Girl Next Door

Day Dreaming

Brian watched as Kylie dropped her purse on the couch and then sat down. He glanced over at the clock and noticed it was just after ten. They still had plenty of time before turning into bed. He removed his fadora, and then walked over to where she was sitting.

"You wanna fix something to eat?" He questioned.

"It doesn't matter. I'm not too hungry." She said.

"Oh come on." He laughed, "We didn't eat anything at Zacky's. Let's go find something." He said motioning with his head for her to follow him into the kitchen.

She raised up with a smile and followed him inside. She couldn't help but to laugh at him upon seeing his hat hair. He turned around and raised an eyebrow at her. She looked away, but continued to laugh softly.

"What?" He asked annoyed.

"You have the most ridiculous hat hair ever right now."

He smirked, and raised his hand up and ran it through his hair. He shook his head and laughed.

"Well, I was wearing a hat, what do you expect?"

"I don't know. I just think it's funny. Usually you're all gelled to perfection."

"I'm not always gelled to perfection." He said, crossing his huge tattooed arms over his chest.

"Every time I've saw you."

"Well, clearly, you're not seeing me enough." He said, and then opened the freezer.

She laughed, and looked inside for something to eat. He hadn't been shopping in a long time. He usually left that task up to Michelle. She wasn't too big on cooking, so she usually just brought home microwavable or frozen foods.

"You wanna fix pizza?" He asked.


"You know how, right?" He asked, turning towards her.

She laughed, "You're making the guest prepare food?"

"Well, you're the chick!"

"It doesn't matter!"

"It does too!"

"Brian! I'm your guest. You're suppose to cook for me, not the other way around."

"We'll do it together?" He asked softly, causing her to laugh.

"Okay." She agreed.

Kylie laughed as Brian took the pizza from the plastic and then looked at her. Clearly, he thought his job was done. She shook her head, as she went in search for a pan. She used some light butter on the pan so the pizza wouldn't stick.. Brian didn't have any extra toppings in the house, so she placed it inside his stove, and adjusted the temperature.

"We make a good team." Brian smirked.

"You didn't do anything." She laughed.

"I opened it." He said, acting as if that was the most work that was required.

She laughed, "You're insane. So, what are we going to do until it finishes?"

"We could watch a movie, or just hang out." He offered, desperately wishing she would say hang out. He really wanted to get to know her more.

"I guess a movie is cool." She replied.

He nodded his head, and tried to not show how disappointed he was with her answer. They walked into the living room and he pointed over to his collection of DVDs. He told her to take her pick. He expected her to pick one of the chick flicks he had for when Michelle was over. He just knew she would pick something stupid like '13 going on 30' or 'the notebook'. He sighed, as he saw her picking up a DVD. He couldn't see the title as she slipped it into the player.

"What did you pick?" He asked, as she sat down beside him on the couch.

"The Devil's Rejects, I love that movie!" She replied happily.

He looked at her for a second with his mouth dropped. She had picked a gorey movie? Not only that, but she picked a movie that showed women practically naked. This was not something he was used to. Michelle always said the only reason he liked the movie was because of the sex scene with the clown. He didn't mind the sex scene, but he honestly just liked the movie.

"I can't believe you picked this movie." He laughed.

"What? Don't you like it?" She asked.

"It's one of my favorites." He replied. "Just unusual for a girl to pick it."

"Let me guess," She giggled softly, tucking a piece of blond hair behind her ear, "You thought I'd pick some romance flick."


"You've got a lot to learn about me, Brian Haner." She smirked.

He smiled, and watched as her eyes traveled back to the screen. She watched it with full attention. He was glad, because he wasn't able to rip his eyes away from her. It would be embarrassing for her to catch him staring. He just couldn't believe what an amazing woman she had turned into.

He really wished he had a time machine so he could go back and never pick on her. Hell, he would have started dating her if he knew she was going to be like this. Why did he have to be such an asshole?


He snapped out of his thoughts and looked over at her. She was now standing up in the doorway of the kitchen.


"The pizza is done." She giggled. "You were day dreaming."

"Oh, yeah. . . I guess I was." He laughed, standing up and walking into the kitchen with her.

She already had the pizza sliced. He grabbed himself a napkin and a slice. She done the same and he watched as she nibbled away on it, clearly not wanting to burn her mouth by taking too big of a bite.

"So," Brian said. "What do I owe you for tonight?"

She laughed, "You make me sound like a prostitute."

He smirked, 'You know I don't mean it that way."

She smiled, "I know, and I don't know. I guess I'll just tell you when I figure it out."

"You know, I may need your services again."

"You think so?" She asked.

"Probably." He nodded, "Everyone thinks we're dating, and I really didn't get time to tell anyone differently."

She looked into his brown eyes and the words that Zacky had spoke came flooding back to her.

"What did Zacky mean?" She asked.

"Huh?" He questioned.

"When he said it seems like you snagged me after all, it wasn't nothing to worry about, or something like that."

Brian froze. He really didn't think she would remember that, and if she did, he didn't plan on her bringing it up. He licked over his lips.

"Oh, I forgot-- Uh, Zacky knew the plan. He knows you're not really my girlfriend, only pretending." Brian said.

"But you just said no one knows." She said, arching a brow with confusion.

"Besides Zacky."


"I had forgot about him." Brian said, and then quickly changed the subject, "This pizza is fucking amazing. What kind is it? Did you look at the box?"

She laughed, knowing what he was doing. "Nope, I didn't look."

Kylie knew something was going on. Brian was horrible at lying. But she decided to just let it go. The truth would eventually come out. It always did.
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