Girl Next Door


Kylie looked down at the books and groaned. A week had passed since she and Brian had become official. It still blew her mind that she had actually fell for him. Out of all the men in the world, she ended up falling for the guy who had picked on her and made her life hell. She smiled as she remembered years ago when he would pick on her. Never in her wildest dreams did she think those years of teasing would turn into a relationship that made her stomach swarm with butterflies. A text message brought her out of her thoughts. She sighed, as she picked up the phone and grinned when she saw it was from Brian.

Done with your work, school girl? Zacky and Gena want to go out tonight.

She giggled softly, as she dialed his number. She would much rather talk to Brian than text him. She loved hearing his voice. It took him a few minutes to pick up.


"Hey." She said, laying down in her bed for a moment.

"Hey babe. Get my text?"

"Mhm. What are you doing?"

"I'm actually trying to find Pinkly's dog food." Brian laughed. "I think I misplaced it."

"How do you misplace a bag of dog food, Bri?"

"I don't know." He laughed again. "How much more homework do you have left?"

"I have about a page left on this research paper, and then I'm finished."

"So, you want to go out with Zacky and Gena later?"

"Sure." Kylie replied.

"Okay. Well, I'll let you get back to your paper, babe. I'll pick you up around six or so."

She hung up the phone and smiled softly to herself. She knew she needed to focus on her report if she planned on going out tonight. She sighed softly as she began reading the information and writing. After about forty fine minutes, she was finishing her closing paragraph. She grinned widely when she finally finished it up. She checked over it, printed it off, and then placed it inside a neat folder.

The digital clock on her night stand read 3:16 PM. She still had plenty of time to get ready for the date, so she decided to walk downstairs and see what her mother was up to. She found her mom sitting in the living room, knitting as she watched a soap opera. Kylie giggled softly as she sat down on the recliner.

"Soap opera's aren't good mom."

"They are too. What are you up to?" Rachel asked, placing her knitting supplies down on the sofa, and looking at her daughter.

"Well, I just finished my report, and I've got some time to kill before Brian picks me up."

"Where are you two love birds going?"

Kylie smiled. "Out with a friend of his."

"That sounds nice. Will you be coming back home tonight?"

Kylie bit down on her bottom lip. "I don't know." She replied. "I guess it depends on if he drinks or not."

"I'm glad you don't let him drive drunk." Rachel smiled. "Brian's a good boy. It's about time you two got together. Your dad would be happy right about now."

"Why would dad be happy?" Kylie asked confused.

"Your dad always thought you and Brian would end up together. He used to tell me that every single day. Even when you would come in bawling your eyes out." Rachel laughed.


"Yep. He said it was just something about you two."

"Dad didn't care that Brian was Cole's age?" Kylie asked, kind of shocked. Her father had always been very over protective of her.

"Brian is just five years older than you, Kylie." Rachel laughed. "Your father was seven years older than me. That would have made him a hypocrite."

Kylie smiled. "I'm glad we're together now."

Kylie talked to her mom a bit longer before going upstairs. She couldn't believe her dad had always thought that she and Brian would one day be together. Her father had always told her that one day she would find her prince charming. He never approved of any of the guys he had met. He never once liked a boy she brought home. She thought he was just picky about them, and never thought they were good enough for her, but with what her mother said, she realized what it was about them. They weren't Brian.

She walked over to her closet, and pulled a pair of jeans and a dressy tank top out of the closet. She grabbed a curling iron from the closet, and then hooked it up. She sat down and began on her make-up. She decided to spend a lot of time on her eyes, and give a smokey effect. She didn't wear a lot of make-up unless it was a special occasion, but she decided to see what Brian's reaction to her dressed up would be.

After she finished her make-up, she began curling her hair. She had loose curls all over her head, and then she went through and worked them out with her fingers. She wanted her hair to look curled, but not like a prom style. She glanced in the mirror and was pleased with her hair and make-up. She then decided to go ahead and change clothes.

As she slipped on her heel, she could hear Cyrus yelling from downstairs. That meant Brian had arrived. She rolled her eyes slightly as Cyrus continued to scream for her. She grabbed her purse from the bed, and then walked out of her room and downstairs. As she entered the living room she saw Brian and Cyrus laughing about something. Brian looked over at his girlfriend, and his mouth nearly hit the floor.

She smiled softly upon seeing his reaction, and walked towards him. He wrapped his arm around her waist, not really knowing if he could form a word at the moment. She looked incredible. He had never saw her all made up. He had thought she looked completely gorgeous natural, but when she put on make-up and done her hair. Well, there was simply no word for how stunning she looked. He swallowed hard, knowing that she probably turned heads everywhere she went.

"Where are you two going?" Cyrus asked.

"Out with Zacky and Gena for some seafood, and then I'm not sure." Brian laughed.

"Well. Have fun kids." Cyrus laughed, "And Brian, remember what Cole said."

"He knows." Kylie rolled her eyes. "Broken heart, broken jaw."

Brian laughed, "Come on, babe." He said, taking her hand in his and leading her towards the door.
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