The Children of the Beast

House of wolves

All of the sudden, the remainder of the vampires who weren't in visual sight, leapt from hiding place or chasing the wolf. There was a volley of axes, knifes, spears and shurikens, thrown at its legs. However these weapons only made mere paper cuts on the wolf's hide, it was like trying to break granite with a butter knife.
The wolf roared again, it was louder more fiercer than the last and directed at the vampires. It charged at the vampires closest to us. The vampires drew their artefact's and plunged it combat with the wolf encircling it.
The wolf swung his long fury arm, trying to slash the vampires. The vampires jumped and dodged with ease and grace. In return to the wolf's gesture they swung their artefacts at his arm. Like the volley of weapons they did little damage, even the silver weapons. It was going to be a long fight, with probably heavy casualties.
The wolf sung and slashed at the vampires several more times gaining speed with each slash. Each time they avoided elegantly, slashing or lunging in reply, it was like a dance, but with blood, weapons and lives at stake. The wolf's anger had increase with frustration, as his anger increase so did his fury, but each time his sweeps were getting it no where.
On his eighth sweep, he roared and swung his right arm, stronger and faster than the others. As before the vampire evaded, but less than a second after he had swung his right, he smashed his clawed left fist into the ground. Knocking the surround vampires off guard and some to the floor. Next his right arm swung again back to his right side with incredible speed, sending several vampires flying.
The wolf now pulled back his left arm from the ground lunged at one of the vampiress, grabbing her tightly slowly squeezing her. She tried to ply the clawed fingers off her but he only tightened his grip on her.
The wolf's grip became so tight she was screaming in agony. It was crushing her bones; her screams fell on deaf ears. Wolf was ignoring the screams and lashing out at the other vampires trying to get their screaming ally back. The vampire looked up at, straight into my eyes, was it coincidence or did she deliberately look at me? I never found out. I began to move forward before receiving a firm grip to my shoulder.
"No, boy you can't go you'll be ripped to shreds and you'll die to. I'm not having that!" The wolf I had followed pulled me back aimed his gun, which was a Spas of some form and fired it at the wolf's hand.
The shell fragments fizzed in the wolf's skin doing some damage, a lot more than the weapons, the wolf's gripped loosened, but for only a second before clenching on the vampiress again. The unusual things is that the bullets were silver.
"How come you have bullets which could kill you? We are weak to silver!" I yelled at him.
"We have some silver for developing cures to our weakness and occasions like these!" He reloaded his Spas flicking the old smoking shell out. The vampiress was barely breathing, she was bleeding black blood from her lower torso and waist; she probably wouldn't last much longer. 'She can't die, only from a stake in the heart right?' I didn't know then, there was so much I didn't.
In a last desperate attempt to break free, the vampiress threw her head back drawing her fangs. She screamed something in some foreign language that I didn't know and sank her fangs into the wolf's hide draining its blood.
The wolf yelped for a second the first proper damage done to it. This however didn't last long its rage came back. You could see it rippling through its body and it roared at the vampiress. It shook her to try and loosen her grip, but like when she was screaming his shakes didn't loosen her grip, she merely tightened hers. Then it howled to the moon for release from the attack, somehow it could see what it wanted. Getting no reply he went to throw the vampiress and he would of if not for-
WHPSH! WHPSH! WHPSH! The sound of a whip hitting flesh, hard. I tilted my head to see what it was and from behind the wolf I could see a girl with unusually curly hair, but she had a sweet face, Danni. The wolf let go off the vampiress and she fell to the floor, he paused and didn't move as a couple of other vampires picked the badly wounded comrade up and into the shade of the trees to safety.
The wolf then slowly turned its face full of anger and hatred like when a bully calls you something horrible and you stop turn around and deal with them. He screamed at her, (or as close as a wolf gets to screaming) Danni froze.
"No Danni! Run!" she didn't move frozen in fear, I felt the Lycan's hand go on my shoulder.
"I know you want to all off us do, but you must stay here." I brushed his hand off inside I was crying my eyes out.
'She is close I can get her.' I sobbed internally.
'But you'll be told off by Danyelle and Frances and this Lycan.' Conscience was right as per usual, but I couldn't stop myself.
'I'm useless I can't defend myself, save Abi or Danni the two people I care about most.'
