Status: Finished my exams! Hurray!

Full of Laughter


“I explained everything, and he just got so angry.” Caroline said to a worried Emily. Caroline was still only dressed in her sweat pants. She was too upset to bother changing. Instead, she headed over to Emily’s, who instantly pulled out a carton of vanilla ice cream when she saw the distressed look on Caroline’s face.

“He does have a short fuse.” Emily said softly, digging her spoon into the ice cream. Caroline’s eyes dropped the vanilla comfort that sat in front of her, twisting her spoon without taking any of the ice cream.

“Well, now I just don’t know what to do. I didn’t think he’d ever really walk away from me.” She mumbled, taking a large spoonful of ice cream. Emily and Caroline continued to talk for the next little while, well, until Sam intruded on their conversation.

Sam walked through the door of his house, hoping that he could spend the next few hours with his girlfriend, relaxing. Paul had been destructive for the past hour and it took a lot out of Sam. Paul had told Sam everything that had happened between Caroline and him, and now Sam was emotionally and physically drained. When Paul is upset, it seems to bring out the worst in everybody.

To Sam’s dismay, in the kitchen of his small house, sat Caroline, looking far more upset then Paul was. Sam sighed, knowing that Paul had probably pushed Caroline away from him. He walked over to his fiancé, hugging her and giving Caroline a sympathetic smile.

Caroline smiled back at the large man that stood beside Emily. Why couldn’t Paul act that way towards Caroline? It was only last night that he asked her to be his, and yet he’s completely avoiding her. Caroline wanted to talk the problem through with Paul, but obviously his anger got the best of him.

Sam watched as the tears started to form in Caroline’s eyes. Emily had tried her hardest to help Caroline through the problem, but she’s not miracle worker. Paul was the only one who could fix this problem, and the chances of him walking through the front door, are pretty high.

Caroline stared out the large kitchen window. The sun shun through brightly, illuminating the white tile and the light scars on Emily’s face. Today was a nice day in La Push, in comparison to the strangely large amounts of gray cloud that usually hung over the area. Caroline closed her eyes tightly, pushing back the tears that were dangerously close from falling from her eyes.

When she opened her eyes, her gaze met the deep brown eyes that belonged to her favourite gray wolf. She sighed, knowing that he probably knew that she was inside his non-permanent residence.


Paul threw himself at, yet another, tree. He stood back up from the hit, happy with the work he had done on ruining the tree. At this very moment, many emotions were running through Paul’s large being.

Anger. Hate. Satisfaction.

They coursed through his veins like and unwanted drug. Paul was completely thrown off when his rage started to act up, especially in front of Caroline. He felt horrible that he had been so angry with her, but he couldn’t help it. Ever since he was little, he had a short fuse. But ever since he became a shape shifter, things just started to set him off much more easily.

He wasn’t proud of it, that’s for sure.

Paul knew that he had upset Caroline, and that’s what the destructive attitude stemmed from. Part of it was the whole Ryan situation, but the majority of it came from his own actions towards Caroline. He should have just stayed and talked it through, instead he abandoned her, and he’ll probably be paying for it later.

Paul took one more leap towards the tree, hoping that this hit would be fatal to the large poplar tree. His body hit with full force against the dent. A startling crack could be heard from the bark as Paul pulled away. Paul watched with satisfaction as the tree fell onto its side, landing with a loud thud.

Paul phased back to his human form, his body glistening with sweat from his ‘work-out’. He pulled his jeans over his hips, than sat beside the tree he had recently brought down. Paul sighed as he looked up towards the bright blue sky. Today was a nice day in La Push, it was rare for it to be this nice, and he had ruined it for his girlfriend.

Paul scoffed. He had just asked Caroline to be his significant other, what a way to treat someone on the first day of their relationship. Paul had never really had a girlfriend before, but he definitely knew how he wanted to treat Caroline, and he definitely wasn’t following through with his plans.

Sam walked cautiously into the small wooded area where Paul sat. Sam sighed as he saw the distressed look that sat on Paul’s face. At least he knew that he was in the wrong. Sam sat beside his best friend, feeling as though they had previously done this before. Paul didn’t look up as the larger man sat down beside him. Paul knew that he would probably get chewed out, and he wasn’t particularly feeling up for it.

“You’ve fucked up, Paul. But at least you can fix it.” Said Sam. It definitely wouldn’t be a hard task t earn Caroline’s love again, Paul just had to be smart about how he would go about it.

“I know. I just get so angry, and I didn’t want to be that way around her.” Paul said, feeling like a total dumbass.

“So you came here, and uprooted a tree?” Paul nodded. “Yeah well, now Caroline is pretty upset. So you better fix it. At least before Jacob rips you apart.” Paul and Sam chuckled, knowing that Jacob really was no match for Paul.

Paul watched as his best friend stood up and started to walk away from him. Paul sighed and laid back down on the soft grass of the forest. His mind drifted from Sam’s words to his life with Caroline. He knew that he could never be away from her, so he might as well try and make it work. Paul started to think of all the things he wanted to do with Caroline. Live together, get married, start a family. But the only way he would be able to accomplish all those things is if he makes it up to Caroline. And get rid of Ryan.

Paul stood up and phased into his large gray wolf. He dashed towards Emily’s house, knowing that Caroline was probably there, talking with Emily. The trees passed by him quickly and he began to think about what he would say to Caroline, hoping that no matter what he says, Caroline will still want to be with him.

Paul eventually made it to the Emily and Sam’s house. He paced slightly out side of the kitchen window, hoping that he would catch Caroline’s eye. Just as he had turned his large head towards the window, Caroline turned to look out of it.

Paul’s Brown eyes, full of sadness, met Caroline’s mossy eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys, sorry this took me a while to get out. I've been busy doing nothing in preparation for school next week. I've been destressing, and sleeping :P

So Tell me what you think (I think it's meh, but that's just me. I'm having a hard time writing)

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