Gilmore Girls: The Eighth Season

Last season on 'Gilmore Girls'

“Honey, I love you, I really do, but… I think we should wait.” Lorelai said softly, looking across the table at Christopher. The lights from the Eiffel Tower shone through the window, contrasting against the early morning sky.

“Come on, Lor. We love each other. We belong together. What do you say? Marry me.” Chris said, taking her hand in his. Lorelai looked into his eyes, a shy smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

A few days later they returned to Stars Hollow. Lorelai unlocked the doors to her house and walked in. She set the key on the table and looked around.

“Bonsoir, house.” She whispered, walking through the archway into the living room.

“Feels good to be home, huh?” Chris asked, coming in behind her.

“So good.” she said, sitting on the couch. “It’s funny when you go away, even on a short trip… everything looks a little different when you get back.” She said, continuing to look around as Chris took a seat next to her.


“Of course, now I’m seeing it with a French perspective.”

“How’ it look in French?” he asked giving a slight laugh.

“American and dusty.”

“I’m gonna go get the rest of our stuff.” He said, leaning over and kissing her before getting up. “Welcome home, Mrs. Hayden.”

Lorelai gives a slight smile as Christopher walks past her to get the bags. Once he’s out of sight she looks down at the glistening ring on her finger uncomfortably.


“What is going on with you two?” Lorelai asked Jackson while Sookie checked on Davey and Martha.

“Nothing.” He answered, walking into the kitchen as Lorelai followed.

“You’re acting strange.”

“No, I’m not.”

“So is Sookie. She’s all over the place she’s all weird and moody. The last time she was like that, she was pregnant.” Lorelai’s eyes widened when she realized what she said.

“What?” Jackson asked, giving her the same wide-eyed look.



“No.” Lorelai said, shaking her head.

“No.” Jackson agreed.


“Maybe?” Jackson said, his voice sounding more panicked.

“Jackson, I thought you got a vasectomy.” Lorelai gasped.

“Oh, so she says, “go get a vasectomy,” and I’m just supposed to go get a vasectomy?” he asked defensively.

“Well no you shouldn’t do it if you didn’t want to do it, but if you didn’t want to do it, you should’ve told her you didn’t want to do it.” Lorelai said, trying to keep her voice down so Sookie wouldn’t hear.

“I didn’t see the point. Now I see the point.” Jackson said, panic now clear in his voice.


“She said she was staying on the pill. She said it gave her skin a healthy glow.”

“Yeah, she went off it last month.”

“I know that now. You’d think that’s the kind of thing a wife would tell her husband.”

“Not when she thinks her husband had a vasectomy.” Lorelai pointed out.

“I know, I know.”

“Jackson, you have to tell her she’s pregnant.”


Lorelai woke up early in bed alone. Getting out of bed she checked out the window for Chris’ car in the driveway. As she noticed it wasn’t there the phone rang and she crossed the room to answer it.


“Hey, I didn’t wake you, did I?” Luke’s voice asked.

“Uh, no, hi. I’m up.” She said, surprised to hear his voice.

“I just had to tell you. I won.” He said excitedly.

“You won?” she asked, sleep still present in her voice.

“It’s incredible. I thought I was screwed. I mean, her lawyer dug up every last bit of dirt she could find on me but…”

“Oh. Oh, yeah. Luke, that’s great.” She said as she realized he was talking about his case against Anna for partial custody of April.

“Yeah, the judge waited until this morning to give us her decision. Oh, man, was that the longest night of my life. But I just got off with my lawyer. I get shared custody.”

“Wow. Congratulations.” She said, happy for Luke. She knew this was what he was hoping for.

“Yeah, I get to see April at least one weekend a month, every other holiday, half the summer. We’re gonna work it all out. It’s so great.”

“So great.”

“Yeah, I guess the judge just took everything into consideration and realized how much I wanted to be in April’s life. And, of course, your letter was a big help.” He said, referring to the character reference she had written per his request.

“Well, I just wanted to help you, help April.”

“Well, you did, and I’m really grateful. Anyway, uh, sorry to call so early. Thanks again.”

“Congratulations.” She said one last time before hanging up with a sigh.


