Status: Finished my exams! Hurray!

Full of Laughter


Emily walked into her house. She hoped she would find Paul rummaging through the fridge, or upstairs in his room. Emily made it too the kitchen, and there sat Paul, deep in thought.

“I hope you’re thinking of a way to get Caroline.” She said to him, one arm place on her hip, the other holding 5 shopping bags. “Cause’ she’s going on a date tonight, and it’s not with you.” Paul looked up towards Emily. Anger flashed through his hazel orbs.

“What do you mean she’s going on a date? You were there with her, you should have convinced her to say no!” Paul shouted at Emily.

“I can’t control that Paul. That’s all you. Your window to tell her she’s your soul mate just got a lot smaller.” Emily stomped her way out of the kitchen and up towards her own room, leaving Paul to his thoughts.

‘How the hell am I going to convince her to get rid of the guy?’


Caroline had just gotten off the phone with Chad. The guy she met at the mall. She smiled slightly. She’s going on her first date since Ryan. Caroline closed her eyes as a memory of Ryan flashed through her mind

Caroline’s body shook as Ryan slammed the door of his apartment.

“Where the hell are you, Caroline?” His voice rang through the small cluttered space. He was clearly drunk as he tripped over nothing, falling into the coffee table.

“Caroline, you’re so beautiful.” He said as he reached her, caressing her face lightly. “But I know what you’ve been doing.” His voice filled with venom. Ryan lifted his hand, then releasing it on Caroline’s face. She turned her head to the right, the sting running through more then her face.

“I haven’t done anything Ryan, please listen to me.” Ryan shook his head, muttering soft ‘no’s under his breath. He slumped over on Caroline, he had just passed out. As usual.

Caroline wiped away the tears that were forming in her eyes.

“Care!” she heard off in the distance. Running towards her house was Jacob., a big smile on his face. “How was shopping?” he said once he reached her.

“It was good. I have a date tonight.” She said with certain smugness. Jacob paled when he heard her say that.

“With who?” Please say Paul he thought in his head.

“His name is Chad, he approached me at the mall and we really hit it off.” Jacob looked around nervously. His eyes locked on to Caroline’s, she seemed pleased that she would be going out tonight.

“Have you ever thought of going out with someone on the Reservation?” his voice slightly shaky. Paul won’t be too happy about any of this.

“What is it with you guys and having me date someone on the reserve. Emily said the same thing. I think I should be allowed to date whomever I want.” Jacob shook his head. This might not end well for Paul.

“Well I guess, we’re just protective of our kind.” Caroline smiled at Jacob, nodding her head. She understood. Jacob just doesn’t want her to get hurt. “I just want to make sure that the guy’s a good guy. I know everybody here in La Push, so I would know if they would be good to you.” Caroline opened her arms to Jacob, pulling him in for a hug. A friendly gesture the two have become quite accustomed too in the few short days that she’s been in LA Push.

“I understand Jake. Thanks for being concerned about me. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get ready for my date at 7.” Caroline smiled at Jacob before walking into her house.

“Shit.” Jacob cursed under his breath before taking off in the direction of Sam Uleys’ house. Paul had better be home.

Jacob pushed open the door, panting slightly. Paul stopped pacing and turned towards Jacob. Sam looked up from the news paper he was reading on the sofa.

“She’s going on a date.” Was all Paul said. Jacob nodded. “Can we follow her now?” Jacob nodded again, slightly more enthusiastically. Paul ran up the stairs to his room, changing into a simple pair of jeans and a white v-neck shirt.

“I don’t trust the guy. I don’t trust anyone with Caroline.” Jacob said softly at Sam.

“Even Paul?” Jacob was caught of guard. “Jake, don’t develop feelings for her, Paul would rip your balls off.” Jacob nodded.

“I want Caroline to be happy. As long as she’s happy with Paul.” Sam chuckled lightly and nodded.

“It would definitely make Paul more bearable.” Jacob laughed lightly, but stopped when Paul came down the stairs and walked out the front door, Jacob followed.

“Don’t think I didn’t hear you.” Paul said, pushing Jacob playfully. The two shared a laugh as they walked towards Jacob’s house, which was conveniently placed beside Caroline’s.
The plan was too ‘hang out’ at Jacob’s house, outside of course so they could scope out Chad. Then they would follow Caroline and Chad to their destination and proceed to be total creeps and watch Caroline.

Paul and Jacob sat outside on the soft grass of Jacob’s front yard. They conversed lightly, waiting for Caroline to emerge from her house. It wasn’t long until 7 o’clock rolled around and a black Nissan 350Z pulled up outside her house. The man presumed to be Chad emerged from the car. He was tall, blond hair, blue eyes. He looked like a creep. At least to Paul and Jacob.

The two boys watched as Chad knocked on Caroline’s door. They watched as she walked out of her house. Paul’s heart felt like it had stopped beating. Caroline was breath taking. He could only wish that she would dress like that for him. Paul let out a growl as Chad place his hand on her shoulder, guiding her towards his car.

“Those guys are staring at us Caroline.” Caroline turned her head towards Paul and Jacob, she hadn’t realized that they were sitting there. Jacob looked nervous, while Paul looked down right furious. Like he was going to murder Chad. Caroline flinched slightly at his hostility as she turned her attention back to Chad.

