Status: Finished my exams! Hurray!

Full of Laughter

Le Chandelier

Paul fussed with his tie, easily becoming frustrated. He glanced at the clock 7:45 he had to leave in five minutes if he was going to be at Caroline’s for eight. Paul smiled lightly, Caroline is giving him a chance, and he wasn’t about to let that one chance go to waste. Paul pulled the tie from around his neck, throwing it onto the couch in frustration. Emily walked over to the couch, picking up the thin black tie that Paul had chosen to wear.

“Turn around.” She demanded of Paul. He did as he was told, a soft look in his eyes as he watched Emily place the tie around his neck, tying it for him. “Don’t try and get in her pants tonight Paul. She won’t appreciate that on the first date.” Paul chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck lightly. Emily stepped away from Paul, checking to make sure the tie was straight. Emily had been helping Paul plan the date as soon as Jacob had run through the front door with the good news. She had even called and made the reservation, for Paul, at a fancy restaurant. Le Chandelier, a fancy French restaurant in Port Angeles. Sam had taken Emily there, that was where he proposed

Emily smiled softly at the memory of her engagement. It was only a few months until her wedding, everything was already planned, she just had to wait.

Paul understood the smile that adorned Emily’s face. She was thinking about her wedding. Paul remembered the day that Sam had proposed to Emily, Paul had actually helped pick out the ring. At that time, Paul never thought he would actually want to buy any woman a diamond ring, but Caroline made him think about those kinds of things. He thought about moving out into his own house, proposing to Caroline, getting married, and even having kids. Paul had never wanted kids before. Paul smiled at the thought of a family with Caroline, but he didn’t have time to day dream.

Paul grabbed his wallet, stuffing it into his back pocket as he headed out the front door of his temporary home, making his way towards Caroline’s house.


Caroline stared at herself in the mirror. Looking good Caroline. Paul had better fall head over heels. She felt a little vain as she complimented herself, but it was worth it. She really did look beautiful. Her hair flowed down her back I light curls, her bangs braided and pined to the side of her head. Her make up was done simply in light browns and champaign colours. Caroline smiled at herself as she took one last glance at herself in the mirror. She looked over at her bedside clock.


Well lets see if he’ll actually be on time. Just as the clocked turned to eight o’clock, the doorbell rang. Caroline walked down to the front door, taking in a big breath as she opened the door.

Paul stood in front of Caroline, he too looked amazing. He was wearing a pair of black dress pants, with shoes to match, a black tie and a white button up shirt that he had rolled the sleeves up on, showing off his amazing arm muscles. She smiled at him as the butterflies started to flutter into her stomach. Caroline had never been so nervous for a date before. Not even for Ryan

Paul looked down at Caroline. She looked beautiful. He didn’t even have words for how beautiful she looked at this very moment. Paul slowly let the air out of his lungs as his mind fought over what he should say. Her hair, eyes, dress all sparkled the way that he knew she would.

“You look..” Paul swallowed the lump at the back of his throat “You look beautiful.” He said with assertiveness. He straightened his posture and held his hand out towards her. Paul watched as her cheeks tinged a shade of pink as he complimented her. She placed her small, fragile and soft hand into his larger, rougher hand, letting him guide her towards his Ford Pickup truck. Of course, a guy like Paul would own a truck rather then a small sports car, like Chad.

Paul hoisted Caroline into the truck, she was too small to do it on her own, but Paul didn’t mind having to give her a helping hand. Paul climbed in on the other side, looking over at Caroline momentarily before turning the ignition of the large truck, causing it too burst to life.

Jacob, Sam, Quil and Jared all sat at the forest edge, watching Paul and Caroline intently. They wished that the date would go well and that Paul wouldn’t find a way to ruin the whole thing. Now they just have to play the waiting game.


The ride was silent to their destination. Caroline and Paul were both unsure of what they should say to the other. Caroline wondered where Paul was taking her; they had left La Push and Forks and were on their way to Port Angeles. Caroline turned her body towards Paul. He seemed relax, he wasn’t tense about the date at all.

“Where are we going?” She casually asked Paul. A smirk began to form on his lips as he continued to stare at the road ahead of him. He could have taken his eyes off the road, his reflexes were phenomenal, but he didn’t want to scare Caroline.

“It’s a surprise.” He said shortly. Caroline shrunk in her seat a little, she knew Paul wasn’t going to tell her, so she might as well just wait it out.

It was no later then twenty minutes when they had arrived at their destination. It was a small, but fancy restaurant. Le Chandelier read the sign that above the restaurant. It was intimate and romantic, she didn’t expect that Paul would bring her to such a beautiful place. Caroline smiled up at her date as they walked hand in hand towards the small restaurant. Caroline smiled as a soft aroma entered her nostrils. It smelled wonderful in the restaurant, Paul was practically drooling. They walked up to the small table, looking at the hostess. She made eyes at Paul, biting her lips softly as the couple walked up to her.

