Duties before Love

Shiva's Truth

Shiva stared at Hana, contemplating on how he would tell her the answers to her questions. She opened her mouth to ask again but he put a finger up to silence her. Hana simply nodded.

"You don't remember anything do you, Hana?" Shiva asked before proceeding to answer the question.

"Remember what? I don't believe I met you before just now. I had had lived my whole life confined in this city...." Hana said. Shiva had only nodded at what she said

"OK if you say that then you truly have lost your memories. The truth is Hana you weren't born in Peace City. You were born as a princess in a distant land. Your parents loved you greatly even after they found out about your powers and "Holy Magician Girl". They protected you the best they could but then war broke out in our country. Our enemy wasn't interested in taking over us, what they truly wanted was you.

"They had found out when word eventually spread. Your power was truly... Rare and unique. Of all our magicians and priests none had the type of power you have. They wanted to harness your power to bring the world to it's knee's. Your parents never wanted to give you up but eventually they couldn't keep you in the country but they never trusted anyone to the extent of taking you.

"Soon though they realized that I had been with you the entire time you had been alive. I kept watch over you when I was a mere child and you were a small infant. That was when they gave me their full trust and let me take you away. There I was a small eight year old fleeing the country with a six year old princess. I had kept watch over you as you grew giving you what I could until one day they found us.

"I had no choice but to use what little magic I had at the moment to teleport you somewhere else and then.... I sealed your memory until the day we met again."

"But Shiva how could you be sure that I'm the girl that you were searching for?" Hana questioned.

"Simple. Give me your hand and come closer." Hana followed his commands. Examining her wrist Shiva unlatched the bracelet on Hana's wrist, the bracelet she never took off and never could take even if she felt like it, which she never did. He held the bracelet up for her to examine.

"OK but what does this have to do with me being the princess?" Hana asked confused. Shiva continued to hold up the bracelet and then something Hana thought would never happen occurred. The bracelet began to glow purple, green and red. "Wha--?!" The bracelet lifted from Shiva's hand and reacted with the chain Shiva was wearing. The half broken centerpiece looked similar to Hana's half except it positioned to the right instead of the left like Hana's.

The pieces fit together perfectly. Then as soon as the glowing began it stopped. "Yes you are definitely the princess." Shiva said kneeling down to her. Hana was in disbelief. Her...... A princess of a distant land in a distant world?!

It took her a little while but Hana regained her composure. "OK I'm your princess but how do you know about "Holy Magician Girl"? I just found out about her but how did you know this whole time?" Hana pressed for more information.

"When you were a young girl the three forms or alter-ego's as you may call it appeared on more then one occasion to help others in need. The one you call "Holy Magician Girl" came out the most. The others came out during a terrible time of crisis. Somehow based on what you wore and how you felt changed their power." Shiva explained

There are three forms of her? Hana thought. "Who are the other two? How many times did they come out?" Hana wanted to know.

"....I'll only tell you that about that of the other two, everything else about them you must find out on your own OK?" Shiva told Hana who nodded her head . "The second form you used to call her "Holy Priestess of Healing" she came out half the time "Holy Magician Girl" came out. The third one was called.... "Holy Saint Shaman of War and Protection" and she only came out once....." Hana nodded

"Thank you Shiva. Now I only have one more question. What are you?" Hana boldly asked

"I knew you were going to ask that." Shiva said sadly "I am a protector but not an ordinary one. I worked for both God and the Devil himself and then was banished from both until I was to finish the agreement we all made. But until that agreement is fulfilled I will walk the Earth feasting on blood and human food alike. When I die I am born the same memories until I can fufill what was agreed."

Hana shook her head. "That can't be possible and what is the agreement?"

"It is possible and the agreement is to be able to find love with someone who will be able to love me for me, looks and all." He said

"You look OK to me." Hana countered

"But you haven't seen what I truly look like."

"Fine then show me. Show your princess what you look like!" Hana said. Shiva looked as though he regretted what he had just said.