The Children of the Beast

Artefact tournement

Danni closed her eyes briefly, when she opened them they had changed completely. Her pupils stayed the same but around the pupils it looked like an eclipse when the moon has blocked the sun and the light shines around the black disc. The coloured bit of her eyes were black and the rest a bloodshot.
She jumped ten feet in the air spread her wings, and flew at the vampiress. She hit with strength sending the vampiress flying.
"Right" I yelled at the werewolf "Come on then. It's my job to take you down. So bring it on!" "Hhhhoowwlll!"
I ran at him and he charged at me. I was slowly morphing it was agony. A few seconds later we were about to collide; my arms were no where near fully extended, so he sent me flying. I smashed against the city wall back first "Arg!" My arms clicked back into their sockets, "Right all bones back in place now time to extend them."
The werewolf charged at me again, I was still against the wall pinned, but he was going at full pelt and could not changed direction.
'If you could jump high it might save you.' conscience suggested
'Wuh? Oh well its worth a shot.' I bent my knees and hoped for the best, I could her each paw and hand touch the ground, as he grew closer. A split second before he smashed my body to pieces against the wall, I released the tension in my muscles jumping as high as I could over the werewolf.
I landed facing him. He had smashed into the wall headfirst; was now in a rage. He looked at me, but did move, I was in her swipe range and he didn't move.
I looked at myself I had almost completely morphed for the second time, all except the snout. "This is gunna hurt aaahhh-ooowwwlll!" 'Take over Beast just don’t hurt Danni!' Now the werewolf swiped, but Beast grabbed her arm and threw him against the wall.
Even though Danni had caught the vampiress of guard, now she was struggling. The vampiress was stronger than she was and with her injured leg the fight was going the vampiress's way. The vampiress jumped into the air, as she did she hit Danni onto the floor. She roused into the air until she above the top of the city wall. She wrapped her wings around her, covering her head and upper body. She began to plummet to the ground right above Danni spinning as she did.
The spinning vampiress was growing closer to Danni; Danni shut her eyes ready for the end. It would have been the end.
'Beast! Danni's in trouble your going to help, deal with this later.' We didn't move 'Fine that’s it we are de-morphing. I have stopped you coming out for three years. I am stronger than you, you'll do as I say!' Once I had said that Beast turned around, bent our knees and dived at the spinning vampiress. Beast grabbed her wings veering her off, unfortunately dragging us underneath.
As the vampiress went spinning out of control with us underneath, we hit the floor at about a forty-five degree angle. We were in one piece, but badly hurt. However the vampiress was up and all right, she had a opportunity to go for the final blow, but we were not her opponents so attacked Danni and returned to fighting her.
I realised we had forgotten about the werewolf, who was now back up and closing in on Danni, who being preoccupied hadn't noticed. 'Oh no you don't you son of a bitch!' which would have been quite accurate if he was born a werewolf. Beast ran towards him a break neck speed, jumped over him grabbed his foot and flung him onto the top of the wall (he seemed to enjoy doing that.) and climbed up after him. When I reached the top I noticed two things: One there was writing on the gate not small hand written, but massive Green Letters spelling out something. Two the werewolf.
By now the werewolf was up and angry, very angry. He charged at beast and we charged back. 'Come on its my job to take you down and I will this time!'
"Hhhhoowwlll!" We collided and locked like a rut with dear, head against head, hands locked a stalemate. He was stronger, I was faster and Beast probably had quicker reactions. 'Beast idea trick him let him win, collapse and use our quick reactions to catch him of guard!' Beast was reluctant, but the werewolf was stronger and he could not help but follow my idea or lose; that was not an option. Our legs gave way, he fell on top of me trying to slash at my throat, but our quick reactions saved us, as I had planned, before a single claw could touch us, beast sent his foot into him sending of the wall wailing.
Now it was our turn we ran in the direction he fell of and leapt from the edge landing beside him wining on the floor. Our hand grabbed his head a tilted it back fully exposing his neck; with a quick precise bite to the neck finished him. He returned to human form instantly, as did I.
Danni was wrapped by the vampiress, its wings were around her restraining her whilst its arms were clawing at Danni's stomach. It clearly wanted Danni's misery of defeat to last.
"Danni!" I screamed I began to run over to the fight to try and help in any way, but what could I have done? I don’t know my heart was thinking not my head. "Get away from her vampiress! Or Die at my hands!" The vampiress heard this and flung Danni against the wall and turned to face grinning at it's new victim.
