Status: Please be patient, you all know what it's like to have writer's block.

Ghost Adventures: Application

Just my Luck

The rest of the investigation was spent very, very far from the nurse's disastrous ending. At least, that's what Zak and I made sure of. For the rest of the night I heard nothing from Nick and Aaron, probably the two had been back in the other side of the hospital, investigation what had happened to me and the areas around the room that I had been possessed in. Zak and I, we spent the investigation (after I was able to get back up on my feet without vomiting) in the childcare hallways.

We were sitting on the floor of one of the daycare rooms, waiting for the light of a flashlight to change when a horrible thought crossed my mind.

"Hey Zak...?" I asked quietly, wary of the light but also still a little worn from my possession. I looked in the direction that I thought he was in, still a little unaccustomed to the darkness of the room. I heard a rustle and a slide from his side of the room, and upon glancing in the screen of my camera discovered that he had looked back at me.

"Yeah?" He responded, a little bit louder than me but he hadn't just undergone some horrible experience less than two hours ago. His voice was perfectly intact, and though he was several feet away from me, I felt warm just hearing it.

"How long are you going to be in Chicago?" As if it hadn't been bad enough for me to think, it felt worse to say. As I spoke, my voice caught in my throat, something that I had hoped he would attribute to my earlier episode.

I found myself not wanting to hear his reply, to block it from my mind forever, but he spoke as though he hadn't heard my voice crack. "When do you want me to leave?" He didn't even miss a beat, answering immediately after my question. I wondered briefly if he had been thinking about the same thing.

It felt awkward to say 'never'. I glanced up as a little girl tentatively walked toward the flashlight, a questioning look on her face. I looked back in Zak's direction and frowned. "I don't think I wan-"

"Oh!" Zak gasped and shuffled forward when the light on the flashlight beamed up at the ceiling, and shuffled forward. He whipped out his recorder and pressed the record button, ignoring what I had said before. I fell into silence as he started taking EVPs, watching the little girl look at him questioningly, reading her lips when she made quiet replies to his questions.

I felt like an idiot.

After that, I just listened to Zak ramble on during EVP sessions, barely paying attention to what he was asking. It was maybe a whole hour later when I heard him say my name. "Mae..." He looked over at me and smiled, I could see in the light of the flashlight: the girl was still there. "Have anything to ask her?"

I really didn't know what Zak had already asked, so I was a little tentative about asking something that could have been already answered. The little girl, however, was looking at me expectantly.

Feeling that I had to ask her at least something, I moved forward and sat on my heels next to Zak. I looked at the little girl, and, very softly, so as to not alarm her, asked. "Did you loose your mommy here?" Her expression changed, eyes widening with the realization that I could see her. "Can you come talk to me?" I asked again after a moment of her silence.

The little girl moved forward, knocking over the light in doing so, and sat in front of me, her legs crossed. The room immediately grew colder with the closer she got. I saw her lips move and heard a very faint reply. She wasn't as strong as Christopher, the ghost in my apartment, but I was sure that she said 'yes'.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Zak put his recorder down, moving away to not distract anything that I was doing or frighten the little girl. He knew, somehow, that a female presence would be easier for the little girl to handle than he would be.

I smiled at her again and crossed my own legs, placing my hands on my ankles and leaning forward towards her. "How come you're here?" I asked, softly and gently still, wondering why such a small, cute child would be in a hospital like this, where just a few floors away a nurse was raped and murdered.

Her reply was a little bit louder than the last, but I still had to read her lips as best as I could just to make sure what she was saying was as shocking as I thought it was. "They said... I was like... mommy."

Her mother must have been emitted into the hospital with some mentality issue, perhaps her father had died and her mother went mad because of it. The only thing to do was ask her about it. "What happened to your daddy?" I asked, trying to stay calm. I was breaching new grounds here, using the ability that I hated to perhaps help a little girl move on.

What she said next nearly knocked me backwards.

"Mommy killed him."

With those three little words (a phrase commonly, and ironically used around love) the little girl's whole being seemed to change abruptly. The edges of her spiritual form reddened, her voice grew louder, both characteristics of a demonic entity. Boy I'm just not having luck with these spirits today... I thought in the brief period of time where the little girl was doing nothing. I had already opened myself up to her enough, it wouldn't be safe for me to keep talking to her, lest she followed me home.

I took a new approach.

"Well it looks like our little game is through." I said, standing over her, commanding and tall, aggravating her further. "Since I can see the sweet approach isn't working, why don't you hurt me like mommy hurt daddy?"

From the corner of my eye I could see Zak's body visibly tensing up in surprise at my sudden command. He stood, mouth hanging open. "But Mae you've already been hurt today whatever happens could seriously harm you-"

"Just let her." I commanded, looking down at the little girl. "She won't do it, she knows she likes me too much, even though she is a demon, I listened to her."
♠ ♠ ♠
Left this off at a really bad place, but ah well.
Thanks so much for all the comments guys, I love you lots ^__^