Status: Finished my exams! Hurray!

Full of Laughter


Caroline sat in her kitchen, a cup of coffee in her hand, staring aimlessly out the large window. Her mind couldn’t help but wander to the three words that Paul spewed the night before. I love you was something she was not prepared to hear from Paul that soon. Perhaps it was the imprint connection that made him even think of those words. Caroline sighed as she lifted the cup of steaming coffee up to her mouth; was she even ready to be as connected to Paul as he is to her? She hardly trusted him. He used to have many sloppy hook ups, he’s avoided her and walked away from her. And yet, she couldn’t help but feel the imprint pull. She shouldn’t trust him, but she does.

Caroline jumped slightly as she heard the front door close. Her father didn’t return home last night after work, she assumed he had taken another shift, but forgot to call her. But when he walked into the kitchen, the picture he painted was far different from the one Caroline had in her mind. Her father was disheveled, but content. His tie was loosened and his collar unbuttoned, and his face held a grin that no four year old could rival. It looked like he had spent the night at a carnival.

John looked towards his daughter, not expecting her to be home, he returned from his “night out”. He chuckled nervously as he looked towards his daughter and her disapproving look. He wasn’t planning on telling his daughter about Maria, yet. They worked together, she was the receptionist at the police station, he had admired her from a far. Finally he got up the guts to ask her on a date, she agreed, and now they’ve been seeing each other after work hours.

“Where have you been dad? Take an extra shift?” Caroline asked, as she casually placed her empty cup in the sink. She turned around to look at her father, expecting a rather mundane answer.

“Actually, sweety, why don’t you sit down?” Caroline threw a confused look at her father as she hesitantly sat down at the table. “I have something I’ve been hiding from you. Because I’m not sure how you’ll take it.”

A bubble of worry started to boil in Caroline’s stomach as she thought of the possibilities of what her dad might say to her.

“I’ve started seeing someone.” John blurted. Caroline took a short intake of air as the words escaped her father’s mouth. It’s only been a few month since her mother’s death, and now her dad was seeing someone new? “I didn’t think I’d feel this comfortable with a woman in a long time. But Maria’s a great woman, and I think your mother would be very proud of me for finding someone else.”

Caroline’s mind turned towards her mother. It was true, her mother wouldn’t want John to waste away like he was. Her mother would want him to be happy and move on. But Caroline wasn’t ready to move on. Caroline nodded her head towards her father, unsure of what to say to her father. Should she be happy? Mad? Sad?

“Can I meet her?” Caroline managed to whisper. Caroline knew that she should be happy for her father, so she’ll at least try. John raised his eyes in surprise at his daughter.

“Of course sweetheart.” John said. Caroline and John continued to stare at each other for a few minutes before Caroline stood up, excusing herself so she could shower.

Caroline took a long time getting ready, prolonging the time she had to herself before having to see her dad again. Their encounter would undoubtedly be awkward and Caroline didn’t want that to happen to soon. But eventually Paul came to her door, ready to take her to Emily’s house before the bonfire that he had invited Caroline to.

Paul knew something was up when Caroline rushed out of her house, but then said nothing during the whole walk towards Emily and Sam’s house. The atmosphere around Caroline was tense, he wanted to comfort her, but he didn’t know how. Finally, he spoke up.

“Caroline, what’s bugging you?” He asked softly, stopping her mid step. Caroline sighed and looked up towards Paul.

“My dad found another woman.” Paul was slightly confused. He really had no idea about her family’s back round, so he wasn’t sure how to react. “I mean, my mother only died a few months ago and he’s already moving on. I know that she would want him to be happy, but I’m not ready for him to be ready. You know?”

Caroline looked up towards Paul, looking for an answer, though she knew that she wouldn’t get one. All Paul could do was hug her and tell her that everything would work out. And that’s exactly what he did.

Though it wasn’t an answer, it was all she needed from Paul to trust him just a little more.
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Hey guys! Another update! Yay! I didn't have much to do today, so I thought I might as well write a chapter and a blog entry!

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