"Come on then Death awaits!" I snarled. The vampiress laughed and flew at me, I ducked and it missed me. Now in front of was Danni injured, behind me was the same fate, I had two choices one to run at my death, two run to Danni's aid and try and help her. Guess which one I took?
"Danni hang in there!" I charged towards Danni hoping she was Ok, calling on every ounce of lycan strength that was fast fading into a dormant part of my brain to help in some way. I heard the vampiress leap into the air in chase of me, but beast had given me his speed temporarily to die at Danni's side.
I reached her sweating like mad, crying my eyes out in fear, praying I would live. I fell to my knees in front of her begging for some kind of miracle. I don't know whether it was a big coincidence or not but Danni opened her eyes. "Danni don’t worry its me. I wont hurt you I-I-I-" she shunned me to the side of her, leapt up grabbed the vampiress neck, landed on the floor with the vampiress underneath, roared in its face and bit her neck. Both of them returned to human form instantly.
"What next?" Danni groaned getting of the girl. She was holding her stomach and blood was coming through her clothes.
"Y-Yo-you saved me!?" I gasped in shock still taking in what just happened.
"Yeah, she was my opponent, but please remember you saved me first. You put yourself on the line for me?" Danni was lying on the floor gasping for breath.
"Yeah… I did what of it?" I wiped my tears away and crawled over to her.
"You didn’t put you winning on the line you weren't morphed she would have killed you!" She winced in pain. I lifted her top to see the extent of the damage to her stomach, it was bad, most of the skin had been ripped away you could see her muscles.
I took of my overcoat and my shirt off ripping the shirt into several strips, I wrapped them around Danni as makeshift bandages, and I put the overcoat back on. "Thank you, now what next?" She looked me in the eyes, her eyes had returned to normal.
"The top of the wall." Her eyes didn’t move, my nose began to bleed.
"Why? Ha nose bleed." The tried to giggle but she winced instead.
"There's some writing at the top I think that might help us get the artefacts." I wiped the blood from my nose, slid my arms under Danni's head and knees; lifted her up groaning in the process, I'm not the strongest person.
I carried Danni to the wall. "Danni link your arms around my neck. I'm going to piggy back you to the top." She did and I swung her around me onto my back; I began to climb the wall.
I reached the top very near the writing. I hauled my self over the top grunting in the strain, I stood up to read the writing:
Championeth Receiveion Eigejia
"What does it mean?" Danni asked trying to make out the letters.
"Championeth, that be Champion, Receiveion, receive, Eigejia, well that’s obvious."
"So the champion receive Eigejia?" Danni questioned
"Yep, but to be a champion you have to beat everyone." I sighed "Me and you have not fought yet, that means I have to beat you or vice versa." Danni gasped, in shock and in pain
"I don't want to fight you, we've been through Hell!" she began to cry
"This is it the ultimate test: Can we fight our strongest even the ones we lo-like the most. It want's us to fight." Danni's arms squeezed me tight "but there's a loop hole, we don’t have to fight, our morphed mines can."
"But I don’t want to hurt you"
"You wont Danni your morph will hurt mine! I promise! Arg!" Beast couldn't wait to get out of his cage
"No mercy?" Danni whimpered
"No mercy! Arg!" Danni let go and fell to the floor, the writing in front of us flashed bright green, and when it finished all our major injuries became minor ones. Looked to Danni to check that she was ok, she was standing her face had changed it was a different person seeing through those eyes, she ran and leapt off the edge of the wall.
I became filled with worry, I ran to the edge and saw was now fully morphed and was now flying towards me. "Oh Balls!" I tried to out run her, but she was to fast for, I hadn't morphed yet beast hadn't even finished extending any limb I had very little hope.
However I still had my cloak and overcoat on. "Time for another bright idea." Danni was almost upon me when I untied my cloak and flung it at her. It hit her in the face sending her into a frenzy trying to get it off. This had given me time to get of the wall and into the tunnels.
Morphing is painful enough, but running whilst is worse, especially when running through jagged rocks. This however would not be a problem for Danni for she could simply fly over them. There was an alcove just in front I jumped over the last of the rocks and landed by it swiftly hiding in the cover it provided, I had given me a save place to finish morphing.

Danni threw off the cape, shrieked in rage. Leaping in the air she circled the Eigejia gate several times, searching for someone: me. She landed and began to look for sound vibrations, in other words she engaged her bat vision.