“Now, when it comes to papers, I’m guessing that some of you, of course, will be asking me for an extension. You will be happy to learn that I have no problem with extensions.” Richard said, addressing his class at Yale. Rory smiled as she sat through her grandfather’s class and the other students gave light laughter at his remark. “Here’s what you do. You look at the due date of the paper, and then you mark it on your calendar two weeks prior to that date. And there you have it. I’ve just granted you a two-week extension. By the way, my office hours are every Tuesday morning, and you’re welcome to come to me with any questions or problems, economic or non. My expertise extends beyond Keynesian theory, and I will be happy to lend an ear. So, let’s get started. As you know, this course…” he said, his breath coming shorter. “Will take a specific look at… processes and determinants… of overall economic p…”

Richard let out a gasp and grabbed his arm. Rory’s eyes widened as she watched her grandfather slide to the floor. She stood up quickly and rushed to his side.

“Someone call 911!”


“It’s not just Luke.” Lorelai murmurs.

“Lor...” Chris starts.

“I mean, you were right. There are feelings there, because... when that ended, I just jumped.”

“I pushed you.” Lorelai shakes her head at his statement.

“I jumped. But if that's all there was -- if that's all it was, we could fix it, you know... with time.”

“But it’s not.” Chris whispers, realization dawning.

“You've always been this...possibility for me... ...this wonderful possibility. But it's just not right. And I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.”

Chris nods his head, “Yeah... I guess I should have known, huh? It took me 20 years to get you to say yes.”

Lorelai’s voice starts to crack, tears pressing against her eyes. “I need you to know... that you're the man... I want to want.”

“I know.”

“You have no idea... How badly I wish...” Tears start spilling down Lorelai’s cheeks.

“I do. I do know.” Chris whispers, staring at his wife with concern. Lorelai’s eyes scrunch closed as he squeezes her hand, symbolizing the end. “I do.”


The sounds of Lane’s baby shower surround them as people talk, eat, laugh and paint “one-sies”. Two best friends smile at the scene, reveling in the success. “This party is amazing. Everything you guys did -- truthfully, I didn't think it was actually gonna happen.” Lane says gratefully.

“Yes well, that whole bed-rest thing really threw a wrench in.” Rory replies, half-laughing.

“Plus the fight.” Lane adds.

“What fight?”

“You didn't hear about the fight? Me and my mom, classic Kim family grudge fest? If not for your mom, we might have gone the way of Pretty Girls Make Graves. They were so young and had so many killer albums left in them.”

“So my mom brokered peace?” Rory confirms, glancing over at her mother.

“Hard-core.” Lane says, taking a deep breath. “Listen... here's the thing. kids are gonna need that, too -- you know, when they're hiding bibles and they can't stand me. So what I wanted to know is... would you be their Lorelai Gilmore? I guess that's the proper term.”


“I can't think of anyone who would be better. Plus, you already have the name.”

“I'd love to. Yeah. Thanks.” Rory smiles and hugs her best friend.


“I think I know what I want to be now. A doctor.” Paris affirms to herself and Rory.

“Oh Paris, that’s great.” Rory smiles at her neurotic friend.

“It's always been my dream, you know? Last night when I was lying in bed watching the ceiling spin…”

“I told you that last drink was a mistake.”

“It just became perfectly clear. I've always wanted to be a doctor, for as long as I remember. When I was a kid, I used to cut the heads off my dolls to see what was inside.”

“I'm guessing you didn't put that on your applications.” Rory laughs.

“I let myself get swayed by the promise of black-card corporate America, but the truth is I want to be a physician -- always have, always will.”

“Well, I think it's a very noble profession.”

“Oh, yeah, definitely. It's as close to being God as you can get.” Paris smirks, her high standards already rising before her.

“So... Have you chosen a school?” Rory asks.

“Yeah... Harvard Med. When I thought about it, there really wasn’t any comparison.”


“If I could, I’d also like to say a few words about my girlfriend of the past three years. You amaze me, Rory Gilmore, every day –-- everything that you do, everything that you are.” Logan said as he and Rory stood in the center of the crowd at her Yale graduation party thrown by her grandparents. Rory giggled and blushed at her boyfriend’s words.

“This past year, I realized that I don’t know a lot more than I thought I knew, if that makes sense. I’m a little bit nervous. I didn’t think I would be. What I’m trying to say is that… I don’t know a lot. But I know that I love you… and I want to be with you… forever.” He said, causing every woman in the room to sigh.

“Rory Gilmore… will you marry me?”


“She looks up to you, and when a child looks up to you and has a difficult decision to make, you tell her what to do.” Emily said to Lorelai as they sat at the Yale graduation waiting for Rory. Emily was pestering Lorelai about Rory’s answer to Logan’s question and Lorelai was getting frustrated.

“That’s not how I do it.” She said.