'Look! You like Danni, Like you said. I know you more than you know yourself. This is your chance to be a hero and not be useless for a change. I wasn't saying don't go just saying what would happen if you did! So what you going to do? Go in there and save the day or be a good little boy and watch Danni get minced?' That surprised me conscience the sane part of me was telling to risk myself for the girl I cared about.
I fired one shot of my Winchester, which glanced, on the wolf arm, it made him filch. I threw my gun to the side and sprinted to Danni's aid. The Lycan tired to stop me, but by the time he had raised his hand I was by the wolf' side.
I sprinted past the wolf in a blur, I made him stumble. Now Danni was right in front of me, frozen with fear concentrating on nothing than the Feral wolf in front of her. I slammed my front foot down which stopped me before I hit Danni and like in a car when you are going fast and you put on the hand brake you spin around, so did I.
I was now facing the wolf I could see its face that looked liked beasts', but only more fury. this wolf was like the boy from the Eigejia morph covered in fury and very muscular.
"Don't you touch Danni." I drew my Katakana and rested the tip off the blade on the ground. "I'LL KILL YOU!!" the wolf breathed out several times each time different lengths of exhale as if he was trying to talk to me. The part of me that could make out wolf translated it:
'Unlike you I'll kill on one hit'
"Try it trash!! I'll return the pain a thousand times over!!" The wolf had now had enough of me. He swung his arm at me to throw me aside. I tried to duck but his arm was to low and fast for me. I was sent flying into a nearby tree. When I look up the wolf was moving towards Danni. I saw Danyelle in the corner of my eye, she was looking at me and was mouthing something:
'Arg! What is she saying?'
"Moon" of course it was the last night of the full moon. I slid in front of Danni, pushed her back.
"Tris what are you doing?" the wolf was a metre away and had pulled back his arm to smash Danni and me.
"Not this time! you over grown whelp!"
I starred at the moon, as if it was a diamond in the night sky. My heart began to race, I could hear it beating as if it wee in my ear. The wolf halted, padded a few steps and smashed onto all fours.
"Tris? Tristan! TRISTAN! What's happening? You don’t have to do this!" I could hear her begin to cry.
"Danni I do, but I'm scared."
"Don't be it thrives of negative emotions." She giggled "Good advice a boy once told me." I could feel beast rise up inside me taking over. I threw my over coat and shirt off.
"Danni I don't know if I can do this" I could hear the 'incident' in my head as beast spread inside me. The screaming of Mum. The shouting of Dad. The laughter of my biter and what he said:
'I'll find you kid, one day well meet again, for the better or the worse.' Maybe that was him in his morph state. Perhaps that was why I did understand Him. 'If your scared its your biter. I isn't, he would have gone straight for you and he would be talking to you first.' Conscience was again right.
"Believe in yourself, I believe in you Tris!" She hugged me loosely, let go and ran back to the others.
Morphing was slow and painful like all the times before. unlike in the Eigejia it was smoother then. Now it was not always extending and changing it was jagged which increase the pain. I winced and shouted in pain several times.
As I morphed I contemplated what had happened over the past days, my family had disown me. Attacked by the hunters of Michael and my biter. Saved by the Children of the Beast. Battled outside their grand city and now was about to tangle with a feral wolf. 'Boy, I have had some bad things happen to me and all in the last three days.'
My arms had finished extending, they had taken ages I'm wasn't sure on the exact time but about five minutes. The wolf grew impatient, I don’t know what he was waiting for he could have finished me before but he hadn't. I felt my spine start to shift and extend I felt the vertebra pop out of place one by one. I howled in pain. I looked around to see everyone reaction.
The formation had spaced out it was about five meters in diameter around the wolf and me. I twisted my head to see Danni in the corner of my eye. She was standing in between Lorna and Yaz; both had their artefacts drawn staring at the wolf. Where as Danni was starring straight at me. I notice she had tearstains down her face. She was crying? 'No she can't be it must have been from when I skied in front of her must have caught her or she has something in her eye.'
However I had a fifteen-foot tall feral wolf to deal with and I had nearly finished morphing only the snout left. Before my vocal chords could not speak I uttered out a sentence:
"Now it's time t-to k-kick your sorry w-wolf hide to h-he-hell!" It was only just understandable. I watched as my mouth and nose became a snout.
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i kinda borrow a bit from naruto and got a bunch of cliches in but meh