Status: Please be patient, you all know what it's like to have writer's block.

Ghost Adventures: Application

No Way.

Ten years old, silent, thoughts racing, body quivering at the image before me. I am Mae Collins, and I have just discovered a sick truth about myself. I can see the paranormal. My baby sitter, Zak, isn't here yet, and I'm petrified to move out of the spot that I'm in, petrified to move since the girl before me, I was positive of my next thought, was dead.

"Mae!" I heard my mother's voice from downstairs, she had been putting her earrings on, I could tell by the off tone of her voice, it wasn't quite concentrating on calling my name, but more so in putting on the diamond hangers that my father had gotten her for their anniversary. "Zachary is here!"

The ghost broke away, shimmering out into the abyss that she had come from, leaving me petrified to a greater extent. There was no way I could tell my mom, dad, or even Zak, that there was a ghost in my room, and that I could see her. I wasn't five anymore, this wasn't something that I could admit to anyone. This was going to be kept inside my head.
Shift forward, nineteen years later. I'm four years out of college and living with my friend Kas in a very well furnished apartment.

"I'm telling you," Kas said over the phone, seeing as she was at her fiance's house. She was into the paranormal stuff. I wasn't. "Just. come on Mae, just watch it this once, you'll love it, I promise."

I sighed and nodded, and though she couldn't see it, I'm sure Kas knew, since we were just that close. "Alright alright." I said. "I'll see you for dinner." I said, a tone in my voice that told her she would have to be at home to eat, to pay me back for making me watch this damn show.

I flicked on channel 188 (Comcast was my friend) and sighed again, this would be horrible to sit though. Seeing all the activity that the poor fuck on the TV couldn't since they were just faking ass-

"My name is Zak Bagans. I never believed in ghosts until I came face to face with one."

I almost spit my iced tea out. No. Not Zak, not my childhood babysitter, not the boy that I had a crush on ever since I was five years old. Not. Him. He would not be the poor fuck that I had to sit and make fun of for a whole hour.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if this first chapter sucked. I'm trying to get the ages and dates right at the moment, but this'll be better. I promise.