Ignorance Is Your New Best Friend

"I've Never Felt This Way Before..."

*Third Point Of View*

Ugh... Why do these inbreeds have to stare at me...? Freaks, they always pick on me, I don't think they realize how daft and idiotic they look staring at me in such a manner... Creeps, maybe they're the gay boys? Frank thought to himself, frowning as he stared back over at them, pulling a face; sticking his tongue out and rolling his eyes to the back of his head. It took a matter of seconds for them to get offended and stalk off.

Another male, black greasy hair a mess, his hair covering his eyes walked past as the shorter one pulled the face at the jocks, he shook his head at the younger, raising an eyebrow, this was a mere kid, he couldn't be older than Mikey... Gerard knew that one for sure, Mikey was a sophmore, this kid must be a freshman. He smirked slightly, tapping the kid on the shoulder, "Hey kid, I wouldn't mess with them like that, they'll stick you in a locker-"

"Look, I've heard enough of the short jokes from idiotic brains such as yourself, will you just save yourself the energy and screw off? Thank you." Frank didn't look up from his book now, just glaring at the book, outraged, this freak actually wanted to come over to tell him his opinion?

Gerard's mouth dropped open, almost hitting the floor if that was possible. "Now kid, don't try and fuck with me either, just because you're a new student, and a kid, doesn't mean I won't mess that face up, got me? Now we can either be nice to each other or not." He paused, eying the kid. "Do you smoke kid?"

Frank looked up, he half expected to be beaten to a pulp with the way the older was talking, "Sorry?" He questioned, getting a raised eyebrow from the older.

"Do you smoke kid?" A little slower this time, smirking as he got a nod, Gerard offered a hand to the younger and smiled warmly at him, "Well good, c'mon outside with me, we'll go meet up with my brother and friends, you can hang out with us, smoke, got any on you?"

Frank blinked and shook his head, "Are you kidding? I couldn't afford a packet, haven't in a week or so." He sighed, truthfully, he'd been over at his dad's house, and whenever his dad turned his back he was smoking a cigarette of his fathers praying not to be caught, or smoking the cigarettes his father had stubbed out but still had a few draws left in them.

Gerard laughed and took the other outside. He introduced him to everyone, Ray, Bob and his little brother Mikey, who all grinned at the younger, "Hey there, so you're the new kid? Like it here?"

Frank didn't get it, why were these people so nice to him? Maybe there was something more to people than he thought. Maybe they were actually decent brained humans, and not-

"Hey guys! Look what I can do!" Bob grinned, flicking his lighter on trying to run it over his tongue, Ray leaned in his 'fro getting caught on the flame of the lighter and bang, like that a bit of his curly mane was on fire. Mikey was howling with laughter, whilst Bob was manically trying to hit the others head to get the flame out.

Frank shook his head in disapproval, okay, so they weren't decent brained humans, but whatever...

Gerard smiled warmly at Frank, "Don't worry about them, they're just idiotic teenagers."

Frank didn't know why, but that smile melted his heart a little and gave him butterflies. He giggled like a child.

Gerard merely raised an eyebrow, getting another giggle in reply, "I've never felt this way before... I'm Frank."
♠ ♠ ♠
(Thank you for reading this chapter through, =) I haven't started a new fanfiction in a while, only this morning did I post an update to my other story, which I would love for you to check out!

Please comment and give me your reviews, subscribing is love, and of course, keep reading! If you have any suggestions, give me a personal message with your idea, I'd much appreciate it.=) I don't know when I'll next update, maybe after a few comments and subscribers.

Much love. Pixie. xxx)