The Children of the Beast


Wake up! Tristan wake up!"
"Huh? What? Five more minutes!" I moaned
"No, wake up I need to talk to you… Now!"
"Ok, ok, but I wish you would knock and turn the lights on first, maybe I'm not decent?" I snapped, I was never very nice once woken up.
"I did." Abi smirked and pointed to the light which was on, very dimly
"Oh… in that case what is it?" Abi sat down on the end of my bed; she was in black silk nighting gown.
"Who bit you?" she looked at me with all serious.
"What I told you didn't I?" I began to pull my duvet over me, but Abi grabbed it stopping me.
"No. You just said a wolf-man did. How did he?"
"What kind of a question was that?! I was to busy trying to get him off to see how he bit me! do werewolves bit in styles?"
"No, not unless you are a very high class werewolf or vampire and they don't exist anymore."
"Why? Who were they?" Abi's face lowered as if she was not allowed to answer the question.
"They were all killed or banished then hunted by Michael or other slayers."
"Who are they? How come I have a style bite?" I persisted, Abi sighed and looked at me with her dark eyes.
"The lord's. Heads of our kind, they formed a shadow league to govern us. However the war came and tore them apart.
"Why you have a 'style' bite I have not got a clue, but if Michael know you have one, then you're dead meat." I gasped, I put my hand on my bite, and the thing that had caused so much trouble and could get me killed.
"Abi?" She was on her way to the door.
"Yes?" she turned around, she looked tired after all she was meant to go to sleep soon.
"Did you know about me, you know wolf wise?" she walked over to the window, it was raining out side and still dark.
"Your Dad, being the proud man he was. Told everyone in our family that you and your mum had been in a car accident at the bottom of Castle Hill, she had died and your were in a coma.
"However when you emailed me saying you were going to apply for Leeds college and was wondering if you could stay with me. I thought something unnatural had happened to you." She was staring out of the window looking for something I could tell by the way her eyes were moving.
"Why the two tickets? Why was Danyelle on the train?" Abi's head twisted away from me, her voice become very dark.
"I had received information that Michael was going to do a genocide attack on north Dorset, I had to get you out. I sent two tickets. Why train? Michael have several Locomotives and if more vampires and werewolves went by train, Michael would take them out they needed over fifty and you made number fifty. Also I sent two so you could escape your biter if he tried to case you." She got up and walked into the darkest part of the room were I could only just see her silhouette.
"So you knew they would bring forward the attack and I would get caught and die?"
"No!" she shrieked "It would mean we would move." She buried her head in her hands "If something went from a rumour to fact we would move and help. So you'd be safe!" She began to cry to her self "Safe from my horror, you live and not see the horror and inhumanity of Michael's Wrath! A bent out of control torrent of War, Death and chaos!" she slumped side ways laid on the floor weeping, she pulled her self to the window rivers of tears running down her face and the window pane. Not tears of water, tears of blood.
"Abi!" I ran to her, wrapped my arms around her holding her tight. "It's ok, I am safe. Thank you I owe you my life. What did Michael do to crush your strong, cool, brave soul? How did they crush my cousin?" Beast stirred in me, he wanted me to avenge Abi's loss. Abi lifted her head from the pane and buried her head in my shoulder.
"Five years ago Vicky, Grace and me were on a train to leads from home. The train was a locomotive, painted and furnished like a Virgin train. We got on and sat at the back all huddled together. The train began to move very quickly, faster and faster than any train should go. Everyone got scared, Grace began to get upset and worried, she didn't understand then neither did anyone else." Abi paused trying to hold back more tears, I comforted her.
"Then a shot was fired…another… a spray of shots… people screamed, a man burst through the door at the front of the carriage. We huddled closer together as close as we could, we got of the seats onto the floor but still behind the chairs in front.
"the man shouted: "Ha, you've all come to this tragic affair, you've put on make up sinners adore… Now you die! I am judge jury and executioner, and you are all guilty of crimes against God, your punishment death!" He opened fire killing everyone in sight. from what I could hear and see it was a Bren gun he was using.
"Blood trickled down the aisle, the gunfire had stopped. Vicky thought he had ran out of bullets and had to reload, she told me: "We've got to get out off here Abs! I'll stop the train." She raised her self up reaching for the emergency brake. She gasped and pulled the lever down and slid down to behind me.
