Status: Finished my exams! Hurray!

Full of Laughter

Introducing Paul

Paul looked over to his right. Thank god, she’s left. She wasn’t ugly, but she sure wasn’t pretty. He rolled onto his back and turned his head out the window. This life never gets old. Meet a girl, sleep with girl, wake up with her gone, run with the pack, patrol. Life was good for Paul, it’s care free, spontaneous and fun.

Paul lived in Sam’s attic, his imprint Emily gladly welcomed Paul in. Imprint. Ridiculous. The day Paul learned about imprinting was the day he vowed he’d never imprint. He wanted to continue living the care free, do whatever he wants life.

Paul stretched his stiff limbs, he barely fit in his bed. How he managed to have sex in it was beyond him.

Paul climbed out of bed, his feet touching the cold wood floor. He pulled on some pyjama pants that had been lying on the floor and then made his way down stairs. Emily was in the kitchen, probably fixing breakfast for the group.

“Good morning Paul.” Emily turned around to look at Paul, the scars slightly more prominent on her face in the natural sun light that shines through the large kitchen windows.

“Good morning Em. Where’s Sam?” he watched as she lightly whisked away at the pancake batter. Paul’s mouth started too water slightly at the thought of Emily’s home cooked breakfast.

“Patrolling" She answered quickly "I saw you brought someone home with you, again. You could at least warn Sam and I. We were pretty startled when she walked down the stairs and we were still in our underwear.” She scolded, pointing the spatula at Paul.

“I’m sorry Emily. I just.. can’t help it I guess.” Paul looked down at his hands. He loved sex, who doesn’t. It’s not really something that you can dislike.

“I just don’t understand why you can’t just be with one woman, Paul. It’s really so much better then just one night stands.”

“Emily, It’s just not for me. It’s not my thing. I can’t commit to just one person. It’s too hard.” Paul stood up from the yellow chair he was previously sitting in.

“Paul I’m sorry.” Paul turned around, and smiled lightly at Emily.

“It’s ok Emily. I understand where you’re getting this from.” Paul turned back around and walked back up into his room.

Shortly after, Sam walked through the front door. He was bare chested, obviously coming back from patrol. He looked around the kitchen before his eyes settled on his beautiful fiancé. A big smile took form on his angular face as he walked closer to Emily, opening his arms to her. She placed the batter bowl down on the counter before encircling her small arms around his muscular shoulders, leaning in for a kiss.

Their lips met in a brief, but passionate, encounter, sending chills through both Emily and Sam’s bodies. Sam’s rough hands found their way under Emily’s pyjama tank top, rubbing small circle on the soft skin on Emily’s hips. The two lovers nuzzled their faces into each other’s necks, whispering ’I love you’ into each other’s ears.

Paul stood at the middle step of the stairs, taking in the romantic sight in front of him. Usually, seeing the two in the morning made him nauseous. Not this morning. Today, his stomach sank to his knees as he watched his Alpha share a moment with his imprint, his soul mate. Paul couldn’t help but feel as though he was missing out on something big, something that he needs in his life. He quickly shook off the feeling and coughed, bringing the two lovers out of their daze.

“Breakfast is almost ready Paul.” He nodded his head at Emily before sitting down in his previous spot, Sam sitting to his right. “Oh, and Sam, I already mentioned to him about his lady friend, no need to bug him” Sam and Paul shared a look, then chuckled a little, Paul knowing well that Sam fully agrees with what Emily had said to him earlier.

“There are some new people on the reserve, Paul.” Sam said, looking up from the daisy table cloth that adorned the square table. “They’re not of our kind. I don’t know much about them. A girl a year younger then you and her dad just moved in beside Jacob.” Paul nodded his head, knowing which house Sam was talking about. He quickly looked out the window, as if the house would be right beside Sam and Emily’s.

“I heard that they lost the girls mother recently, and they wanted to get away. It’s sad isn’t it?” Emily flipped her pancakes with a little less pep then she usually would, slightly disturbed by the story she had heard from a friend of hers about the new family on the reservation.

“Jacob’s over there right now. I believe he invited her to the bonfire, Em. Another girl for you and Leah to spend time with.” Sam said as Emily placed a plate of food in from of both Sam and Paul. “Don’t sleep with her Paul, she’s gone through enough. Don’t torture the girl with the games you play.”

Paul looked down at his hands, ashamed of what Sam accused him of, mostly because it was true. Who knew that within a half an hour Sam and Emily could make Paul feel so horrible about his life choices. ‘I probably will try and sleep with her. What the hell is wrong with me?’ Paul made his way upstairs, pulling on a pair of shorts and taking off his shirt, getting ready for a short patrol with Jacob.

Paul made his way outside and to the spot he would be meeting Jacob. He undressed until he was nude before he felt the fire burn within him. His hands and feet turning into paws, his hair growing long and his bones stretching, Paul shifted. He sat and waited a few minutes until Jacob, in his rust coloured glory came bounding up to Paul.

‘I heard you met the new people.’ Paul thought to Jacob.

‘Yeah, Caroline is a sweetheart. She’s gorgeous too. Her and her dad are from New York, she’s not used to living in the middle of the woods.’ Jacob and Paul chuckled lightly. ‘Don’t sleep with her Paul. She’s a nice girl, she’s going to fit in well. Other then the whole, being as pale as white sand thing.’

‘I know, I’ve been lectured all morning. No seducing the new girl. Understood.’

‘Why don’t you just date like a normal person?’

‘You know why Jake.’
Paul turned his large wolf body to look at Jacob. Jake could see in Paul’s eye’s that he didn’t want to talk about the new girl, or relationships anymore. He quickly dropped the topic.

Time passed and the two wolfs knew that their patrolling time was up. Seth and Jared would be taking their turns.

‘You’re coming to the bonfire tonight?’ Jacob asked, knowing that Paul will come. He always comes, to seduce women and eat a mountain of marshmallows.

‘Yeah of course.’

‘Well then I’ll see you there.’
And with that the two boys shifted back to their human forms, patted each other on the back, dressed and went their separate ways.

But for some reason, Paul just could get something out of his head. Quietly at the back of his mind rang her name over and over again, and he didn’t know why.

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Hey guys! Please Please Please Comment! I really need the help, I wanna know what you think and what needs to be improved!

Thanks <3