Status: es ist fertig.

La Promesse Est Une Promesse


He finishes packing now, manipulating the flaps so that nothing can fall out. She stands in his apartment with him, unable to express her real feelings, tears stinging her eyes. He steps forward and takes her in his arms for the last time.
As he holds her, her eyelids can’t stop the tears from falling, and he squeezes her tighter just once more before turning to pick up his last box and leave.

She wakes the every morning to an empty bed, a heavy heart, and a ringing phone.

She answers.

“Hey baby,” he says the first time, “I just got all my boxes in. Thought I’d give you a call.”

She sits up in bed and smiles, “Are you going to visit Friday night?”

“I’ll stay all weekend, baby.” He promises, and she can hear the smile in his voice.

The thought of his visit keeps her spirits up through the week, her thoughts constantly returning to him with anticipation.

Friday night there’s only a phone call, a quick excuse shouted over the party in the background, a screamed lie. She knows he’s going to keep doing this, blowing her off with muttered, ill thought excuses, and blatant lies.

‘He’s no better than the rest of them,’ she thinks as she buries herself deep in her covers, and prepares for the nightmares.
♠ ♠ ♠
Final word count = 572