The Children of the Beast

going on the train to somwhere

The station was bustling with people; this would help me blend in. I sat down, check my bag for tickets. There were two of them, I took them out. One was from Gillingham to Poole there was a change over where we had to go on a different line; the other was from the change over station to Leeds. (I was planning to go to Leeds College or Poole College) So it looked liked who ever bought the tickets, was planning I case something bad was going to happen, but the only person who knew about the 'incident' was my dad and the wolfman. The odd thing is my cousin had sent me the tickets, she was going to be my roommate if I went to Leeds. Now however was not the time for questions I had werewolf casing me and I had a way of tricking him.
I went to the desk handed in the first ticket crossed my fingers and hoped the every thing would go to plan.
"Poole sir?" the lady at the desk asked"
"Yes" I replied
"Are you aware of the change over sir?"
"Yes thank for reminding me"
"The train will arrive in five minutes."
I went on to the platform walked over to the nearest bench, but on the bench was something you would not normally see on a bench: 'I will find you, you can't run Tristan!' I blinked rubbed my eyes looked at the bench again and the message was gone "Arg! This dude is in my head!"
At that moment the train arrived but no one else saw or heard coming it just arrived from no where. It was not a normal train it was a locomotive however it had a paint coat and Interior of a Southwest train.
"Climb aboard for Poole" an old groaning voice bellowed most people on the platform got on the train. As I went to climb up to a carriage the old man who shouted earlier stopped me. "Sorry sir can I take a look at your ticket?"
"Why? You can but why?"
"You'll see. Ah! Can you come with me sir." He took me to the very front carriage where there were only about seven other people who all looked depressed or about to cry. "Sit here sir, food will be along shortly." One of the men who was sat next to me said:
"Our Last Supper"
"Huh? What are you talking about?" I asked
"The food! It's our Last Supper"
"Right… I'm Tristan what's your name?"
"Piers" he was about 5 ft 6 inches, he was podgy had a red brown badly cut hair. "What are you?" he asked
"Huh? What do mean?" he was about to reply, a voice echoed around the carriage.
"Ladies, Gentlemen and creatures. We are fast approaching the change over station." The old mans voice sent a shiver down my spine. There was a noise all of us turned to the source of it to see what it was.
There before us stood the old man In priest robes that a brother from a monastery would wear. However that was not the problem. The fact that he was holding a silver sniper rifle coating it in holy water and loading it with silver stake bullets was.
"This can shot the fleas off the wolfs back at 900 yards and now its aiming at your heads!" "Open the slots" he yelled
"Slots what slots?"
"You'll see" he began to laugh. At that moment slot all around the train opened sending in white light. Piers started to change and scream. He was morphing. The others drew fangs. Vampires. The old man (who I guessed was priest) started praying as one of the girls behind me finished morphing into her vampire state. She leapt at the priest; shouted:
"Thou shall not kill. Blessed are those who are m-" However before she finished. The priest took aim; shot at her heart. She fell to the floor shrieking; dissolved into goo with her organs burning inside her. 'I'm sorry who ever you are. May god forgive you of your sins and save you.'
"Now you're all going to die, but whose next?"
"Why are you killing us?" one of the vampires asked
"For you are creatures of hell and you all have committed crimes against Christ!" he shot the vampire that asked the question.
Now I had enough I was going to protest for our innocence, I might help or not but this was not fair:
"What do you mean? It's not our fault we are like this! Maybe some of us our Christians?" I said this whilst holding my hands together and my eyes close. Well if I'm going to die then god should know that I'm sorry and I hope everyone I know lives a good life etc.
"It does not matter you are pestilence; you must be exterminated!" he bellowed "Wait. Why have you not morphed boy?" I looked at my arms, they had not changed.
"Maybe I'm in control?"
"You can't be! A pup like you… you shall die!" I opened my eyes to meet my maker and see my destroyer. It was about to be all over or so I thought. At that moment a hand grabbed mine a voice whispered in my ear:
"Hold on and don't let go!" a women or should I say vampiress about 5 foot 9 inches, black mid length (to shoulders) layered black hair. Dressed in a black corset with black silk full-length skirt stood in front of me she was beautiful and fearful being a vampire.
She pulled me of my seat, dragged me to a window. She screamed as she did wings came out of hear back. Massive black bat wings. She broke the window with them and gracefully jumped out of it, however seeing as was holding her hand I was also dragged out of the window not so gracefully. She then grabbed me with her other arm so I was dangling below her. We flew for about two minutes before we landed outside a train station or really she dropped me; she landed gracefully. I checked the station name with my left over ticket. The station was the change over station, so everything was going to plan.
"Hey! Sweetie what's your name?" the vampiress asked
"Well Tristan why did you not change?"
The fact that a vampiress in her morphed state was In front of me I decided to tell the truth.
"I don't know"
"Fine then dinner it is, if you can't change then your dinner!" she grinned showing her fangs. She leapt onto me; pulled my shirt off. She stop as she saw the reason I had not done P.E in three years, why dressed myself eyes closed; why my mum was dead! "That's some bite you have got. Who bit you?"
"I don't know we didn't exactly exchange pleasantries. Now run!"
"He is awake!" The vampiress dissapered. I got my shirt back on and ran inside the train station toilets.
I had not felt this pain in three years then it was quicker, now everything was going agonisingly slow. My left arm had just got half way to full extension when the toilet door swung open as a man dressed In religious clothing (as far as I could see from inside a cubicle) stepped in. It was the priest from the train.
"I smell a wolf" "Where are you boy?" I heard him cock his rifle. "That boy Piers was not much of a fight. He died instantly."
"Thou shall not kill! Blessed are those who are merciful!" "That's the rules you should live by why are you not following them!" the pain on my arms was horrendous.
"We are not catholic." " The Catholic's rewrote the bible!"
"Then who is we? Jahovers?"
"No we are the Hunters of Michael"
"Who the hell are they?"
"Hunters from every kind of Christianity each born with a ability. We are hunters of hell. Like you" suddenly a voice boomed around the toilet:
"A drum, A drum, The dead shall come"
"When shall we all meet again."
"In thunder lightning or in pain."
"When heavens wrath is done.
"When the battles lost or won."
"Who the hell is there?" shouted the priest
"The monsters nightmare." "The children of the Beast." The priest fired all his shots in his cartridge. Beast inside knew what to do as if he said 'that’s my cue.' I ran at the cubicle door and broke it down. I ran for the priest took his gun and snapped it in two, then ran out of the toilet put my ticket through the desk ran onto the train. A few miles south east a wolf was moving at 30kph along train tracks roaring on a rage for a 17teen year old pup had fooled him once to many.