Status: Short

I love you...Do you love me too?

Love at first sight

The year 2009

Summer just ended, a new school year has just begun

Sarah Williams inhaled all the fresh air that her lungs can take as she walked briskly to her new classroom.
She cringed she hated 'new'
The memories of her old classroom and her old classmates lingered in her memory. Yes it was still the same school but the feeling wasn't the same.
A new year meant a new life.

"Miss Williams?" A voice said, jerking Sarah from her thoughts.

"Yes?" Sarah said as she gazed upon a middle aged woman.

"I'm Miss Aguirre your class adviser. There are tags on the chairs with surnames on it, you can find yours' at the back" With what was now known as Ms. Aguirre said with a smile as she motioned to the chairs at the back,

Sarah smiled back and walked to the chairs.

Valdez. No

Wesley No.

Wayne. No.

Williams. Yes.

Sarah yanked the paper that was taped on the back of the chair and crunched it into a paper ball, putting it in her under table.

The school bell rang. Sarah smiled for atleast somethings never change, like the bell it was still the irritating rusted piece of metal she always knew.

The classroom filled with students. Everyone trying to find there chairs.
Almost every seat was filled, except for the seat next to Sarah.

"I see Andrew Wayne is absent. Tsk. Tsk. And on the first day! Tsk. Tsk." Miss Aguirre nagged.

Sarah rolled her eyes.

"Hi there!" A perky voice said, making Sarah jump.
She tuned her head to see a girl smiling a seat away from her.

Sarah tried her best to smile "Hi, I'm Sarah."
The girl smiled "I'm Ashley."

From the sound of her name, Sarah knew they weren't gonna be great friends. She wasn't a stereotype but she had a gut feeling about it.

"Do you know what this Andrew Wayne looks like?" Ashley asked with a giggle.
Sarah just shook her head.

Sarah had only transferred to this school about 4 years ago she only knew a few people.


A week has past and this Andrew Wayne hasn't shown up yet.
Sarah was getting really annoyed by this because even though she didn't know this person all the teacher have assigned her to assist him and get him on track when he comes.

Ugh. The chair beside her moved and scratched on the floor making Sarah jump.
She turned her head to see a boy with pale white skin, and chocolate brown eyes and black silky hair sit beside her.

Sarah smiled. This must be Andrew Wayne.

"You Andrew right?" She asked, smiling.

Andrew nodded and grinned showing all his perfect white teeth.

"Good Morning Class!" Our art teacher, Mr. Arnel chimed in.

"Hey, you mind if I burrow your notes? Stupid flu got to me so I didn't get to go to school last week." said Andrew, a little shy.

Sarah nodded "Uh, my hand writing isn't that understandable so.."

"Nah. it's fine I'm sure I can manage." Andrew said with a crooked smile.

Sarah blushed. It was the first time she saw that kind of smile. A smile that made weird tingly feelings in her stomach.

Mr. Arnel babbled on about art. Sarah loved art so she easily understood, Andrew on the other hand was a bit confused.

Andrew shook his head "I don't understand why we have to learn all about these colours, I mean they all look exactly the same!"

Sarah giggled for the first time in a week.

"What's so funny?" Andrew demanded.

"Oh. C'mon Andrew, There's a big difference." Sarah said with a roll of an eye.

"Yeah? Well would you mind telling me what it is?"

"There names of course." Sarah said jokingly.

They both started laughing out loud making all their classmates looking at them.
After a scold from their teacher they laughing ceased.

"You're funny Sarah" Andrew complimented

"Oh Andrew you just noticed?" Sarah said with a giggle.

Andrew smiled "Call me Drew"

It was then Sarah realized. She had a weird attraction to this 'Drew'
but little did she knew that feeling could send her to a spiraling fit of emotions
♠ ♠ ♠
There's the first part I'm gonna split this in 2 or maybe 3 haha. Hope you guys like it :)