“So you’re just content…”

“Emily, please. Rory is next.” Richard said, cutting his wife off.

“Roberta Gelson.” The announcer said as the next Yale graduated walked across the stage.

“Honey, tell me what time it is.” Lorelai said patting Chris’ arm. “I told everyone I’d notice the exact time so that when we do the re-enactment they would have the…”

“Lorelai, I will note the time. I will take the photo. You just sit there and enjoy your daughter’s graduation from Yale. This is as much your moment as Rory’s. Enjoy it.” Richard said, taking the camera from his daughter.

“Lorelai Leigh Gilmore.” The announcer said and Rory made her way onto the stage. Lorelai smiled as Rory was handed her diploma. She stood up to clap for her daughter. Rory looked over to see both Lorelai and Christopher giving her a standing ovation.

“Yay, Rory!” Lorelai exclaimed as she clapped, tears brimming in her eyes.


Rory spots Logan and detaches from her family, taking pictures and joking.

“Hey. Congratulations.” Logan says, smiling cautiously at her.

“Thanks.” She replies.

“I remember when I graduated. I was a little tipsy -- that’s a big surprise, huh? -- And I did trip, and I reached out and grabbed the robe of Marcia Hadley, who was so not the person to grab.”

Rory sighs, “Logan… I'm sorry… I can't. I love you. You know how much I love you. I love the idea of being married to you... but... there are just a lot of things right now in my life that are undecided. And that used to scare me, but now I-I kind of like the idea’s just all kind of...wide open. And if I married you, it just wouldn't be.”

“So, what? I go to San Francisco, you stay on the east, and we see each other occasionally?” Logan says, frowning.

“Well, we can try long distance. We've done it before.”

“You really think that’s gonna work?” He says with an edge of disbelief in his voice.

“I think it would be hard, but...”

“I don't want to do that, Rory.” He interrupts, impatiently. “I don't want to go backwards. If we can't take the next step...”


“I mean...” Logan sighs, wrinkling his forehead.

“Does it have to be all or nothing?”

“Yeah it does.” He says shortly, staring defiantly at her.

“But we could at least try.” Rory offers quietly.

“What’s the point?” He mutters.


“So...” Rory looks at him, taking the engagement ring out of her pocket and placing it in his hand. He closes his fingers over it, looking down at the grass.

“Goodbye Rory.” He says, glancing into her eyes one last time before turning and walking away.


“Hi, sorry I’m late.” Rory said, taking her regular seat at Richard and Emily’s dining room table.

“Rory.” Richard said, acknowledging his granddaughter.

“How were the drinks?” Lorelai asked, referring to her daughter’s interview.

“Good, I got a job.” She said and Lorelai gasped.

“What tonight?” Emily asked shocked.

“Tonight?” Richard asked, echoing his wife.

“I leave in three days. I can’t leave in three days.”

“Whe… Wha… leave where?” Richard asked.

“What’s the job, honey?” Lorelai asked, clearly having more function of speech than her parents.

“Well, I was having drinks with Hugo Gray, right?” Rory asked.

“Who’s this Hugo Gray?” Richard asked.

“He runs an online magazine. Rory’s been writing for him.” Lorelai answered.

“So we were just talking about different opportunities that might come up and where I’ve already applied, and he mentioned that the reporter that was covering the Barack Obama campaign for him dropped out because his fiancée got a job in Dubai, so they’re moving.” Rory explained.

“Wow!” Lorelai exclaimed.

“So Hugo asked me if that was something I’d be interested in and I said “yes I would be interested” and he told me about it and apparently I would be on the campaign trail with the other reporters –-- the planes, the buses, the whole deal. And I mean it’s only an online magazine, so I wouldn’t be staying where the Wall Street Journal people stay at night but…”

“Who cares?” Lorelai asked excitedly.

“But I would be traveling with them. I’d be filing stories from the road right up to the convention.”

“So have you talked salary yet?” Richard asked.

“Yeah, it’s next to nothing, but all my meals and travel and hotels would be covered, so I wouldn’t have that many expenses.”

“Well that’s fine. You’re just starting out. Plus, it sounds like you’ll be making excellent contacts.”

“I would be.”

“I could be quite grueling, Rory –-- all that constant travel, the seedy motels.” Emily said, speaking for the first time since the news came.

“She can handle it.” Lorelai said confidently.

“I hope so. I said yes.” Rory said.

“That’s great.” Lorelai said proudly.

“It is, right?”

“Ah you’re gonna be working on a presidential campaign.”