“They’re just a little over protective here in La Push. No big deal.” Chad nodded at her.

“Well, if you say so, sweetheart.” Caroline felt slightly sick at the term of endearment that Chad used. It didn’t sound right coming from his mouth.

Paul watched as Caroline sat in the fancy car and drove off. He practically ran towards Jacob’s truck once the black car was out of site. Jacob followed Paul, starting the ignition in his truck, than taking off in the direction that the black Nissan went.

Paul and Jacob sat uncomfortably at a small round table in an Italian restaurant in Port Angeles. They had placed their menus on the table to cover their faces so they could watch in animosity. Paul’s eyes were transfixed on Chad’s hand, that had just fallen into Caroline’s lap. She was visually uncomfortable. Paul wanted to smack Chad.

“So you’re paying right, Paul?” Paul turned his attention to Jacob. Glaring at him. “I guess not.”

“Look at him. What does he think he’ll be getting out of putting his hand on her thigh like that?” Paul asked Jacob, who was more focused on the menu placed in front of his face then what they were actually there for.

“I don’t know, maybe he’s hoping to get laid.” Paul hit Jacob upside the head. “Sorry, but it’s probably the truth.” The two sat in silence for a few minutes before the waitress came along.

“Listen you two, I know you’re here to watch that blond girl over there, but you have to order something. I’ll let you keep the menus like that if you just order something.” Paul rolled his eyes at the waitress. She was young, blond, green eyes, she reminded him of Caroline. Her breasts were practically popping out of the white blouse that she was wearing. Paul found her attractive.

“Only if I can get your number.” Paul said smugly out of habit. Jacob’s eyes widened and looked towards Paul who was grabbing the small slip of paper the waitress was handing Paul. “I guess I’ll have the cheese ravioli, and for you Jacob?” he asked, avoiding his gaze, Paul knew what was coming.

“Spaghetti and meat balls please.” Jacob said to the waitress. She left the table with their orders, adding a small bounce to her step as she walked back to the kitchen. Jacob turned his head towards Paul, ready to give him a verbal bashing. “What. The. Hell. Was. That?” Jacob’s breath was quickening. He was mad, no he was furious.

“If she’s allowed to date that guy, then I can fuck that girl.” Paul said, gesturing towards the direction that the waitress had walked. Jacob sighed, rubbing his temples lightly. Paul is more work then he thought.

“That’s not really how it works Paul. If you want to seduce her, then you can’t bring random girls back t your place, and then pine over Caroline. That’s just not how it goes.”

Paul shook his head at Jacob and turned his attention back to Caroline. She was laughing at something Chad had said. Paul wished he was in Chad’s spot at that very moment, and that she was laughing that sweet musical laugh at something Paul had said. His intestines started to boil. He was becoming more frustrated with the situation he was in. He needed Caroline. He can’t afford to have her taken away from him by some greasy blond rich boy. Paul sat back in his chair, taking a small sip of the water that was in front of him.

Soon enough their food came, they ate in silence then left before Caroline and Chad did. Jacob saw it as a lost cause, but Paul was going to wait. He was going to wait at Caroline’s house, and pray that she come home that night.

Twenty minutes passed and Paul was becoming impatient when that faithful black Nissan pulled up to her house. Paul quickly phased into his wolf form. He was going to scare the guy away.

“I had a wonderful time tonight, thank you Chad.” Caroline smiled up at Chad, she really did have fun, maybe this could work out for her.

“I had a great time too Caroline.” He looked Caroline up and down. “You look beautiful.” He said licking his lips.

Paul snapped, no one could look at Caroline like that except him. He slowly walked out of the forest, teeth barred. He was ready to rip Chad to shreds. He growled at Chad, drool running down his muzzle. Caroline’s eye’s widened. Chad started to walk backwards.

“What the hell is this Caroline?” Chad stuttered, his eyes locked on the large gray wolf that sat in front of him. Caroline couldn’t move. What did the wolf want? Why was he doing this to Chad, but not to her?

“I.. I don’t know Chad.” She looked back at him. Paul growled louder, taking another step towards Chad. Chad stumbled into his car.

“See if I ever come here again.” Chad mumbled to himself. If he was going to be attacked by wolfs every time he came to see Caroline, then she wasn’t worth it. Caroline frowned as she watched the car race out of sight.

Paul turned towards Caroline, closing his mouth and softening his eyes. Hopefully she wouldn’t run away. He stepped closer to her, bowing his head at her, nuzzling her neck slightly before walking away. Caroline was dumbfounded. The wolf was protecting her. La Push was getting stranger and stranger every hour.

Paul phased when he was far enough into the forest, a smirk playing on his lips.

mission accomplished
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! So Chapter 6 is here. And I know that you'd be upset that Paul took the waitresses number, but I promise it has significance to the Plot!

The thing is, I start school tomorrow so I wont be able to update until the weekend. But I'll be on exam break soon, I'll be spending a lot of time studying, but I will try and update as much as possible. :)

Tell me what you think guys! Message, comment and Subscribe!

ps, thanks to all 16 people who have subscribed to this story. It makes me feel happy knowing people actually like it. Also Thanks to everybody who has commented. I liked the comments too :) :)

Love you guys <3