Writing Our Names In The Sky

When I Met You Girl My Heart Went Knock Knock

Joe woke up, sweating. It was unusually warm considering the cold streak of weather they’d been receiving. Rain all week and man was it freezing. Looks like Dallas Raines was right about the turn around, Joe thought as he peeked out of the window. Sitting up, his mind rushed back to the dream that woke him. He’d been performing with Nick in some huge arena, singing a song he’d been writing for them to sing together for his own solo album. There were girls every, screaming and cheering for the brothers as they did what they loved for. He was singing the climax of the song, about to drop to his knees when he saw her. In the midst of the chaos, Mackenzie was standing calmly, watching with those brilliant wide brown eyes. She was in a vintage John Lennon tee shirt and cutoff shorts and beat up converse. While every other girl was glitzed and glammed up, she could’ve been at a laundry mat. But even still, she stood out from each and every one of them like a firefly in a cave to Joe. His words fell off his tongue as he watched her turn and walk away. Though the crowd was packed, it parted for her like the red sea, though no one acted as if they saw her. He was stunned as she began to disappear into darkness.

“Wait” He’d tried to call, but nothing came. The girls continued to scream and cheer but all he could focus on was the spot where she’d been that had filled like liquid with other girls nothing like her.

Joseph rubbed his face; he realized this whole ordeal was getting a little out of hand. How long would it take before he began the day dreaming; seeing her face wherever he went?

Deciding to try and clear his Mackenzie filled mine for a bit; he changed into comfortable running attire, laced up, got his i-Pod and left out the door of his house. Not many people knew where his new residence was so it was easy to take a run in the late morning while elderly couples walked their dogs and kids his age were out at day jobs.

He kept his mind on his breathing and the sound of Green day radiating through his ear buds as he navigated the neighborhood. He was at an ease as he jogged the streets, hearing nothing he wasn’t familiar or unhappy with. This was the peace of mind he’d been needing these past few days. All his Mackenzie thoughts and ideas left no room for peace. It somewhat gave him song skills and ideas. He wrote about three melodies inspired by this infatuation. He hadn’t shown anyone but Greg who, thankfully, didn’t bother asking where Joe got the idea of a love he never knew or a girl who stole his heart without a care. Greg Garbowsky probably figured hey, he’s young.

After a full hour of steady jogging, Joe decided to continue to his favorite smoothie place to reward himself.

He arrived at the place, seeing only a few people inside. Nothing much caught his attention as he walked into place behind the next person in line. He tried to slow his breathing down some as he looked to see what type of fruit concoction would suit him right now.

He enjoyed the cold atmosphere of the brought on by the powerful air conditioner. The sweat that was trickling down his back and face seemed to evaporate; not that he cared too much that he was sweaty.

After ordering, he waited for his drink in line behind someone he didn’t pay much attention to. Not until he accidentally bumped her on his stretch to grab a napkin for his sweaty forehead.

His first instinct was to apologize to the girl as he turned to face her, but the realization of who she was stopped his communication skills. Suddenly, he cared alltoo much about his perspiration.

Mackenzie’s brown eyes watched him, her pink, pouty, heart shaped lips partly opened in surprise. Not the ‘Oh My Goodness I Recognize You’ surprise, but a ‘Oh, You’re Sweaty Arm Frightened Me’. She looked as if the fact that he was Joe Jonas was the last thing she noticed.

“I—I’m Sorry.” He stammered quickly, not looking away from her endearing brown orbs.

All she did was nod silently as acknowledgement and turn back around. Joe thought his heart had stopped. The girl he’d been wanting to meet for two weeks acted as if he were a no one special. He didn’t mean to feel superior, but damnit he was Joe Jonas. That counted for something in everyone’s book.

His feelings were crushed along with the little hope that he and Mackenzie would hit it off. He stared at the back of her head, trying to find a last inch of dignity.

“Uh, Mackenzie?” She turned at the sound of her name and he couldn’t help but take a second to take in her presence. Simple in the most complex, beautiful way. “Hey, I’ve been wanting to meet you. Joe Jonas” He stuck out his hand for her to shake.

Joe scorned himself for his under preparedness. The one day he chooses to walk in for a smoothie sweaty and stinky, he meets his item of affection. He couldn’t torture himself enough.

She smiled politely, taking his invitation for a handshake. His glorious smile stayed in tact as he marveled at her. It lasted normal timing, before she released. “It’s nice to meet you, Joe. Your brother just got out with a new band right?”

“Yeah, Nick Jonas & The Administration.” He said, not particularly glad the conversation went straight to his younger brother; but he’d take what he could get.

“Yeah, I just saw one of their shows. Tell him I said ‘hello’ please?”

“Uh, yeah. Sure.”

“Thank you. It was nice to meet you.” Another polite smile and her name was called for her smoothie. She left the shop and Joe just didn’t know what to do with himself.

That was nothing like he dreamed it would go. Mackenzie didn’t laugh as he told her about his latest fall or congratulate him on a new movie role. None of that happened; barely anything happened.

No, he couldn’t get on with this crappy first meeting; he needed something better.
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Ohhh. Updated before school son. Haha

Okay so my first update for a while; I hope you guys like it. I think the next chapter will be what I've been waiting for but I might prolong it. I dunno; I fail at planning out things.

Comment? Ig2g! My ride's here!
