Mind Set

Mind Set

I got my mind set on you
There's nothing you can do to change my mind about it
Inside out you're beautiful
There's nothing you can do to change my mind about you

Jacey Rae Marshall wasn’t your typical girl. She hated shopping more than anything but always pretended to like it so that her twin sisters would be happy shopping with her. She drove a white Yukon which made her sisters even happier because that meant there was more room for their purchases. She always did what her sisters wanted, but that’s because she was the oldest. That or just really insecure. It was also almost time for school to start back up again. Yeah you would think that being a twenty three year old she wouldn’t have to worry about school. But she was a kindergarten teacher. She sighed as she pulled into a parking spot at yet another store. Her sisters were making her get the perfect outfit for that night and she was starting to get tired. Yes it was there birthday and their parents had been awesome and handed over their credit cards even though the girls didn’t need them and told them to get whatever they wanted before the Avenged Sevenfold concert that night. And to make sure they ate before going out and partying.

“Jacey Rae, c’mon this is the last stop we need shoes…” Kyle Marshall said pouting as she tucked a piece of her dirty blonde hair behind her ear.

“Kyle, seriously can’t I just wear sneakers?”

“No” Leanne said. Jacey glared at her little sisters and crossed her arms over her chest as she muttered curses under her breath.

“Leanne, Kyle, I love you both dearly but I am not wearing heels. C’mon I’m a teacher for Christ sakes.”

“So you can’t wear heels?”

“What the hell does that have to do with anything? I don’t want to wear heels!” She saw the looks on her sisters faces and sighed. “Fine.”

“YAY” Jacey rolled her eyes and sighed as she let herself be dragged in the last store.

Later that night Jacey was ready to kill her sisters. She had done nothing but listen to them go on about clothes like teenagers instead of mature (well semi mature) twenty three year old women. She had to use the bathroom and was walking out of the bathroom to meet back up with her sisters at the coffee shop across from the arena when she ran into someone.

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry…” she looked up and her eyes met a pair of really pretty green eyes.

“It’s okay…” the man she ran into said his eyes staring into her lighter green eyes. “…I’m Matt…”

“Jacey Rae, I didn’t mean to run into you. My sisters are waiting on me and they’re in a hurry.”

“Where are you in a hurry to get to?”

“They want to get to dinner so we can to this concert tonight.”

“Concert? The Sevenfold one?”

“Yeah, I’d say how do you know but it’s the only concert tonight.”

“Yeah, so you a fan?”

“My sister is a bigger fan than me, but yeah a fan all the same.”

“Well don’t ask, you’ll figure it out later… but give your name to the security guard backstage and I’ll see you and your sisters later… I have to go…” She stood there stunned and just nodded.


“See you later Jacey Rae.” Matt said grinning and walking away. She shook her head and smiled. He was kinda cute. She rejoined her sisters and said nothing as they went to grab so food.

They got to the show and were laughing and singing and dancing with Escape the Fate and when they left the trio talked excitedly as they waited for Avenged Sevenfold to come onstage. When they finally did Kyle and Lea were screaming with the rest of the fans but Jacey was trying to keep her jaw off the floor. Her eyes locked on Matt’s and he grinned at her. Her sisters didn’t miss that one and Kyle raised her eyebrow at Jacey. She just shook her head and said not a word, oh her sisters were gonna love her, even though she couldn’t believe this herself. After the show, she was the one leading the way backstage and her sisters said nothing but when the guard led them back to where the guys were Kyle and Leanne were both asking how the hell she had managed it.

“Matt incoming…” Zacky said spotting the redhead and her sisters. Matt turned and Jacey rolled her eyes. Matt tried not to laugh. He liked her and she wasn’t phased obviously by who he was if she was rolling her eyes at him. He flung an arm around her shoulders and she introduced her sisters to him.

“This is Kyle and Leanne, my twin sisters…” Jacey said.

“Kyle?” Matt asked.

“Parents wanted a boy… got three girls.” Jacey replied back.

“But Kyle?” Zacky asked.