"All of a sudden train grounded to a halt, the gun man fell over and his gun slid down the aisle. Vicky opened the cabinet for the hammer to brake the glass for emergency exit and took out the hammer. Now the gun man was up and storming forward to pick up his gun, he did, but stopped shortly to listened Grace was still crying. I covered her mouth, but it was too late he was now walking over to the back where we were.
"He stopped in front of us and grinned evilly. He was in a priest uniform, but it was covered in blood and soot. Vicky had raised the hammer to break the glass, but she had frozen when the priest appeared. He thought she was going to use the hammer to attack him, so to defend himself he took a stake from his jacket pocket and threw it.
"Vicky stopped breathing. He had killed her without giving her a chance. I didn't look around, I didn't want to see. I covered graces' eyes. The man now took out a small stake. "No!" I cried "She's just a girl, a innocent child! Leave her alone!" He cackled evilly "No my dear she has sinned and must die." He threw his smaller stake at grace, she stopped breathing. " Abi was now crying her eyes dry "I hugged her hard "No! No! Grace, Vicky! You'll pay for this" I hissed at him, swaying "No my dear wrong again, you will." He drew another stake and was about to throw it when footsteps echoed around the carriage, not a normal echo, a lifeless dreary echo. He turned to the source of it. "So, you have come to die?" he dropped the stake and reached for his Bren gun, but he was to slow and failed. "No, I have come to pay!" a voice snapped and before he could move there was a gun shot, not of his Bren gun of something much older. His head exploded and piece of brain went every where but on me, Grace and Vicky.
"Suddenly a woman walked through the carriage door, and when I say walked through the door I mean literally. She was about 5 foot 9 inches, black mid length (to shoulders) layered black hair. Dressed in a black corset with black silk full-length skirt. She pulled me to my feet, brushed away the tears and hugged me just like your are now she said: "There, there your safer now, don't worry there is no more priest like that here." She kissed me on the check and stroked my hair. "Frankie we were to late in getting here, only this one survived. Father wont be happy, but stuff him we saved the prettiest."
"The girl who had shot the priest now walked over, she wore purple and black finger-less gloves, purple Doc Martins, black skinny jeans, a purple corset and a black over coat. Her gun was a silver 18th century pistol. "I generally don't use this, it's more for show." She blew down the barrel, spun it in her fingers then stylishly dropped in her coat. "What are we going to do with her?" she asked the girl who walked through the door. "Bring her with us and turn her. First bury her sisters-" she looked at me for approval of the word, I nodded. "-Respectfully. Come on lets get you out of here, I'm Danyelle your are?" "Abi" I mumbled.
"I was still crying, but weekly when Danyelle lead me out of the carriage. She lead m to the side door, it opened and beyond it was a cubiod of dark cloth that blocked out all light, I could just see a ladder which was on the bottom of the cubiod, which went down to a open hearse door. I walked down the ladder into the hearse, followed by Danyelle and Frankie. You can guess what happened next." Abi drew her fangs and rested them on my neck and sheathed them again, to make sure I got what she meant. I hugged Abi tightly as if I would never let go.
"I'll never leave you Abi! I'll protect you and never leave your side in times of hard ship!" Abi's story had made me cry, I kissed her checks and held her for what seemed like hours. Whatever this bite I had was meant to symbolise, Abi deserved it not me.
It was raining in the Peak District, though the queue for Speedwell cavern was long. The mine had shut down just over a century ago due to bankruptcy, but has now been reopened for tourism purposes. The miners thought of a better way to transport ore: it was easier to push heavy objects if they were floating on water than on land. So they flooded the tunnels then they transported the ore in boats and pushed them to make transporting ore much easier.
The tours of the mine were mostly in boats, which went from one end of the main tunnel and back again. At the end of the main tunnel there is a cavern, with a deep pool in the centre, it is a deep as the Blackpool tower tall.
After long periods of time a man with black greasy dreadlocks; he was wearing a black long sleeved shirt with a series of gashes and trouser to match. Got to the front of the queue as he went through the first gate, he shut and locked it behind him.
"Oi! You can't do that! Open the gate now!" a tour guide yelled.
"No." the man growled "I will have a private tour, only one tour guide and me. No one else, the rest can go home." His voice sounded very cold and emotionless. Everyone reacted to what he said very slowly as if under a spell, doing exactly what he said.
As the tour guide kited him up and did the health and safety explanation, in a very monotonic slow tone. The man hummed a little tune to himself, the anthem of the Children of the Beast.
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yeah sorry it isn't terribly well paragraphed but it is on the word document this thing just wont indent