Status: Finished my exams! Hurray!

Full of Laughter


“That’s not fair Ryan, I didn’t do it on purpose!” Caroline screamed towards her boyfriend, her back pressed against the wall of the kitchen. Caroline quickly dodged the plate that Ryan threw. It shattered with a sickening crash as it hit the wall that stood behind Caroline.

Caroline had never imagined that her life would come to this, hell, she was even to young for this to be happening to her. Her birthday was only a few months away, but until then she was just a seventeen year old girl, stuck in an abusive relationship with an older man. When they had first started going out, Caroline thought that Ryan was perfect. A gentleman, who was mature and smart, he would cause her no harm. And for the first year of their relationship, Ryan lived up to those standards. But the more comfortable he became in the relationship, the more the hideous side of him came out. The side that got angry over all the little things that held no sympathy for small mistakes.

A mistake was really all that caused today’s fight. Caroline had accidently burnt the meal that she had prepared for Ryan. When he smelled the burnt chicken, he immediately snapped.

“You always ruin everything, you ungrateful bitch.” Another plate flew towards Caroline.

Caroline’s mind back tracked to their first date. Back then, it was simple and easy going. She didn’t have to worry about anything. Their first date was beautiful. She dressed up in a nice cocktail dress and he took her out too a fancy restaurant. In New York, there was always somewhere new to eat, and that night was no exception. The restaurant was intimate and romantic. Caroline felt as though she had stepped out of her real life and into a romance novel. Everything that night had been perfect, from the pick up to the kiss good night.

Caroline’s mother and father never approved of Ryan, mostly because he was older. But ever since Caroline started coming home upset, her parents have found new ways to show Caroline that Ryan wasn’t worth her time.

But it was so much more complicated then what her parents thought. It wasn’t all physical, but mental warfare that went on between Ryan and Caroline, and she wasn’t the one that was winning. Through the many months that the two have been together, Ryan has been planting ideas into Caroline’s head. She knew that Ryan was right. About everything. She knew that he was right when he would tell her that nobody else could love her, or would want to love her, that she really was useless and stupid, and that she had nobody else in her life other then Ryan.

She believed him, and that’s why she didn’t leave. How could she leave, knowing that nobody would love her or want her the same way Ryan would?

Then there was a way out. La Push

“Sweet heart, I know this might be a little like jumping the gun, but I just don’t think I can stay in New York anymore.” John, Caroline’s father said solemnly. “I’ve found a house outside of a town in Washington. It’s a big change, and I understand if you would much rather stay here, but would you like to move out to Washington?”

Caroline had made her decision, knowing that she would finally get away from the man who had quickly turned into a living nightmare.

“Of course.”

Paul stood outside Caroline’s house, pacing lightly. He was waiting for Caroline, more like praying, that she would come out and talk to Paul. All night he thought about what kind of explanation Caroline could give Paul. What was her previously relationship with that man?

Paul frowned and his blood boiled at the thought of Caroline being with another man. She was his and he was willing to do whatever it takes to keep it that way.


Caroline jumped slightly as her nightmare ended. She opened her eyes, light flooding into her green eyes. Caroline groaned as memories from the night before flooded back into her mind. She turned her head towards the window. She knew that Paul had stayed the night outside of her house. Caroline was unsure of what she needed to say to Paul. She knew that no matter what she said, he would be upset. Caroline stretched her aching joints as she climbed from her bed and walked over to the window.

There sat Paul, half dressed in a pair of light jeans and no shirt. His hair was sticking up in all directions it possibly could. Caroline sighed, knowing that he would sit there all day if he had too, she would have to go out there and explain things to him eventually, and now seemed to be the best time to do so.

Caroline quickly threw her hair up into a messy bun, pulling a pair of sweatpants over the legs, her high school team name; Trojan, sprawled across her ass. Not bothering with finding a bra, Caroline made her way down the stairs. She was surprised when she saw her father waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

“He’s been out there for hours.” He said, holding out a plate of freshly cut fruit. “Take that out to him, we don’t want him to starve.”

Caroline nodded her head, unsure if her father had spoken to Paul, or if he had just seen Paul sitting there. Caroline grabbed the plate and made her way out the door.

Paul turned his head at the sound of the creaking screen door of Caroline’s house. He stayed seated as he watched Caroline walk over to him. Paul licked his lips at the sight of his girlfriend. Even though she was in a simple outfit, she still managed to look perfect. Her blond hair shined even brighter in the morning sun then it did on any other time of the day. Paul moved over slightly, creating more room for Caroline to sit next to him. Paul grabbed the plate of fruit from Caroline, eating a piece of cantaloupe as he placed it on his lap.

Caroline took in how Paul was dressed. Her eyes drifted down his body, admiring his muscular build. She bit her lip when she saw how low his jeans hung on his hips. The last thing she wanted to do at this moment in time was talk about Ryan. Caroline sighed as she took a seat next to Paul, turning her head away from him, unsure of how she should start.

Paul put his strong arm around Caroline’s dainty shoulders, pulling her into him. He smiled as he breathed in her natural lavender scent. He kissed the top of her head, hoping that she understood what he was silently telling her. Caroline slowly relaxed into Paul’s arms, wrapping her own around his waist.

“I’m sorry for just leaving yesterday.” She mumbled into his chest. “I was just embarrassed at how upset I was, and I wasn’t ready to talk about it yet.”

Paul nodded his head, he had all night to think about the situation. He knew that he just had to give Caroline time and space. And eventually, she would want to come and talk to him.

“I’d like to talk about it though with you.” She said calmly. The previous night she had thought about how Paul would react, and what exactly she should tell him.

“I’m not going to make you.” Paul said, loosening his grip on Caroline. “If you need time before you explain everything to me, then I’m going to give you time.” Caroline shook her head. If she didn’t explain it now, then she never would.

Caroline took a deep breath, looking Paul in the eyes. She explained everything. From when they met, how long they dated, and the monster that he had turned into. Caroline shared every detail with Paul, everything that she could remember that is. Paul’s expression changed from guilt to anger when he heard what Ryan had previously done to Caroline. His rage got stronger with each word that came from Caroline’s mouth.

Caroline ended her story, not bothering to look towards Paul. She knew he was furious, beyond furious. His eyes had darkened and his muscles contracted with each breath he took. She wasn’t sure if he was about to phase, or if he was just really angry.

“I want to kill him.” Paul muttered, hoping that Caroline didn’t hear him. She probably knew that he would want to hurt Ryan, but he still wished she didn’t know. Caroline rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, of course she had heard. She placed her hand on his arm, hoping that she could calm him.

“Paul don’t be ridiculous. I’m sure all Ryan said were empty threats.” Paul shrugged her hand off of his arm, standing up.

“Caroline, you don’t understand.” Caroline stood up as well, looking into Paul’s warm brown eyes.

“Of course I do Paul. I can feel how angry you are Paul, but why waste your energy on a man that doesn’t deserve it?” She asked serenely. Paul shook his head.

“I don’t really want to talk about this right now.” Paul turned from Caroline, walking off into the forest.

Caroline stood dumbfounded. She wanted to scream out to Paul and run after him, but her muscles wouldn’t move, and her words seemed to get caught in her throat.

Caroline’s heart split in two as the love of her life walked away from her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys!
I AM SO SORRY I DIDN'T GET THIS OUT SOONER. I've just been so stressed from studying that I just haven't been able to write anything. So I'm sorry if this chapter is poopy. My last exam is tomorrow morning! So I'll have WAY more time to write, at least over the next 4 days.

:) I just wanted to tell you that the first chapter of Promises is out and you can read it here

Again, sorry for keeping you waiting :(
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