“Seriously couldn’t they pick something else?” Johnny said. Kyle glared at him.

“They didn’t have anything else picked out thank you and I like being different.” Kyle said in her defense. Matt laughed.

“Okay, so this is Jacey Rae…”

“Just Jacey”

“You heard her, and this is Brian, Johnny, Jimmy, and Zack.” Matt said.

“Kyle, Lea, this is Matt.”

“There now we all know names… I want a drink, you girls game?” Matt asked.

“Sure why the hell not.” Leanne said.

“Happy birthday to us…” Kyle whispered to her sisters. Jacey smacked her and Leanne agreed with her. Brian raised an eyebrow. He had obviously heard Kyle.

“Birthday huh?” He asked with a smirk. The other guys knew what he was thinking. It was definitely an excuse to party. They left together and when they got to the club Matt had already decided that he liked Jacey. She was sweet, sarcastic, friendly, defensive, and obviously she loved her sisters. He knew once she told them she was a teacher the guys were gonna give him hell.

That night when the girls collapsed at Kyle’s they were laughing, drunk and there was a stupid grin on Jacey’s face. Leanne shook her head and didn’t know what to say to her sister. She had spent the night dancing with Matt and he had kissed her at the end of the night.

“Seriously would you quit grinning like an idiot?”

“What’s wrong Lea?” Jacey asked her sister smiling as she rolled to face the youngest of her sisters.

“Nothing, your just grinning and it’s getting annoying seriously.”

“Not my fault he asked me out.”

It started innocent enough, with a day just like any other
Woke up late and running behind
Americano on the corner, she came without a warning
Knocked my drink all over me
She said
"Sorry I was rushing and I gotta get to work.."
After that I didn't hear a single word she said
I was caught off-guard by her turquoise eyes
I knew right then I had to make her mine

The guys were onstage about three weeks later when Matt was taking a drink of his water when Jimmy started messing around with the drums suddenly. Brian and the others turned to him. Brian realized what he was doing then waited a second and joined in with the guitar. Matt recognized the song and rolled his eyes.

“Fucking hilarious guys…” he said sarcastically. He glanced toward the side of the stage and saw that Jacey had a raised eyebrow. He shrugged as Johnny and Zack joined in. Matt turned back to them all. The crowd was laughing as Matt glared at the others. They were chanting Hot For Teacher too. “Guys seriously… What the hell?”

“The Rev Started it.”

“Yeah blame it on the guy behind the drum kit Gates.”

“Actually Shadows Started it, you‘re the one dating a teacher.” Johnny said.

“Fuck You”

“Ain’t that her job…?” Zacky asked.

“Well aren’t you all fucking hysterical? Aren’t we supposed to be entertaining these people?”

“They’re finding it hilarious” Brian said.

“I don’t think they’re the only ones…” Johnny said pointing.

“The Berry’s don’t count…” Matt said trialing off as he watched them shove her onto the stage beside Zack.

“What the hell?” Jacey muttered.

“Well would you look at that…?” Zacky said grinning

“Looks like a certain teacher decided to come out and say hello.” Brian said looking at her. She flipped him off. Matt raised an eyebrow at her a slight smirk on his face at that.

“Oh she’s feisty Shadows…I like her…” Jacey rolled her eyes.

“Back off Gates”

“I’m just saying…Lets see if the crowd agrees…”

“you’ve gotta be kidding me…” Jacey said inaudibly. “Seriously not funny guys…” Jacey said as she was shoved further onto the stage. She reached for Matt.

“Aww…isn’t that cute…?” Brian asked.

“Wow damn… she is just so adorable.” Johnny cooed

“Aww Shadows… she likes you…” Jimmy said.

“Aren’t they adorable?” Zack asked looking at the crowd.

“How necessary are they to the band?” Jacey asked looking at Matt.

“He needs us... who else would do the important job and play the actual instruments?” Jimmy said indignantly.

“Unfortunately…he‘s right…” Matt muttered.

“We resent that…” Zacky declared glaring at Matt.

