The Children of the Beast

Michael Mass

The room was dark inside you could see a faint out-line of pew's. At the end of the pew's there was a glint of silver, a alter made of silver with religious events (all evolving angels.) on which a mahogany cross, but this cross had silver wings coming from the back and wrapping around it, to protect it.
Suddenly there was a clank. Slots opened in the ceiling to sending in a white column's of light, moonlight or sunlight unable to see. These columns shone behind a stone table, which was shaped like a crescent moon. Behind it several grand looking chairs each different in design but in a same theme, slaying.
There was a sound of wood hitting the floor; it came again; again repeating in a rhythm. The rhythm became louder; louder.
Out of two doors near the table, at opposite sides of the room, which I could, make out was cross-shaped. Came Older men dressed in robes, similar to those of the priest on the train, but much more magnificent, as if a high rank.
They all walked to the crescent table and each sat in the grand chairs, as they did the wood rhythm stopped.
"I call this meeting of the Hunters of Michael, to order!" the old man in the centre chair bellowed in a deep crackly voice. "First on the agenda: the Iron seraphim attack on Gillingham line. Bring forth Brother Marcus."
The priest from the train attack burst through the great wooden doors; began to march quickly in his robe from the attack, he clearly had not changed or since the attack as his robes was covered in dried blood. When he got to the crescent table, bowed and knelt with his head low. "You may rise."
"I would rather kneel" the priest- Brother Marcus stated.
"You may. Now was the operation a success?" Marcus sighed before raising his head to answer.
"Mostly." The elder's face screwed up as if he'd sucked a lemon.
"Mostly!? What do you mean mostly?"
"Two got away." Marcus had closed his eyes and bowed his head in shame knowing what was going to happen.
"Which two?" The elder was now very angry.
"Boed…hurst and somehow Steward Charlieton got onto the train."
"What! How did she get on the train?!"
"I don't know" Marcus snarled. "I have the mages on that. The entrances t were locked and guarded."
"No others escaped?"
"No elder, only those in body bags." Marcus fist was clenched, wanting to lunge at the elder, but knowing he couldn't.
The elder looked at the stone tablet in front of him on the table, it had all the punishment and rewards to follow, written long ago.
"You shall spend two days in the shrine of lonely angel, fasting and praying for forgiveness, for your failure." Marcus's fist were clenched so tight his arm was shaking "But, for taking out so many in such a short period with only a couple of survivors, you will be promoted to head guardian of project halo. Now go!" Marcus stood up, bowed low and walked backwards to the grand doors, eyes not leaving the winged cross. He left the room shutting the great doors behind him
"That brings us onto the next objective on the agenda: Project Halo, bring in Dr. Belivehurst."
One of the great doors opened slowly, a man entered, in his mid-forties by looks, he began to walk towards to crescent table with a quick, nervous shuffle. His robes had been altered to look like a lab coat, he had big circular glasses with extra lenses similar to those of a watchmaker. He stopped before the altar, bowed quickly, then stood at ease.
"You called elders?" he said in a nervous very upper class British accent. "What are your wishes?"
"A progress report on the project doctor." The doctor's face lit up.
"Ah well that’s easy." The nervousness had gone from his voice. "The new volunteer shall we say, is the best yet, his immune system is beyond any I have ever seen. His ability is suited perfectly for flight. We are ready for phase two of the project." He smiled
"That is?" the elder questioned, leaning in intriguingly. The doctor moved closer, passed the altar to right in front of the crescent table.
"Giving him another ability, it be a weak one, but if that succeeds then we have suitable bases to create halo. Giving the Children of the Beast a run for their money and there souls." There was a cheer. The doctor chuckled quietly to himself, bowed quickly and left through the door he had come from.
"Now finally on the agenda: A new brother has returned from pilgrimage."
"how is that different to normal?" Questioned a younger elder.
"He has returned from the Holy Land, been to all the angelic events locations, preached the word of God and Michael, finally he has apprentice." The elder said proudly.
"How long has this taken him, ten years?" asked the elder
"One. Just one, though with his ability he can do it easier than most. He has requested our blessing." The elder who had been asking questions now stated astonished by what he had just heard:
"Then he shall be blessed, to do things like that in such a short time, he deserves it."
"send him in." Ordered the centre elder
The doors burst open a tall thin, heighten man walked through them. As he walked he clinked, the closer he got to the altar and the crescent table, you could see armour. Instead of robes, he light armour, it was a shadow grey colour, the bottom of the armour was came out over his higher leg, like a tail suit, his arms swung lose, but always his hands brushed a pair of 'white knives'.
He nodded at the winged cross and stopped in front of the crescent table, did a small subservient bow.
"Elder's" the man bellowed rather dramatically.
"Finaer, always a pleasure" replied the centre elder.
"Is it true?" asked the elder who was being inquisitive
"Yes elder all of it. Thanks to Gods gifts and will" Finaer grinned.
"You wish for our blessing?"
"Yes elder's I do." He nodded
"Hold on!" an elder on the far left side stood up he had a very long grey beard. "You may have done some good stuff, but any missionary can do that. We are the Hunters of Michael. We send Satan's shadows back into the dark. Now Brother Marcus failed to kill two enemies: Charlieton, we have been at since I became a brother, Boedhurst was it? He has appeared and could be a possible threat if Charlieton deliberately saved him." There was a lot of murmuring of agreement.
"Order, continue Elder Malachi."
"I suggest: Brother Finaer here takes care of him." More murmuring.
"Here here." Shouted the inquisitive elder.
"So we shall vote!" the main elder bellowed. "All in favour of Finaer assassinating Boedhurst?"
"Aye!" five elders not including the centre elder for he had to be impartial. "Then it is agreed, Finaer you shall go to Leeds and take care of Boedhurst. First go down to the Jericho Laboratory and collect an arsenal, arrange your own transport, take care of Boedhurst."
"When should I do this? How often does he met with the C.o.t.B?" Finaer asked with worry on his face of what, it wasn't clear.
"I don't know, but if he's new he'll go to as many meetings as possible." The inquisitive elder pondered.
"Then I will go in ten day's I will take a week to prepare and pray. Finaer said with his eyes closed.
"Then may the Creator, the Word and the Holy Ghost be with you for now and eternity. Amen." After these words Finaer dissappered in a blur.
"Nathan!" Finaer yelled
"Yes sir?" a small voice replied.
"We have a trial by fire and it's easy!"
"What is it sir?"
"Taking out a little werewolf."
"Surly he'll be protected s-sir?" the small voice stuttered.
"You ok Nathan?" Finaer opened his eyes.
"Yes sir, just memories. Won't he be protected?" Finaer grinned
"Maybe, but all I need is a good Samaritan-"
"Huh? I don't understand." Finaer sighed, reached into his armour pulled out a huge revolver and spun it in his long fingers
"-And some big silver stake bullets!"
"Now I see. How long have we got?"
"You ask to many questions, relax, we have two days and week to prepare, child's play." Finaer laughed.
"Just as master said."
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the last line becomes relevant later remember it!