Turn Down the Silence

Personality disorder

I woke up where I fell asleep. And had I not known that I had fallen asleep here I would have been freaked out. I am in a freaking tree. God knows how many feet off the ground. The only reason I am even up here is because of this quiet, tiny, loud, sarcastic, pretty, smart, rocker, ghetto, fast, climbing, artist, musician, writer, and me-like girl.

She does alot for me and I constantly try to get her to act like she does with me and Conner with everyone else at school. She tells me, " .....if you are referring to my awesomeness to others, I am just another friend South Carolina. " I hate having to lately. I feel like I am betraying her. Like I am embarassed to say I speak and play with and am starting to fall for the girl everyone knows as the quiet listener.

Jazzie acts so much differently when she is around others. You would think she had a split personality. One meant to hide the other. Her hair is wild always though. But, it's always on purpose. If she wanted to she could open up shop in the girl's room at school and be richer then Bill Gates and Oprah before lunch ended. She has so much knowledge. But, that is mostly because she has at least 5 books in that huge sack she lugs around. I actually weighed that thing, with her permission of course, for a month. That thing is about 11 pounds on average. She was so proud of herself for making me use math in a real life situation.

She is so soft. I moved my hand to her face again. I tried not to laugh or chuckle when she did the same thing, except aslee, she leaned into my hand. Then, she snuggled closer to me. I feel kinda pregnant. Don't laugh, don't wake her up yet.

Cause this never happened before and if this is a once in a lifetime thing between us, it better last one. Sat, back in this little hole in the branch and instead of her being on my lap she was facing me looking adorable. That's her word. She mumbles it alot. I still don't know why. I'll ask some time when I remember to.

I never payed that much attention. Like every now and again I notice how she doesn't touch others and not let others touch her. But, well she doesn't exactly let me. It's just. Well, she controls my arms. They find her all the time.

Like when she was mad at the new girl, well Karina McGarth. She is now the head cheerleader and my biggest and most annoying admirer. She made Jazzie's day horrible. Made her late to class. Spilled water in her bag when she forgot how to walk in those hooker heels of hers and tripped and practically poured the jug of water into Jazzie's bag while Jazzie had gone to the restroom. Then, the missing book thing. So, Jazz didn't know where we were and was lost for that lesson. Then, at lunch Karina's compact mirror found it's way in front of Jazzie's foot as she was turning to walk to the table with me at our table with Connor and my friends, and Jazzie fell and got spaghetti and peaches all over her shirt which was a white graphic tee. So, her bra showed through it. She ran like lightning out of there. She didn't leave school though. She just borrowed some jacket from the lost and found and used her lavender body spray to mask the smell of italian fruit. When, I went to her house to ask if I could help her with work to her uncle, he said she went out. I found Jazzie here crying. She tried to move me away but gave up and cried in my arms that day. She didn't cry long. She got over it quickly and got back at Karina. That was some scary mess.

That's when I got to see Jazzie at her scariest. Well, there were just alot of coincidences that happened to Karina that next month. Karina hit a 2 week depression and Jazzie was hard for even me to find. Then, Karina came to school one day with a black eye. It had knuckle lining and everything. She was deliberately hit. Jazzie didn't tell me nothing more than she punched her when the whole thing had blown over.

But, that's what makes me not want to give Jazzie up for nothing this world has to offer. Cause Jazzie is all the world will evr be to me. Note to self never say any of my thoughts aloud.
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Just showing you the main character in her exterior, what other characters see, and how Robbie really thinks.