“Then leave her alone.” Matt responded

“But she’s cute… and she blushes!” Brian said starting to pout then grinning when he saw her blush and pointed to her. She hid her face against Matt’s chest.

“Aww… that’s so fucking cute.” Jimmy said and Johnny laughed.

“You’re all assholes…” Matt said shaking his head. He lead Jacey back to the side of the stage and set her in a chair.

“Guess that’s out cue to continue on with the show…” Brian said.

Later that night the couple had ditched the guys after Jacey smacked the four of them over they head as they walked off stage. And she accomplished it even though she had to jump to reach Jimmy. Matt held her hand as they walked into the pizza place. She had felt better after smacking the guys over the head.

got my mind set on you
There's nothing you can do to change my mind about it
Inside out you're beautiful
There's nothing you can do to change my mind about you

Turned out my pocket, a crumpled up paper she gave me the day before
A scribbled message and a number
Said "call me later"
Who am I to keep her waiting
So without hesitation I sat down softly contemplating
If I wait to call her will it be too late?
I'm staring at the phone, but I don't know what I'll say
Something about this girl drives me crazy

When she walked into the classroom a Monday after yet another great date with Matt. She had ended up spending the weekend with him. Jacey looked around and sighed. She glanced down at the floor as she dropped her bag beside the desk. She smiled as she thought about how the rest of her weekend had gone. She was so stupid for falling in love with Matt but she couldn‘t help it. He was a great kisser and his great talents didn‘t end there She had a permanent grin on her face. She was humming something as she sat in her chair behind her desk and got everything ready for the day. She smiled when she heard the warning bell go off. She walked outside to line up her class on the playground. She led them inside and got things started for the day. Around one she walked out in the hall to speak with the principal and then back into class as he headed down the hall to the second grade rooms. She walked back inside and informed Gianna that she would be being picked up by her uncle. When the child nodded and went back to her seat she stare at the clock. When the bell rang Jacey had to laugh as she followed the kids out of the room. She was meeting her sisters that day afterwards for an early dinner. She wasn’t paying attention as she grabbed her ringing phone from her pocket and answered it when she heard Gianna say her name.

“Miss Marshall, I want you to meet my Uncle. He’s the most awesome uncle in the…” Jacey looked up and the recognition registered on her face.


“Holy shit Jacey…”

“You know miss Marshall?” Gianna asked


“Oh god…” Jacey muttered. And rolled her eyes as she watched Brian walk over.

“Hey Matt’s teacher girlfriend.” Brian said smirking.

“Hi Brian.”

“So this is the school you work at?” He responded back.

“Yeah, obviously…”

“She’s my teacher and she’s really nice…”

“Yeah I bet…” Zack knelt down in front of his niece, “…she’s also Matt’s girlfriend sweetie.” Jacey rolled her eyes and shook her head. This wasn’t going to end well and she knew it.

Three days later she got her answer. It wasn’t ending well. Brian and Zack had taken to picking up Zack’s niece and Nephew and Brian’s little sister from school and actually coming to the class to get them. The kids in her class had started teasing her that he was coming back to the classroom everyday so that he could see her. She rolled her eyes as that day as the end of the day bell rang, she watched as Gianna ran to her Uncle. She shook her head as she saw Gavin and Mckenna and Brian as well. This was getting annoying. She walked over to them.

“What does your sister say about all of this?”

“Of what?”

“Her kids getting the star treatment by their uncle just so he can annoy his friends?”

“Don’t you mean…”

“Hey Jacey, who’s this?” Eleanor Larson asked her.

“Uhm my friends Zack and Brian…”

“Zachary James Baker and Brian Elwin Haner Jr.” She said glaring at them.

“Eleanor Larson… wow… still living I see…”

“Zack…” Jacey hissed.

“Why are the two of you here?”

“Picking up my little sister and his niece and nephew.” Brian said.

“Yeah and she’s gonna be at Uncle Matt’s birthday party tomorrow…uncle Zack said so.”

“Your dating Zack?” Eleanor asked.


“Are you serious?” Lorraine Montgomery asked.


