Status: Finished my exams! Hurray!

Full of Laughter


Paul watched as Caroline walked away from him. His heart breaking a little more with each step she took. Paul had royally fucked up, and there was probably no way to fix it. The only good thing that came out of this whole situation is that Caroline had come to term with her feelings. They felt the same about each other, it’s just Caroline is thinking to hard abut everything.

Paul’s head dropped to his dirty feet. He didn’t deserve Caroline. She didn’t deserve a man who’s slept with so many women. Paul knew what he had to do. He would wait a week, if Caroline didn’t come around in a week’s time, than he will leave. He’ll pack up everything he owns and move across the country, across the world if he has too.

Paul looked up from the ground, hoping that he would see Caroline walking back towards him. She was gone, she had walked away from him. Paul had never felt such pain. Not even when he broke his arm, or when he’s been bitten by one of his pack mates. This is the kind of pain that won’t go away just from laying in bed. Paul would never get over the feeling of a large void in his heart.

He turned around and walked back into his house. He’ll have to face Sam, Jacob and Emily, and he was not up for it. The door creaked as Paul opened it, walking into the eerily silent house. The three he was dreading to see were sitting on the long brown couch. They all turned their heads towards Paul, a questioning look on their face. Paul shook his head side to side as he silent answered their questions. Paul proceeded past the small group and up to his room to begin his packing.

Jacob groaned as he placed his face in his hands. He knew that he should do some damage control for Paul, but Caroline needed to come to loving Paul on her own. Jacob felt useless, helpless, in a situation he so dearly wanted to help. Jacob loved Paul like his older brother, and though Caroline was new to his life, she was his new best girl friend. He just wanted to help his close friends, and yet he just couldn’t.


Caroline sat in her room, she was dressed in pyjama pants, her light blond hair had lost some of its lustre and was pulled into a messy bun. She looked at herself in her mirror from her large plush purple arm chair. Her eyes have lost their sparkle, and they seemed almost darker, lacking the colour that used to make them so vibrant. Caroline turned her head towards her door when a light knocking was heard.

“Hey sweetheart.” John said softly, almost tip toeing into Caroline’s lavender room. He had picked up on the lack-lustre lazy attitude that his daughter had been sporting the last few days. She hardly ever came out of her room, not to mention she hasn’t been seeing the neighbour boy, whom she had become attached too in such a short amount of time. “I brought you a cup of coffee.”

John held out the steamy dark blue mug towards his daughter, hoping that it would give her some energy to be productive today.
“Thanks daddy.” Caroline said, taking a sip of the coffee, than placing it down on the small table that sat beside the arm chair. John shuffled his feet slightly, now is the time to be a dad, ask her what’s wrong, he thought to himself.

“So.. I noticed you’ve been a little, off lately.” Caroline rolled her eyes at her dad. Yeah that’s it John, that is exactly how you should have brought it up, John’s thought dripped with sarcasm as the words made it’s way through his mind. “Um, what I meant is, is something bothering you?”

“Well, yes and no.” Caroline said, her thoughts swimming of Paul.

“Does it have to do with that guy you went on a date with? Because quite honestly, he was kind of sleazy.” John said quickly, hoping that the whole situation wasn’t over a boy.

“No dad, it has nothing to do with Chad. It has to do with another boy.” John inwardly groaned, it was Nancy who was always good with the boy problems. John knew nothing on how to comfort his daughter when it comes to the opposite sex. These were the times when he missed his wife the most. She always knew that a batch of ice cream or cookies along with a good conversation would make Caroline happy. But John knew nothing about Caroline’s favourite type of ice cream, nor could he bake.

“Um well, would you like to talk about it?” Caroline looked at her father questioningly. He had never talked to her about boys before. She liked to pretend that he didn’t even know that she dated. “I know that I’m not your mother, but, as a boy myself, maybe I could give you some advice.” Caroline hadn’t forgotten about her mother so quickly. She desperately needed the mother-daughter talking about boys thing, but now, she didn’t know what to do. Should Caroline talk to her dad about Paul?

“Well, it’s just sort of complicated. I mean, I like this guy, and he likes me, but, to be quite frank, I don’t know if I can trust him. Everybody tells me that he just kind of screws around with girls, and I don’t think that that type of relationship would be worth it.” John nodded his head.

“Do you think maybe you should give him a chance? To show you he’s different then what everyone says about him? Maybe he’d be different with you.” Imprint ran through Caroline’s head. She was different then any other girl. She was Paul’s soul mate, the only person he could love.

“Maybe.” Caroline’s voice drifted off and her father knew that she needed to think some things out. He quietly left her alone in her room to her thoughts.


