Status: eh

I'm escaping these four white walls

Where we are it's different. you could call it a different world, or just a the future of your world. But ether way here is different.
you see we have celebrity's just like you. But us celebrity's, we're different from yours. We don't entrain people in movies or sing or play sports or anything. Well we do but that's not why we're famous. We teach people how to be human. you see you get a choice. You can be Famous like us teaching people how they should act. Or you can go do something else like construction or be a doctor. The differences between all those choices and being a celebrity? Celebrity's don't get to re-think, they don't get to chose another carrier. And we don't go home. We stay here. You aren't allowed to escape. Your stuck in these 4 white walls teaching people how to be human.
All your life.
With out end.
With out freedom.
With out anything.
  1. Nothing
    "Kalie, put the chair down."
  2. The same way as me