The Children of the Beast

Championeth Eigejia

"You Ok?" asked Danni
"Yep…Fine" I replied in slightly higher voice than usual "Now champion go and fetch you prise." Danni tried to get up but screamed and fell to the floor. "Are you ok? Or is that a stupid a question?" I immediately was at her side helping her. 'What the hell is going on with me?'
"I don't think so I must have badly injured my leg when I crashed." Her eyes began to water "How am I going to get to the top of the gate?"
"Sh sh sh! Don't worry I'll help and don't forget I have to get to the top as well, I'll carry you like I did before."
"Are you sure I don't want to burden you."
"I'm positive, I would be offended if you didn't." Like before I slid my arms under Danni's head and knees; lifted her up, she whimpered in the process, when we reached the wall Danni linked her arms around my neck and I swung her around me onto my back; I began to climb the wall.
We reached the top Gasping for breath, the boy and the girl grabbed my arm and pulled us up, the boy taking most of my weight and the girl lifting Danni off my back and taking her weight, helping us walk to the words which were now flashing brighter. We stopped in front of the letters.
The Letters light became concentrated, shining upwards not all around, the light reached the ceiling of the cavern, but the light on the ceiling of the was not the same as the writing on the gate. It said:
State your name
Danni stated:
"Danielle Ridgena." The reflection changed to:
Danielle Ridgena You Are the Championeth of Eigejia. Claim your prise.
At that moment the gate below opened and a wall moved out of the gate, but this was no ordinary wall. It had artefacts sticking out of. Gold, silver, Bronze and steel artefacts. I guess for what position you came in the tournament
Danni tried get up but failed. The others helped her up; took her weight and carried her to the writing once they walked through it she leapt of the gate to where the wall of artefacts was. I tried to run after her worried that she may have hurt herself, I ran toward the edge but the lights acted as a barrier.
The light n the ceiling changed again:
Who came second?
"I did!" I growled at the gate trying to push through the light, but unsuccessful.
Who is 'I'?
"Tristan Boedhurst!"
Tristan Boedhurst, you came second and cannot follow Danielle until she claims her prise.
I heard a grinding as part of the artefact wall slid back into the Eigejia.
Claim your prise.
I did as Danni did and as walked through the rays of light all my severe wounds form scars or healed until they were only just visible, and small injury's disappeared. I jumped from the gate and landed in front of the silver artefacts.
There were swords, staves, bows; maces any close range weapons that exist now. There was several of each weapon, each with different animals on each.
The weapon type that I went to was the Katakana's. I glanced at several, but one really caught my eye. It had a wolf's head sticking out at the bottom of the handle. Where the handle joined the blade, it had a wolf with its mouth open as if howling and the blade came out of the mouth. There were several Japanese characters on the blade, but I don't read Japanese.
I was about to pick up the weapon when Conscience suggested a question:
'Aren't Werewolf's allergic to silver?''
I asked the Eigejia the question, it replied this:
All these silver weapons, there ore's were not melted by fire, but by moonlight.
"How does that work?"
The same way you fry an ant with a magnifying glass.
"Right then, I choose this artefact." I took the silver katakana and its sheath from the wall and as the wall with the gold artefacts slid back into the Eigejia, the silver artefact wall did.
All four of us received our artefacts. Now all we had to do was get back, to the exact same tunnel.
"See you at the entrance!" the boy said as he ran off into the catacombs, you'd have thought he would have learnt but never mind.
"The same from me, good luck!" the girl farewelled as she walked into he catacombs.
I turned to Danni; she was smiling acute smile, which I was glad to see after god knows how long fighting down here.
"You'll need this." She gave me my cloak it had several claw mark in it, but it gave it character. I put it on; turned back to Danni and saw was gone. "Oi! Tristan hurry up!" she was by a tunnel entrance. I ran over to her, looked down the tunnel. No jagged rocks, no mist. Torches, on one side gold flames lighted it the other silver flames. "I think we follow the flames the same colour as our position we came in, they must retrace our steps to the entrance. "
We followed the torches for about fifthteen minutes talking about the fight, how it was weird the others attacked us, and we could control our morphs, what caused the light that came from the Eigejia wall. When we eventually reached a point where the torches went in separate directions.
Danni hugged me and walked off following the gold torches. I was left alone; I could feel a feeling of coldness and fear creeping over me. I shrugged it off and walked along following the silver torches.
Soon I was back at the podiums first, due to my fast walking speed some of my old friends called it route marching. I walked over to the one I arrived on turned around to face the catacomb entrance and waited.
After about ten seconds after I got on the podiums, the boy came running out. He shouted with glee and did a victory dance after which he noticed me.
"Right… You didn't see that."
"See what?" I smirked.
Not long after the boy arrived the girl appeared out of the catacombs. Her hair wasn't covering her face she looked much prettier, with a big grin on her face she shouted:
"I'm a BANNANA!" she giggled and got onto her podium. Now we were waiting for Danni.
There was a long pause as we waited, occasionally broken by the girl humming part of a song then forgetting the next bit.
There was a giggle from behind Danni's podium. We all turned to the source of the noise. Danni was there giggling away to her self crouched behind her podium.
"You guys cant be good at hide and seek." She gasped for breath "You don't look very hard." She burst into laughter.
"Danni!" I had to stop myself from laughing "Come on get on the podium."
"All right" she had one last little giggle "There's no need to be bossy." She got onto the podium, as she did they twisted 180 degrees to face the wall behind us where Danyelle had appeared and was now standing.

"Well done all of you, you all made it out in piece and with your minds intact." She congratulated us. "Now please show me your artefacts."
Each of us did. Danni had a golden whip, which had a tiger head at the bottom of the handle, the whip it self looked like it was stripped.
I showed my katakana. The girl produced a bronze chakram; I could not make out the animal. The boy drew a steel long sword, which had a serpent head at the bottom of the handle and the blade design was as if it was scaled. "Excellent, you all have chosen weapons that suit you. All you have to do now is present them your new hardened selves to the rest of us, welcome to the family."
The platform with all the podiums on raised until we were back stage in the tavern behind the curtain. We stepped off the podiums and Danyelle told us to draw our weapons. After which the curtains flew open and we walked to centre stage.
There was an uproar off cheering and clapping as we stepped forward showing our artefacts, we felt like hero's returned from a victory. Danyelle whispered in my ear "Bow!" I did and the others followed. "I now pronounce you Children of the Beast!"
We got of the stage and spent the rest of the night celebrating. Danni disappeared though. Not long into the celebrating the girl approached me.
"Hi, Tristan isn't it?" she asked
"Hi, yeah it is and you are Banana right?" she giggled
"No it's Yasmin, but call me Yaz for short. Oh and that is my older yet shorter sis-"
"Yaz! What are you saying about me now? Hi, I'm Lorna; you fought my sister here. Whams your name kid?" Lorna was a lot shorter than Yaz she was about 5 ft 2 inches tall, slim, bright white hair with red eyes, she was an albino, munching on packet of skittles.
"Tristan. Yeah, I did very briefly; I stopped her from doing that aerial spin attack. Oh got to go." I saw Abi signal me over, I pushed my way through the crowds and reached Abi. "Yeah Abi? You rang." I tried to do an impression of the Adams family butler, but it failed.
"How was it?" she asked
"Hard, tiring, painful, but I came second." My eyelids were feeling really heavy
"Yeah you look tired. I need to talk with you in the mourning so we are heading off ok?" I didn't really have much choice but I didn't feel like getting hammered, so I followed Abi home, dived into bed.
I slept having no idea the mesh I had willingly entered.
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not a action packed chapter created for last one getting to long. enjoy