lady Danyelle vampire steward of the Children of the Beast and her reunite."
As before Danyelle stepped forward from behind the curtain, however this time there were two differences. One she had Platinum gauntlets on her hands. Two she had a two pronged platinum pole the prongs being thorny devils.
"Brothers and sisters, Attention, pay attention. I have called the meeting forward tonight, for there is a feral wolf lose." People began to draw their artefacts from their coats and cloaks. "We all know what that means. Well most of us." She glanced at our table. "We must hunt it down and end its poor feral life." Danni and Yaz gasped; my expression changed to one of shock. "Most of you should remember that rogue that came by, oh six months ago. He came here for one meeting and moved on. So we thought." People nodded whilst Danni, Yaz and I looked confused. "Well at that meeting Shaman Gladius came to me with a prototype Lycan control potion. He showed it to me and said that this prototype was different to the others.
"He had added a few more ingredients and used less of the previous one he used before. However thanks to those changes what the formula did no longer help the being control his or her morph side, it did the opposite making the being morph side stronger than him or herself.
"What happen afterwards was, the shaman left the formula accidentally in the tiring house, the rogue found it, saw the label and took it for himself. At the next full moon, he drank the hole vile of formula instead of small dosages every full moon.
"What he became was irreversible. He had drunk too much of the potion at once, so his morph fully took over he became stronger and wild. He became a feral wolf and now we must hunt him. Frances Wattmore will give you your orders." Danyelle stepped aside and a girl who wore purple and black finger-less gloves, purple Doc Martins, black skinny jeans over them were black titanium plate mail. She also wore a purple corset and a black over coat. She carried a silver 18th century pistol and on her belt was a sheathed rapier. It was the second girl Abi had told me about who saved her.
"Right we have to be careful, it's the last night of the full moon and I don’t want anymore wolves running around." She looked at several people who she thought might cause trouble. "Firstly you will be split into vampire and lycan. Lycan's you will take guns and long range weapons and act as snipers, the vampires will be given throw weapons and their artefacts sharpened and will engage the feral wolf up close and personal. Everyone is to aim at the head and the legs. Understood?" Everyone nodded. "Good, once you have received your arsenal go to the rear exit and enter a blacked out van. Good look and happy hunting."
I followed Danni and Yaz to the tiring house and split up from them to join a queue of Lycan's. I was the last to join the queue, there were only about twenty of us and about fifty vampires. I was given a Winchester shotgun, it was jet black with Celtic patterns on the barrel and handle.
I followed the lycan I front of me to the rear exit and into a blacked out armoured van, I saw the boy who I had fought the night before, he was holding a carbine, a standard issue one from the army. He had a big grin on his face.
"I can't to get there and shoot that sucker right in between the eyes! I'll hang it's head on my wall." He laughed cockily, a few Lycan's glanced at him in spite. He continued. "I will kill that son of a bitch before you lot can even get a sight of it." I had had enough.
"Look whatever your name is. If I remember correctly, you were like this before you went into the Eigejia and then I laid a can of whoop ass on you then. Life isn't a video game. We will be shooting one of our own someone son. If you can merely think that you can stroll up to a beserked animal and blow its head off before it can recognise you your wrong!" He shut up. The door's where closed and the engine started, we were off.
When the door opened we were at some forest not far from Leeds. We were parked under a big fern so we were sheltered from the moonlight. Everyone got out of the van and loaded their guns. The boy was moping in a sulk, which gave me great satisfaction he was like the school idiot who I wanted to silence and although they looked similar it wasn't him but it would do.
"Why are we going to kill him? Can't we lock him up?" I asked the Lycan I had been following.
"It's simple, he isn't a he anymore, he's an it; we are going to put it out of its misery. Besides if we locked it up it would break free and the steward does not want feral creatures, she believes that, that’s what we were any now we are better, survival of the fittest and all that. So the only way to stop it is to kill it before Michael do."
"Why can't Michael do it?" The Lycan turned to me, grasped both my shoulders.
"Why? You're almost as stupid as that boy! Michael are our sworn enemies, they hunt us and show no mercy. If we let Michael kill it, they would kill and use the body as a test dummy, it would have no honour or mercy given to it a once proud creature. Plus if Michael kill it, it will lead them right to our front door and that will bring trouble."
"Oh I see." I hung my head in shame for not seeing what a stupid question I had asked, but the Lycan pulled it up and patted me on the back. "Never mind mush, your young and you came hear to learn and you just did. 'It is better to kill your ally then see them in the hand of the enemy.' It might sound horrible, but we cant rescue everyone, to be cruel, to be kind and all that. Follow me."
He gave me a hand signal to follow him as he ran off into the trees. I did I had to run very fast to keep up. We jumped bush's dodged branches, avoided open space and-
SMACK! 'Ow! What the hell?' The Lycan I was following had stopped and hand put his hand out to stop me, but instead of seeing it I ran straight into it.
'Well done genius!' conscience snapped
'Shut up I was to busy looking at the ground to see him!' I replied.
'Oh Stressy!'
'If I could see you right now I would kick your ass!'
'Well you can't so there. Anyway are you sure you want to kill this thing?' he asked
'I'm not sure, but if it goes near Danni or Abi I'll-'
'Do what? Abi is a big girl and can take care of her self and what can you do to protect Danni?' Conscience was right I probably couldn't kill it or defend Danni or Abi.
'Fine then I will shoot to end its misery.'
'Whatever floats your boat.'
The Lycan, who I had been following hid inside a shrub with his gun pointing out, laid under a root of a tree, a clearing was not far away about 2m and it was lit by bright white moonlight.
There was a loud howl that sounded for miles around. We were close, several vampires crept close to the source of the noise and the Lycan's got into hiding place and firing positions. I loaded the Winchesters I had been given, I had never fired a proper gun before and I was dredging it.
There was a roar that shuck the earth, and with it a ten foot tall wolf ran into the clearing.
'Sh…I mean are you sure you want to fight that thing?'
♠ ♠ ♠
it may not be the best chapter and probably full of mistakes, if so let me no and i will short it out.