She felt several shouts, moans and one howl all from the same place. She shrieked and flew of in its direction. She flew over the jagged rocks to the source of the noise. However what ever made it didn't appear to be there. She went into the shade-covered alcove to listen and be hidden, but she heard nothing only feeling the breeze going through the catacombs. There must have been noise unless whatever had made the noise: me, didn't need to make any for it was ready to strike!
By the time Danni vampiress had figured this out it was too late. We pounced on Danni's back. He had her pinned and he could have finished, but he merely paused for a second then leapt off grabbed her wings and flung her into the jagged rocks; ran back to the Eigejia.
I never found why he did that, I guessed that he didn't like short fights or perhaps he was taking advantage of being free.
In the tunnels we had the advantage, but we were going into open ground so Danni would. He knew that so we were taking a big risk and he knew it. We stood with our back against the Eigejia wall a d waited for Danni to appear.
Suddenly a swarm of bat's came out of several tunnels they massed in one place to form a vampiress, Danni. It was a very dramatic entrance, but I think Danni had other things on her mind, like revenge.
She shrieked, well more a frequency noise, which only dogs could hear which was deafening, and Beast fell to the floor covering our ears in pain. Danni now rose high into the air until she was twice the height of the Eigejia wall. At the peak of her rise she covered the top half of her body with her wings and plummeted to the ground below.
'This must be some kind of vampire trade mark move'
This move should have been simple to avoid, but thanks to that frequency, We were groggy and dazed still g our senses recovering from it. We couldn't move. Danni was now only meters away and in less than a couple of seconds it would be over, she would win.
Suddenly Beast jumped up breaking the frequency's spell, however this was something neither Danni nor I was expecting. We hit earlier than expected, sending Danni out of her death spin; knocking her into the air confused. However it had serious repercussions on us. Even though we hit Danni out of her attack she was still falling at a very high speed so we were smashed to the floor and knock unconscious.
When we came round beast immediately check for bite marks, but there weren't any; Danni was no where to be seen and I was still morphed that meant that: One Danni had not bit me. Two Danni was still morphed. Three there was a fight to won. Beast leaped up and landed on all fours and did a triumphant howl.
There was a shriek in reply as a vampiress leaped from the top of the Eigejia gate, Danni. She landed perfectly on the ground as she rose up from a crouch her wings stayed behind her back tucked in.
She leant forward keeping her eyes on me, she was bowing, Beast replied with a bow, as we raised up from our bow to a straight back, she only raised a fraction so she was still leaning forward. She flung her arms out has if she was trying to hug, but she wasn't. She drew her fangs and claws and shrieked at me. She had moved into a fighting stance, Now we had to.
Beast moved our left leg forward into a running stance next the arms, he moved them into a drawing position like what you see in western films, and finally he hunched our shoulders and roared at Danni.
There was silence as we both took deep breaths; with the utmost silence we charged at each other. There was no noise coming from the paws or feat as we raced towards each other, complete silence everything seemed to slow down. Even though it was open air Danni didn't fly or even open her wings. In the open air she had a clear advantage, but on the ground we did. Danni was putting herself at great risk and she must have known this. We were faster than she was and our attack range was bigger, Danni didn't stand a chance against us on the ground.
We were meters away from each other, about to collide, when Danni did something out of the ordinary. She slightly untucked her wings and flapped them at the same time she jumped and tried to kick me. With the extra force and catching me of guard she would have succeeded if it weren't for our quick reactions, our back bent so we could touch the backs of our legs, however we were still running so it became a slide tackle, but we were vampiress chow. Danni flew straight over us and crashed into the ground behind me.
We turned round and began to advance on Danni, beast was taking his time. When we reached Danni, her wings covered her body, beast turned her over gently so as not to harm her. One of her legs was in a awkward position and was probably broken. Beast slowly went for the neck and by the time he was close enough to bite Danni had opened her eyes and gave a full teeth hiss to us. Beast growled and his head went closer to her neck.
Suddenly there was a sharp pain to my nether regions, Beast whimpered and fell to the floor, beast looked to se what she had done and we saw Danni other leg (the on she didn’t brake)raised in the air she must have kicked us, I explained the pain.
Now Danni use her wings to spring her self onto us and with a evil grin on her face bit our neck. Both of us returned to human form instantly.
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i no it goes on for a bit and there are loads of mistake but enjoy!