“Holy shit..” Brian and Zack said at the same time.

“Can we just go?” Brian asked. The rest of them standing there nodded. Zack grinned at Eleanor and tossed an arm around Jacey and even though she tried to shrug it off he wouldn’t let her.

The next day Jacey was shaking her head as she got out of Matt’s car. Gianna was headed straight to her. Watching as Matt got out from behind the wheel he yelled to Zack.

“Hey Zack, Matt brought your girlfriend.” Everyone’s heads turned to Zack who looked at Brian with a not funny dude look on his face and Matt looked from Jacey to Zack.

“What the hell is he talking about Jacey?” Matt asked looking down at her.

“Just ignore him he’s being an idiot…” Jacey said.

“But that’s what everyone at school thinks…” Gianna said.

“What the fucking hell?” Matt asked

“Watch your mouth.” Jacey responded automatically, everyone raised their eyebrows.

“They think your dating Zack?” Matt asked sounding confused and pissed off at the same time.

“Dude… It’s totally not what you think.” Zack said walking over.

“It totally is… she didn’t even bother correcting the old bitch.”

“I tried to Brian… everyone kept interrupting me you idiot.”

“I still want to know why everyone you work with thinks your dating Zack.”

“They assume things?” Jacey asked looking at him innocently.

“You have to have a reason to assume shit.”

“Blame the kid Matt.”

“Yeah pass it off on an innocent child Jacey…” Brian said.

“I’m just saying they overheard her talking to me about coming today and jumped to conclusions.”

“Wait…what?” Matt looked even more confused.

“I AM GIANNA’s TEACHER SHIT HEAD” Jacey said loudly after rolling her eyes.

“Watch your mouth.” Zack said mocking Jacey.

“Shut up or Imma hurt you.”

“See feisty…” Brian said grinning at Matt.

“Don’t make me choke you” Jacey said glaring at him.

“Okay yeah see now I know you’re jealous…” Matt said

“I’m not the jealous type.” Brian said defensively.

“Apparently you are the ‘I sound like a 16 year old girl’ type”

“Ain’t she great?” Matt asked looking down at his girlfriend, Jacey grinned. “…But seriously I still want my answer.”

“It was really nothing. Eleanor overheard Gianna talking about today, assumed I was Zack's girlfriend, and didn't give me the chance to correct her.”

“Eleanor?” Matt asked

“That old bat Larson, hated us in school” Zack said Matt’s eyebrow rose.

“You work with her?”


“So all of that?”

“Matt, i know it's only been about a month since we started dating but you gotta learn to trust me... besides the only thing about him I think is pretty is his eyes.”

“Hey! I’m good looking…” Zack said defending himself.

“I didn’t say you weren’t.”

“You said the only thing pretty about me was my eyes!”

“No… I said that was my personal opinion.”


“Whoa…big word for you there Zack.” Brian said laughing.

“Shut up asshole.”

“Would you not cuss in front of my daughter please? Now all of you outback now before Matt gets pissed…”

“She cussed…” Jacey whispered to Matt and the guys as the woman walked back inside with Gianna. Zack grinned at Jacey and they were all trying not to laugh.

I got my mind set on you
There's nothing you can do to change my mind about it
Inside out you're beautiful
There's nothing you can do to change my mind about you

It started innocent enough, with a day just like any other
Woke up late but right on time
I got halfway out the door, then her
"Where are you going?"
She grabbed me by the wrist, she pulled me back in to bed
Pressed her lips against my ear and here's what she said, yeah

Jacey was so eager for school to be out so that she could see Matt more often. She sighed as her phone vibrated in her pocket. She rolled her eyes the end of the year bell was about to ring and then she was free. She was going home changing into shorts and a tank top and going to Matt‘s. She flipped her phone open as the kids in the room squealed with laughter and happiness that it was the end of the year. She didn’t mind the noise. She read the text message from Zina and rolled her eyes. Great. Why the hell was she taking them all over to Zacks? Could her day get any worse? She called the principal to approve it and since the rumor about her and Gianna’s uncle had reached that far it was approved.