Paul walked slowly behind the other two members of his pack. His thoughts only on Caroline and what his next step needed to be. She had one day left to approach him before he left town. She hadn’t even left her house within the last 6 days. She hasn’t talked to Jacob, she hasn’t gone for a walk, or out with her father. Nothing. Of course Paul had been watching her, protecting her, waiting for her, but nothing.

What is it that you plan on doing Paul? Jacob asked, using their pack mind talking. It was peculiar; they could only use the power when they were in wolf form.

Going very far away. I’ve waited a week, and I told her I would leave, and I plan on following through with that. Jacob and Quil sighed.

Don’t you think you should wait a bit longer? What if she comes around in a month rather then a week? Paul shook his large wolf head, his gray fur following like a wave’s ripple.

It hurts to much. Jacob was speechless. Paul was never one to feel hurt, he was strong, he was important, he was first in line to be Alpha, and yet he was broken. The feeling of uselessness came back to Jacob in a small burst. Jacob, I have a favour to ask you. Jacob turned around and looked at his superior, hurt written on his face.

Anything. Jacob would do anything for Paul.

Tell her that I’m leaving. Jacob swallowed the large lump that was forming in his throat. He was hoping that Paul wouldn’t ask him to do that, but he did. Jacob nodded his head at Paul. Of course he would follow through with it, but he’ll be begging Caroline to see reason. Jacob turned around, and started off in the direction of his and Caroline’s small clearing.


Jacob slowly walked up to Caroline’s front door. He had quickly stopped in at his house to put on a shirt and jeans, just to spare Caroline from having to talk to him while he’s naked. He knocked gently on the front door of Caroline’s light blue house. John answered the door, knowing that it would probably be Jacob. He smiled at the young boy who stood on the outside of his house, letting him in to the new house.

“She’s upstairs, moping.” John said, directing Jacob towards the stairs. Jacob nodded his head lightly at Caroline’s father. Jacob took a closer look at John. He had a hard face, from years of work on the police force. Though he looked like he could be a complete hard ass, he also looked like he could be a big teddy bear.

Jacob continued up the stairs and towards Caroline’s room. He remembered the light purple walls that Caroline had become so attached too. It was obvious that purple was her favourite colour. He didn’t bother knocking on her bedroom door, instead he opened it softly, hoping to not disturb her.

“Caroline, I need to talk to you.” She turned her head towards the new figure that had entered her room. She hadn’t seen Jacob in a couple of days. Caroline knew that he was just giving her space to think. She nodded her head towards her bed. Jacob closed the door behind him before taking a seat on Caroline’s soft bed.

Caroline turned her body towards Jacob, taking the last sip of the coffee in her mug. She tilted her head to the side, placing the cup on the side table. Jacob took a deep breath in, looking Caroline straight in the eyes.

“Paul is leaving.” Jacob went straight to the point. “Please Caroline, give him a chance. He needs you. I’ve never seen such a strong man crumble because of a woman.” Caroline changed her gaze from Jacob out her window, hoping she’d see the large gray wolf that had been visiting her house on a regular basis.

“Alright.” Jacob opened his mouth to plead and protest a bit more, but he stopped when he realized what Caroline had just said.

“What?” He was sure Caroline would say no.

“I’ve been thinking for 6 days about the Jacob. I’m willing to give him one chance. He needs to prove to me that he can take care of me and that I can trust him. But he only gets one chance.” Jacob nodded his head, completely agreeing with Caroline and her choice. “Tell him to be here at eight.” Jacob nodded standing up from his previous seat.

“Thank you Caroline, you won’t be disappointed. I promise.” Caroline took that promise to heart as she watched as Jacob left her room.

Caroline looked out the window of her room, out towards the forest. The sight calmed her. Her thoughts began to drift to her mother. Would she have suggested giving Paul a chance?

Is this a good idea mom? Will he be good for me? Will he be faithful? I need you more than ever right now mom. I wish you never had to leave.

Caroline stood up from the chair that had kept her as a prisoner for the last 6 days. Her bones and muscles ached as she stretched her limps. She walked towards the bathroom. Caroline glanced at the clock on her bedside table. 5:30pm.

I need to start getting ready now if I’m going to be ready for eight.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! So this will probably be my last update until AFTER my Part A Social Diploma, which I write on friday.

A diploma is Alberta's equivalent to a final, but it's worth 50% of your overall mark, so it's pretty important that I study for this test. So unfortunately I will not be updating until next weekend. I have SO many prep tests next week, so I'll be pretty busy, but I'll be paying attention to you guys and your comments :) I like getting the comments :)

Wish me luck on my diplomas!!

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