“I know but that also means that in three days I’d be leaving for who knows how long. It could be two months, it could be two years if Barack does well. And what does that mean –-- I’m only gonna come home on holidays? That’s crazy. And I need some transition time, and the roller coasters –-- how am I gonna do the roller coasters if I have to leave and have to be in Iowa on Monday at the town hall meeting at the Quality Inn and Suites ballroom in Sioux City?” Rory asked almost breathlessly.

“You’re gonna be fine.” Lorelai said calmly.

“What about the roller coasters?” Rory asked with a sigh.

“We’ll do it another time. This is what you’ve been working for.”

“Yeah. I guess it is.” She said sighing again. “I would have credentials –-- real press credentials. Isn’t that crazy?”

“It’s not crazy.”

“So, this is it.” Emily said, solemnly. “This is the last time we’ll see you for who knows how long.”

“Oh, yeah, I guess it is.” Rory said and the four of them grew silent.

“After-dinner drinks for sure.” Lorelai said, giving her parents sympathetic looks.

“Hear, hear.” Richard said, raising his glass.


Lorelai scopes out the graduation party for Rory, overwhelmed by the love Stars Hollow has for her and her daughter. Sookie smiles at her. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

“It’s so beautiful. I can't believe you pulled it off.” Lorelai replies, tearing her eyes from the scene to her friend.

“No, I just did all the baking. This was all Luke.”


“He made me promise not to tell you, but I don't care. This is all Luke. He did all of it. He's the one that came to me and said, "Let's do the party," and then he planned the secret town meeting, everything.” Lorelai’s heart swells upon hearing this, she searches for his face in the crowd.


“Yeah. I mean last night when we thought it was gonna rain and we'd have to cancel the party, he went around and collected everybody's tarps and tents and raincoats. I don't know how he did it. He must have stayed up all night doing this. Can you believe that?” Lorelai now felt like bursting, her search finally successful as she spots him leaving the Diner.

“Yeah...I’ll be back.” She mutters a quick goodbye to Sookie as she weaves her way through the dancers, half-ignoring the distractions of the townspeople as she continues on to the man with the blue backwards baseball cap.

“Hey.” She says breathlessly as they meet in the middle of the road.

“Hey.” He replies, a large bag of coal in each hand. They sigh as the tension between them builds.

“Thank you.” Lorelai says sincerely, biting her lip.

“Oh, it' big deal.” Luke replies gruffly, making Lorelai swoon just a little bit more.


“I just... like to see you happy.” The corners of his mouth lift warily. As Lorelai starts towards him, he drops the bag in an instant and captures her in a tight embrace. Their lips meet once again after a year of pain and anguish, and forgiveness soaks through them as they realize their love.


Lorelai watches her now adult daughter from across the table as they sit in Luke’s Diner, the place of countless meals and memories over the years. Luke cooks in the kitchen, she smiles as she catches his eye, he grins like he used to again, before the past year wreaked its havoc over their relationship. Rory opens her itinerary again, causing Lorelai’s breath to catch. As much as she wanted to see her daughter traipse out into the world and carve the amazing path she know she will, she still wished she’d had a few more days to pretend Rory was still her little girl. She reaches across the table and rests her hand on her wrist, causing Rory to look up in protest.

“There’ll be plenty of time for that later. Now it’s time to savor your last supper.” Rory rolls her eyes at her mom.

“Last supper?” Lorelai smirks as Luke sets the plates in front of them.

“Honey, you are the prodigal, the ultimate, the almost holy daughter, of the Stars Hollow community. You are about to thrust yourself into the throes of the journalist world, the sharp-toothed, hungry-eyed, moral-less, world, where the pen is your only weapon!”

“Lorelai, give me back my pen. Now eat.” Luke tucks his pen back in his shirt pocket and turns to Rory. “You’re gonna do great Rory. I know it, your mom knows it… the whole damn town knows that you are going to be great.” Rory smiles up at him.

“Thanks Luke.”

Lorelai smiles at her boyfriend, then her daughter, knowing that their lives are on a precipice, and great things are waiting for them.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well hello dearest readers!

For those of you who are Gilmore Girls fans... we decided we'd recap the last few bits of season 7 for all of you before we start our eighth season. We decided on these bits to twist up a bit because we found them to be most important. Kristen had 6 scenes and I had 7. Credit for all of this goes to the writers of season 7. Don't care who they were because they weren't the Palladino's and I was pissed.

Anyway... Episode 1 of Season 8 will be coming soon! XD

~Steph & Kristen <3