Status: Finished my exams! Hurray!

Full of Laughter


Caroline looked at herself in her floor length mirror. Her dark blond, almost brown, hair was styled in light curls that framed her face. Her make up was simple and hardly noticeable. She looked herself over one last time and smiled at her appearance. Simple and casual, the style that she enjoyed most. Caroline checked her alarm clock; the neon numbers read 7:45. She was expecting Jacob at eight. Caroline grabbed one of her many books and settled into her dark purple arm chair, and began reading.

Right at eight o’clock, a knock was heard on the front door of Caroline Gordon’s house. She didn’t think he would actually be on time. She hurried down the stair, pulling a cardigan over her small shoulders.

Jacob knocked one more time before the door in front of him opened. She looked nice. If he wasn’t in love with Bella he would fall hard for Caroline. Jacob smiled warmly at Caroline and held his arm out towards her.

“Your escort has arrived.” He chuckled lightly as she smiled playfully at him, placing her small arm in his much larger arm. Caroline flinched slightly as she felt the temperature of Jacob’s skin. She relaxed as the warmth seemed so inviting to her.

“Well I do say, he is a handsome fellow.” She joked as the two walked along the road. Jacob smiled widely at her comment.

“Thank you m’dear. Are you excited? You’re going to meet pretty much everyone tonight.” Caroline looked over at him. She knew the reservation was small, just not that small.

“Yeah I guess. I just hope I fit in.” Jacob smiled, knowing well that she would fit in just fine in their small community. “I hope they’re all not as big as you Jacob!”

“I can’t make any guarantees.” Jacob and Caroline walked in silence until they reached the beach. There was already a small group forming around a large bonfire. To her dismay, they were all pretty big, some ever bigger then Jacob.

Jacob pulled Caroline along towards the group. She gulped down a ball of saliva as she realized, she’s the shortest one there, and the only girl. The two stopped and the three boys turned around and looked at Jacob, giving him a small nod before turning their attention on the girl that was in front of them.

“Caroline, this is Quil, Embry and Jared.” The three smiled at her, she instantly felt a little more comfortable.

“Are you liking it here in La Push so far, Caroline?” The one named Embry asked. He was slightly shorter then the other boys but he was still built like a rock. He was also shirtless. In fact, all three boys were shirtless.

“It’s alright, I’m still unpacking, I spent most of my time inside today so I haven’t had the chance to experience what La Push is really like.” The three chuckled.

“Well tonight you’ll be experiencing all of it.” Embry said, running his hand through his short dark hair. “You’ll be meeting Leah tonight, she’ll be excited to know there’s going to be another girl around.”

“Did I just hear my name, Embry?” Caroline turned in her spot, staring at the tall, skinny but muscular girl that was walking towards them, Leah. She opened her arms and pulled Caroline in for a hug. It was brief, but kind. “I’m so glad there’s another girl here finally! Emily and I were starting to get bored with the boys.” Caroline and Leah shared a short laugh and looked at the boys. Leah grabbed Caroline’s hand and the two sat down together on the log benches that were placed around the fire.

“Everyone here is so tall! I was hoping you’d be my height.” Caroline smiled up at Leah before turning her attention to the fire that was building strength in front of her. Leah giggled a little and looked around the group.

"Well you've already met those boys. My brother Seth is around here somewhere. He looks a lot like me, so you'll recognize him. Oh and over there." Leah pointed towards a group of three walking towards them. "The big guy, that's Sam, beside him is his fiance Emily. They're adorable, and she makes the best food. And the guy just standing over there, that's Paul"


Paul paced the kitchen with Sam, waiting for Emily. Why do girls always take so long to get ready? Paul’s mind quickly changed to Caroline. The name had been pulsing through his thoughts since it had been spoken from Jacob’s lips. Paul was anxious. He wanted to see this girl. He needed to know this girl, and he didn’t know why. Paul licked his dry lips in anticipation and impatiently looked up the stairs for Emily.

“Dude, are you ok?” Sam said, looking towards his agitated friend.

“Yeah, I just really want to go.” Paul snapped, earning him a look of disapproval from his superior. He muttered an apology towards Sam.

Emily came bouncing down the stairs, she looked nice. Sam smiled, telling her that she looked beautiful without using any words. She grabbed her fiancé’s hand and made her way out of her house. Paul followed behind.

A pit began to form in his stomach, as if he knew something weird was going to happen tonight, something different from anything he’s ever experienced. He quickened his pace to keep up with Sam and Emily who were practically running towards the beach, excited to meet the new comer.


Paul’s heart beat started to race as the name throbbed in his head. His anticipation to meet Caroline was growing, his hands were shaking with nervousness. ‘What is this? Why am I feeling this way?’.

Paul’s attention changed quickly when he reached the beach. He hungrily scanned the small crowd of people that were huddled around the bonfire.

“And the guy just standing over there, that’s Paul.” His attention turned to Leah who had just mentioned him. His eyes landed on the girl next to her. She was beautiful. Everything around Paul seemed to stop. His eyes focused on her wavy hair and here green-brown eyes that seemed to be calling out to him.


The name was pounding in his brain. Paul’s blood began to boil, he could feel his bones stretching and the uncomfortable fire started to burn in his core. He swiftly turned on his foot and ran towards the forest. When he knew he was far enough in, he let out a grunt and his body changed into his wolf.

The beautiful gray wolf pace back and fourth, his vision still blurry. He was confused.

‘What the hell is this?’ Paul lay down on the soft grass, his thoughts only on the new girl who had just crashed into his life.


Sam’s eye’s followed Paul as he walked onto the beach ahead of Emily and Sam. Sam knew he was anxious about something. His eyes were glued to Paul’s tense form. He watched as Paul glanced at the new girl, Caroline. He chuckled knowingly as Paul took off running in the opposite direction then Caroline.

Paul had just imprinted
♠ ♠ ♠

Hey guys, so this is number three in two days. I wanted to get a couple out before school starts again seeing as I have my diploma's coming up (in Alberta they're a final that counts for 50% of you Final mark) so I may not be updating all that frequently, but I'll try.

Also I'd really love a Banner. I'm no good when it comes to photoshop and making those kind of things.
