Status: Please be patient, you all know what it's like to have writer's block.

Ghost Adventures: Application


I absolutely hated being sick. No questions asked; being ill was definitely not a great thing for me. Not only was I physically weakened and frail, but on top of that the mental stability that I had dropped steadily throughout periods of my brain telling my immune system to pick up the pace and get me well again. This left huge gaps in my protection against the ability of seeing the paranormal, and I was left with more ghostly visitors than usual.

Kas had took Nick and Aaron out but Zak had chosen to stay with me, bless his soul, and take care of me like he used to do.

So now I was sat on the couch, avoiding the gaze of several ghosts and sipping quietly at a bowl of instant Ramen and a ginger ale. Zak sat next to me on the couch with one of his surprisingly soft muscly arms rested around my shoulder, and in his other hand was the remote. I sat snuggled close to him, my back against his side, as he flicked through the channels, barely paying attention to what new channel we were watching every few seconds.


"Go back!" I gasped, almost spilling my soup from sitting up too soon.

Zak raised an eyebrow at me and flicked back to the channel that he had just passed. Edward Elric was currently going off of Roy Mustang about how he wasn't short, for about the millionth time. I settled back down against my 'babysitter' and smiled up at him apologetically.

"I love this show." I explained, blushing slightly at my own dorkiness. We both laughed at this and I settled down to watch Fullmetal Alchemist while he reached up to play with a strand of my hair.

"It's not as long as it used to be..." He commented dismissively. "I liked your hair when it was long..."

I laughed once at this and tilted into his touch. "I cut it off after some dickbag in ninth grade stuck a piece of gum in it." I rolled my eyes slightly. "After that I kept it short, it bugged me if I didn't." I shrugged once and rest my cheek on his chest. "Long hair definitely works better for short people, and I've never exactly been short, if you can remember." I grinned up at him and he continued playing with my hair.

"I remember very clearly." He grinned back and we left the conversation at that, both of us watching the anime while I stayed cuddled to him and tried desperately to ignore the spirits floating around us.

It was around three more episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist and halfway through Death Note that Kas finally came home with Nick and Aaron.

"You two look mighty comfy." She smirked at us and I blushed a deep red that could have been because of my sickness or because of the embarrassment. "Shut up Kas..." I muttered, looking away from her. "Am sick, I can cuddle who I want."

Nick and Aaron walked past us with slight smirks on their faces, obviously knowing something that Kas and I didn't. They took up the other couch and glanced at the television. "Cartoons?" Nick asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Anime," I corrected him curtly. "And if you wouldn't mind," I smirked at my next statement. "Could you possibly keep your eyes off my friends ass while she's putting the groceries away?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohwow I've been working on this for like..... months. After an extremely long hiatus period, I am back, and might not update again for an extended period of time. Depends on what the next episode of GA brings. Anywhoooo my interests really changed dramatically so I haven't written this for a long time, and had a huuuuuuuuuuuge period jump somewhere between when the guys arrived to the point that it is now. Might just be a couple days but yeah, it's pretty big.
Hope you enjoyed for just a filler chapter until I remember what the plot was to this. Thanks for all the support guys!
<3 <3~