Writing Our Names In The Sky

Miss Mackenzie Rose

Mackenzie smiled to herself, thinking about the show she was about to play. Playing music always made her feel good. It was her soul reviver and only remedy to her bad moods. She didn’t need people or fancy things to make her happy; her six string was enough for her.

She saw comfort in other people, but never depended on it. It was some people’s downfall to make someone their source of happiness. She’d seen firsthand what dependency on someone who could care less could do to someone. So, she loved people and they loved her, but they were just her pick me ups. Loneliness was unhealthy also.

“You ready, Mackenzie?” Trista, her manager, asked with a smile.

“Yeah” She answered smiling and speaking softly. They both walked, Annabelle being barefoot and Trista wearing Vans, to the direct backstage.

“Have a great show, Hun.”

Mackenzie smiled, grabbed her guitar from Jeff, and walked onto the stage to meet the screams of people who enjoyed the music she made.


“I have Mackenzie Rose here with me. Hey, Mackenzie” The interviewer lady said and turned to Mackenzie. That got Joe’s attention to the television he had up until now got bored of. He watched as a blonde women sat by a girl about his age.

“Hi,” She smiled giving a tiny wave. He squinted his eyes as he examined her. She had on a red worn looking plaid shirt, a pair of damaged skinny jeans and abused black Converse adorned her small feet. She had long blonde hair that had natural brown streaks through out it as it laid down her back, reaching past her hips. Her pretty brown eyes were gorgeous and if she had any make up on, Joe couldn’t tell. She looked natural which made her stand out from the ballroom they were doing this interview in. In all honesty, she was beautiful to him. He let all his other thoughts slither away as he watched Mackenzie Rose smile.

Mackenzie Rose. She was a new artist on the scene. Joe’s heard her music before and he actually enjoyed it. It was the type to listen to when you’re by yourself just enjoying the beach or anything; it’s acoustic sound and her strong, but not overpowering, voice.

“So tell me about you CD? It’s made the top twenty already? How does that feel?”

“Um, it just came out and everything so for it to be there is incredible. Steve Jordan produced it, and he worked with John Mayer on his CD Continuum. And what’s most exciting is the fact that I got to actually write a song with John Mayer. I mean, it was really awesome because it’s my second CD and John Mayer is one of my idols so it was a dream come true.”

“And what was he like?”

“He is hilarious. I called him a cheeseball, haha. We got a long really well. Ha, after we finished the song, we sorta just hung out and everything. I’d love to record with him for a song, that would be cool.” She answered. Joe watched the way she used her hands to carelessly show her words. He smiled when she twined them together and swung them back and forth like a child.

“Mackenzie, what other artists do you consider your inspiration?”

“Ohh. Um, John Mayer, Jack Johnson, Sheryl Crow, John Lennon, and Bon Jovi. I like Aerosmith a lot too.”

“So are you looking forward to tour? It’s the first time you’ll be the main attraction. Didn’t you open for Taylor Swift this summer?”

“Uh, yeah, I did. That was a nice way to know what I was getting myself into,” The pair shared a laugh. “And I’m really excited about touring, I’ve always wanted to travel. In all honesty, I’m blessed to have the life I have.”

“Yes, you should rejoice it. You’re twenty years old and doing successful on your own. How does your mother feel about your life?”

“She’s so supportive. All I want is to make my mama proud and she is so I’m happy.” Joe noticed he was smiling at her answer. They said the same thing in interviews, but it somehow sounded perfect coming from her. It was nice to hear about someone with morals nowadays.

“Thank you, Mackenzie” They exchanged hugs and goodbyes before the show switched to someone else. Joe smiled to himself. She’d seemed so down to earth and gave him that small town girl feel. He told himself he’d tell his mom about Miss Mackenzie Rose, see what she’d say about the sweet girl on T.V. As the show changed he was left with a strong liking for her, wanting to meet the girl with the morals.
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New Story. This Chapter sucks; I know. But I really wanna do this story. I already have a full plate of stories, so who knows what's getting updated.

I'm just posting the first chapters of stories I've been keeping in my computer. =)