“Parker, Paul” He said casually, looking down at Caroline, love in his eyes. The hostess grabbed two menus and escorted them through the restaurant to a small, secluded booth.

“Here you go, Paul” She said as she leaned forward, making sure to show enough of her cleavage to Paul, before handing the menu to him. Caroline rolled her eyes at the young girl. Paul was attractive, she was expecting some girls to be staring, but she wasn’t expecting them to be so blatant about their attraction to Paul. The couple muttered a thanks at the voluptuous hostess as she walked back to her post.

Paul looked towards Caroline, his eyes filled with apology.

“I’m so sorry. I wasn’t expecting that.” Caroline nodded her head. “I would never look at another girl. Especially now that I have you.” Caroline’s small smile grew as the compliment left Paul’s mouth with such sincerity, She knew that this would work out.

“It’s ok, I kind of expect that to happen. You’re extremely attractive, who wouldn’t want a piece of you?” Paul chuckled lightly and nodded his head. “This is a really nice place, Paul.” He nodded his head.

“Emily made the reservation. She loves it here. Sam proposed to her here.” Caroline ‘awed’ at the thought of Sam proposing, he was such a muscular guy, it was hard picturing him getting down on one knee and proposing to Emily. “They’re getting married in a couple of months. I’m going to be best man.” Paul smiled at the thought of being Sam’s best man. The two had been best friends for years and he wanted to be there for Sam’s big day. Caroline nodded at Paul, she could tell he was excited for his best friend.

“So tell me some more about the whole wolf thing.” Paul chuckled lightly. Of course she would ask about that.

“well what would you like to know?” Caroline shrugged her shoulders. “Well, Sam is the Alpha, he’s our leader, he makes all the decisions really. I’m first in line to be alpha, so if something were to happen to Sam, I would take his place. We just protect La Push. Occasionally we’ll get some trouble through the area, but nothing that we haven’t been able to handle.”

“Like what?” Paul laughed nervously.

“Like, Vampires.” Caroline raised her eyebrows at him “I’m serious! There’s a clan that lives in Forks, but they’re harmless really, Jacob has a thing for one of them. But occasionally we’ll get some really nasty vampires in the area, but we usually kill them. Nothing bad has ever happened.” Caroline nodded her head at Paul. Just then the waitress came along, another girl who had neglected to button up a good portion of the buttons on her shirt. She came strutting towards the table, she had probably heard about Paul and his stunning looks.

“Hi, my name it Lauren, I’ll be your waitress tonight. Are you ready to order?”

“I’ll have the chicken cord en blue with a coke, and my girlfriend will have the spaghetti and meat balls with a coke as well.” Paul had accentuated the word girlfriend, hardly looking towards the young woman who was practically throwing herself at him. She took the menus from the couple and headed off towards the kitchen.

“Girlfriend?” Paul rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

“Well I just wanted her to leave me alone, and if she thought you were my girlfriend, then she would back off. It kind of worked.” Paul chuckled nervously. Caroline nodded her head.

“Alright.” From that point on the dinner went rather smoothly, the waitress had stopped flaunting herself at Paul when she finally got the hint that Paul wasn’t interested when he refused to take her number from her. The ride home wasn’t as silent as the one there. They talked animatedly about a lot of things, their lives up until then, Caroline carefully left out any stories that might have had Ryan in them.

Now Paul and Caroline stood outside her deserted house. He looked down at her softy, his hands placed gently on her hips. He smiled down at Caroline. Paul had never thought that he would actually be standing here with Caroline.

“Thank you Caroline, for giving me a chance. I can’t be without you.” Paul dipped his head down nuzzling his head in her neck, planting small kisses on her collarbone. Caroline smiled at the soft gesture as her head fell forward onto Paul’s muscular shoulder. The two separated slightly as Paul’s hands found their way around his own neck, undoing the necklace that had been around his neck since he was nine, placing it gently in Caroline’s small hand.

Caroline gently examined the necklace. It was simple. A black hemp necklace that held a large wolf tooth in the middle.

“Emily wears an engagement ring, and neither of us are ready for that yet, but I want you to wear that. Even if you won’t be my girlfriend yet. It.. it’s an imprint thing I guess.” Caroline smiled up at Paul as she tied the necklace around her neck.

Caroline placed her arms around Paul’s broad shoulder, standing on her toes as she leaned forward, planting a small peck on Paul’s lips. Paul wrapped his arms around Caroline’s waist, deepening the kiss. He never wanted to let her go. Caroline gently pulled away from the kiss and smiled up at Paul.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Paul.” She said as she walked towards her house. Paul smiled as he watched Caroline walk away. Paul stuffed his hands in his pockets as he walked back to his truck, his smile widening.

I think it’s time to find my own place to live now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys!

Thank you SO MUCH for being so patient. :) I wrote my first exam (of three) this morning and it went fantastically, so hopefully I did well on it. Now we'll just have to wait and see.

So I hope you like this chapter. Personally the ending is my favourite. So cute :)
Anyways I'll probably update soon :) Next exam isn't until next thursday.

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