The Children of the Beast

Bad dreams bad day

3 years later after the 'Incident'. I still live in Shaftesbury in the same house. I have nine GCSEs I'm going to collage in either Leeds or Poole. Dad has not talk to me since the 'Incident', he just makes breakfast, lunch, tea then he sits at his chair every night reading the paper whilst looking at mums photo, I just go to my room and study. I have not morphed since the incident. I just close the door: the curtains, shut my eyes, I see what happened that night. But on this particular night three years later I hear what the werewolf said to me that night 'I'll find you kid, one day well meet again, for better or worse' I don't remember what happened after that until the next Morning.

"Wake up"
"W…what?" I mumbled
"Look son, I can't take it anymore"
"What do you mean?" I'm starting to get worried now, Dad looks serious.
"Everyday I see you, you remind me of your mother more and more, and I just can't take it!"
"What?! You I was not my fault!"
"I'm sorry"
"Is that all your going to say? Sorry?!"
"Forget it, I'll leave."

I decided to head to the only place I knew other than home that was home, I went to Castle Hill. It was gloomier than last time, but still had the feeling of someone watching you. Then I heard something I did not want to hear. A scream, a death scream; a roar. I closed my eyes; I heard a pant then a bone tingling voice said " Open your eyes!" I did so uncontrollably and saw before me pieces of a human body assembled to make the sentence 'leave and nether return!'

I ran for the train station, my heart in my mouth, I felt a rage arise in me, I quelled it. With my stuff on my back I ran and ran. Everyone seemed a blur, come to think of it I must have seemed a blur, I was running so fast. I managed to stop my self, but I still wanted to continue. I struggled fighting the urge, scratching; biting myself to stop 'the beast inside.' I felt my arms and legs start to extend. I fought and fought until the rage was quelled. "Ha ha ha, that was very interesting, but I suggest you keep running!" It was the man from, the 'incident' the man that bit me. "Like I said you should keep running!"

"No and you can't make me!"
" Oh yes I can, trust me I can"
"Like how? If you think words scare me think again!"
"Considering you have morphed once and I'm the one that bit you also just consider I could have eaten you." "You have to ask yourself one question: do you feel lucky? Because if you do make my day."
He was right, he would tear me into pieces. I tried to appeal to his better nature (if he had one.) " Don't try and appeal to my better nature I have not got one." He must been able to get inside my thoughts, but hopefully not into my head.
'If he can read your thoughts then don't think.' Apparently I have not my sense of humor in drastic times, but the strange thing was that it was my conscience talking. I have not heard it since the incident 'or I have a better idea, he can't read me if I do all the think and you do as I say then hew cant predict you.'
'Great I'll… we'll do it.' The mans face became an expression of great confusion as my conscience took control.

'Right now I have an idea if we make him angry he'll let his beast control him then the brains are on our side; he's putty in our hands.' 'All we have to do is insult him and make it seem like we want a fight after that beast will have to help.'
'Beast what are you insane!'
'No! Shut it will you, we'll need his speed if you want to out-run this guy.' I was right now all I had to do was: Insult the wolf-man until he would kill so I can out run him (insane plan or what?)
"So what is it going to be boy? What is it going to be?"
"You're all bark and no bite wolf-man"
"I'll give you ten seconds to run then you're lunch."
"Like I said-"
"-All bark and no bite, you're to scared to face me!"
"You what! Gr 9,8!"
"You think 'cause I don’t know my own strength that I'm timid, well old wolf-man. Bring it on!" I saw his arms start to extend, then I saw that his jacket had poppers instead of seems for easy removal. I started to question myself, but my conscience kept me charm
" You've got cocky boy and no wolf in his right mind would get cocky with his biter! 7,6,5!"
"That’s just it. I'm a16 year old wolf teen not a wolf. I don't have a right mind you screwed it up; for my little gift in return. I'm going to kick your sorry wolf hide to the spawn pit you came from!" I felt Beast getting angry he wanted to fight and so did I. the illusion we had created to work on the wolf-man was working on him and us 'Stop getting angry he's rebounding the plan on us.'
'Right, sorry'
'Sssh! He'll get the plan.'
"4,3,2,1…Hhhhoowwl!" he ran towards me roaring, I thought I would hear a scream then everything go black, but it didn't. I roared and just before his claw struck me, I jumped over him, kicked him in the back landed on the floor on all fours and ran.
The plan was for me to run of in one direction to the wood ahead. Then when I came to a crossroads in the wood go down each route, then go back to the cross roads then roll in mud to lose my scent; run as fast as my legs would carry to the train station.

When I got to Gillingham I was still alive so the plan had worked, I suddenly realized that I was not wearing my coat… B**** my favorite coat is being torn apart by a werewolf.
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the things in ' ' are the main characters thoughts