“Gianna Pacheco!” Jacey yelled over the noise and the child turned and looked at her.


“COME HERE” She did and looked like she was in trouble.

“Yes Miss Marshall?”

“I’m taking you home today.”

“Okay, just me?”

“No, your brother and McKenna as well.”

“Okay.” and the child went back to what she was doing. Ten minutes later with her bag over her shoulder and digging for her purse she rounded up the three kids and headed to her SUV.

“OOO pretty I like Purple.” McKenna said. Jacey shook her head. Her phone vibrated as and she flipped it open.


“Hey, can you stop and pick up a couple of bags of chips?”

“What kind Zina?”

“Uhm, Hickory Barbeque, Ranch, and…what Zack?” Zina said turning her head to her brother.

“Zack… why isn’t his lazy ass picking up the kids?”

“Zack said something about LOTS Of Flavors of Doritos … he’ll pay you back for those.” And Zina hung up the phone. Jacey raised an eyebrow at the phone then glanced at the three kids. All of them… in a store with her? Oh god, they were trying to kill her. She was going to go insane before she got to the store. They were already fighting. She was a teacher she could do this. She pulled them apart and got them in her Tahoe. She decided to bribe them. When they got to Zina’s the trio of kids walked around back behind Jacey licking ice cream cones. Matt raised an eyebrow at her when she smirked and glanced at the kids. She noticed that he was looking at her. She glanced down at her clothes and sighed. She was in jeans and a tank top with a t-shirt jacket over it, and she wore espadrilles on her feet. Not what he normally saw her in. She looked back up at him and saw the look in his eyes. Oh god she was in trouble. She sighed as he moved to her.

“You look amazing.” he whispered in her ear after he kissed her. She rolled her eyes.

“C’mon there’s a shit load of bags in my Tahoe that need brought back. Damn Zack and his Doritos.” Matt laughed and took her hand as they walked back to her vehicle. She opened the back of her SUV and Matt leaned into the back to grab a bag and Jacey stepped back taking in the view.

“Nice ass Sanders.” He turned sitting on the edge of the back end of the open vehicle crossing his arms over his chest and raising an eyebrow at his girlfriend. She smirked and walked to him. He turned as she straddled his lap so he was leaning against the side. She placed her lips to his and he gripped her sides as she pressed against him a moment later moaning into their kiss. Damn he was a great kisser. It didn’t help that until his hands had gripped her sides they had been moving over her sides and one had been on one of her legs.

“Wow Matt, seducing the teacher... reminds me of high school” The two of them broke apart and Matt turned to look at Zack. He glared at the other man.

“You’re so full of shit Zack.”

“Dude, just trying to get the two of you to stop…FOUND ‘Em they were making out and hiding the chips…” Zack yelled and A moment later Kyle and Johnny appeared with Gina and the trio shook their heads at the couple.

“Oh take the damn chips and go away would ya?” Matt muttered holding Jacey so she couldn’t move from where she was. She didn’t have to take any guesses to know why he wanted to wait to move from that spot. Once the others took the bags of chips Jacey looked at Matt.


“Not your fault damn, we can’t leave yet either.”

“Why not Matt?”

“Because this whole thing was my idea.”

“You’re idea?” Jacey asked raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah…” he looked nervous about something.

“Matt…” She said using the same tone she would if he was one of her students. “why am I here?”

“Jacey Rae…”

“You want something…”

“So you know what today is right?”

“Yes…June third…”

“Our six month anniversary…”

“Matt…” She was smiling when she realized that he remembered that.

“I love you Jacey, and I want you to move in with me.” She said nothing as she moved back to his lap and kissed him. That was enough of a yes for him. “Maybe we can leave a little bit early….” he whispered in her ear as they moved from the back of the Tahoe.

I got my mind set on you
There's nothing you can do to change my mind about it
Inside out you're beautiful
There's nothing you can do to change my mind about you

I got my mind set on you
There's nothing you can do to change my mind about it
Inside out you're beautiful
There's nothing you can do to change my mind about you