Duties before Love

Memories Reborn

~~-Hana’s POV-~~
My eyes widened at the sight of the glow in front of me. I was amazed by it, I wanted to grab hold of the light and hold it close to me. Soon I realized though, that it was just a flashback.
A glow was in front of a younger me. My tiny hand had reached forward, just to touch the mysterious object. What was it? Too soon however my hand was slapped away. My younger self looked up at the person who had just struck my hand. Shiva.

His face was scared as he shouted at me. My tiny hands rose up to my face, to shield me from what might come next. But nothing else came. My eyes peered up, through my fingers to look at his face. He was breathing heavily, panting from his shout fest.

After a while he regained his composure and looked down at the younger me. Shiva’s eyes widened. “Oh no! I’m so sorry Princess Hana! I didn’t mean to!” He said, crouching down to my level and engulfing my small body into a gentle hug. He rocked me back and forth as I trembled slightly. He had never screamed at me like that, I had been scolded before but not like that. It was… Scary,

“I’m so sorry. Please forgive me.” I nodded “Please whatever you do, don’t touch that, it’s extremely important to me” He said. My tiny head nodded and he let go to go on with his duties.

My hands held my head, my eyes were shut tight. The pain was coming back again. I clenched my teeth in preparation.

To my surprise however, the pain never came. Slowly my eyes opened everything blurry. I blinked.

I found myself staring into jade green eyes.

“Princess!” He said loudly. I cringed back, my hands rising up to my face.

“I’m sorry!” I shouted.

~~-Shiva’s POV-~~

I was extremely worried about her. She had just stopped screaming and writhing. Her face turned back to her original calm state.

I crawled a little bit away from her, to give her some space. For awhile she stayed still. I began toying with my half pendent yet again, stealing glances at her every once in awhile. I was still in awe at how beautiful she had become over the years. I shook my head. ‘No! What am I even thinking?! Get a hold of yourself!’ My thoughts roared

I began toying with my pendent again. Moments passed, she wasn’t showing any signs of moving. Her meditation was at its peak, it’d be a bad idea to disturb her in this state. I got up and started walking around, exploring the space that she had been living in all these years. It look like a decent place on the inside, I wondered what the outside looked like. I would probably see it tomorrow morning…

I spotted a door down a small corridor. I took it and soon was twisting open the door knob. It had a bed and TV in it. Her bedroom. I chuckled softly to myself; she hadn’t changed much over the years.

I shut the door softly and proceeded back down the hallway. Hana was still not moving but her face expression changed. She looked tensed, as though braced for pain. Her teeth were clenched. My eyes widened. Was she going to scream again?

I wasted no time in going to her side. I placed my hand on her head and concentrated. I didn’t want her screaming like that again.

A minute passed before her face calmed. I shifted in front of her as she opened her eyes. She blinked.

“Princess!” I said, slightly to loud. I was overjoyed and curious. What happened while she was meditating?

“I’m sorry!” She shouted her hands raised in front of her face. At first I was slightly disappointed. Had she not been able to remember even one thing? I took another look at her and this time I noticed something different about her.

Hana seemed younger. “Princess Hana, what do you mean, what did you do?” I asked her, my eyes narrowing slightly.

“I didn’t mean to touch your glow orb! I wanted to know what it was.” She shouted, trembling slightly. Her voice was more childish

“What orb are you—OH!” I smacked my head mentally. My orb from that time. My promise was in that orb, my oath, my lives that was the orb she was referring to. I shook my head and hugged her. “It’s okay. I’m over it already” I said softly, rocking us back and forth. She hugged me back. My face flushed slightly, I hadn’t expected her to do that.

I looked down at her, she was looking curiously around. “Shiva?” She said

“Hm?” I wondered what she was going to ask.

“Where are we?” My eyes widened at her question. Did that mean--?

“Princess? Do you not remember anything up until a few moments ago?” I asked

She looked at me weirdly. “Shiva, I just almost touched your orb, that’s what happened. Don’t you remember?”

“Hana. How old are you?”

“Shiva! I’m four!”

Oh no….