Turn Down the Silence

Beach Day

"Jazz. Your boyfriend is downstairs." Emmett said.

"He's not my boyfriend." I muttered through my pillow.

"You guys were pretty dovey yesterday said Jake as he walked past in his boxers and muscle shirt.

"Shut up and let him in. " of course he was lazy and yelled down through my room to Robbie. Emmett ran out before I could throw a nearby projectile at him. He had already moved my alarm clock before he woke me. Robbie came in buzzed and with a dissapointed look on his face. That turned to a glare.

"What did I do Robbie?" I played at cute. I sat up in my Eeyore pajamas sitting back on my legs. I rubbed at my eyes and looked back up at him. He looked at me with a confused look then the glare came back.

"You know exactly what you did? Get ready. You are going to the beach like you promised." The second he said that my uncle walked down the stairs and backtracked to come into my room.

"You know better, young lady. If you make a promise you have to keep it. And if you can't-"

"..don't make promises you can't keep." He smiled and walked back to the steps to head for his coffee mug I got him for my Honors-History Trip. He loves it cause it has what he had told me when I first came to live with him. " One cup now. Another if you can make it to tomorrow." Yeah. He is like a broken fortune cookie. He says the weirdest stuff that sounds so wise.

" You heard your uncle. Get up." He put all his junk down by my door and I hid under my covers. I regret it. I don't want to go to the beach. Stupid forecast was wrong again. It was supposed to rain.

"It was supposed to rain today. But, there was a change in the direction of the front." Oh you suck. I thought to myself. As if he knew my thought he chuckled and ran over from the sound of his steps and jumped on my bed. First his hand slid under the covers and held my mouth and then he started tickling me. I was crying and squirming becoming imprisoned by my own shield. We fell and I was on top now. I moved his hand and grabbed my pillow and started smothering him.

Jake walked past and pulled me off. I scratched him because well I don't let people come near me. Except for Robbie he's the exception. But, I saw the hurt look in his eyes and well. I brought down my wall and hugged him mumbling sorry. He gave me a noogie which caught me off gaurd.

"Uncle they're all messing with ME!!" I squealed cause Robbie had gotten up and Emmett came rushing in taking the chance to bond with his awesome cousin. Well, I am the same with them as I am Robbie but without the touching.

"Boys! Stop it!" he yelled half-heartedly. He was probably enjoying me laughing like he says a little girl my age should.

"Oh thank you for the help!" I loudly muttered.

"You're welcome, Jazzie!" he replied.

"Okay I'm going. Put me down Emmett!" He faked as if he was gonna drop me and I clung to him. It was kinda a knee-jerk reaction. The guys chuckled and I went in my closet and grabbed my Nerf Strike Maverick gun that I got for my birthday. They ran but I got them all. Then, shut my doorand locked it. They chuckled and from the noise I heard them scramble into Jake's room. I turned and went to my bottom drawer and took out my 7 bathing suits. Yeah. I am on the swimming team. So, I am pretty good and well, before the accident I had tons of time at beaches and pools.

But, darn. I've been so shy lately that I feel a little insecure. I sighed and called the guys to my room. I unlocked it and they filed in. They saw the multiple swimsuits and looked at each other like they were in a trap....which they were. I locked the door again. They frowned which made me smile and I said the question I knew they didn't want to hear.

"Which one should I wear?"

The options:
Black two-piece.
Navy Blue backless one-piece
Orange Palm-Tree three-piece that comes with skirt
Scarlet two-piece
Green one-piece
Mickey Mouse two-piece
Black and purple swirled three-piece that comes with shorts

They looked in pain. I really was doing this more to get back at them. I was gonna wear the 3 piece with shorts no matter what. I was just making them think. I began to fidget and whimper.

"Oh. Come on guys." I whined and pouted. They all pointed to different ones. I burst out laughing and they looked at each other,at me, and then back at each other and then stomped out.

"Idiots." I muttered.

I went and bathed. Came back to my room and I got into my swimsuit and put on my capri pants. Then, I called to Robbie to come in. They all came in though and turned on my tv. I rolled my eyes put everything I would need in my duffel bag. I stood over them and they all looked at me.

"Well, now I'm ready. Ya'll really don't look like ya'll planning on moving."

"Nobody's gonna be there till 1pm anyway. I just came early to make sure you came. " Emmett and Jake looked at Robbie. I turned and hit him with my giant gavel. Even though it was just a plastic blow up kind it still leaves a smack. He rubbed his head and they laughed. I put it back in the corner and lowered down to the floor and was pulled up into Jake's lap. I looked at the scratch and he shrugged at it. They all scooted close in the little chairs I had in my room so I could lay across them. Jake had my upper body, Emmett my tummy section, and Robbie my toes.

When, 11 o clock hit we went down stairs and ate some mid-day omelettes. I made them. They begged me. I am a pretty good cook. But, they swear I could have my own tv show like Emeril. I made some for my aunt and Uncle and walked them up to them. Seeing as they were bombarded upstairs when we got hungry.

"Thanks baby." Auntie said as she kissed my cheek. I smiled and looked at Uncle who had already devoured 4 bites of his first omlette.I gave him three knowing he would want more. I just smiled at him and leaned over and kissed his cheek. And I silently walked out.

I finally got a chance to eat and I ate on the coffee table. There was a knock at the door and Robbie looked at me. "That should be Connor." I swallowed my last bite and went to let him in. He smiled when he saw me and then I slowly pulled him into a hug and he slowly relaxed. Wow, people were really uncomfortable around me.

I gave him my other omlette cause I had made myself three. Cause at the time I was pretty hungry. But, I was feeling pretty good. He ate it after I heated it up for him. I sat back on the floor and once Connor had finsihed eating I sat across him and Jake. Emmett and Jake decided to join at the last second and were ready to go. Connor skateboarded, Robbie and Jake took the scooter, while I was pulled on my skates with Emmett.

We rolled in just as alot of mini-vans and cars came in.

"Robbie. How many people did you invite?"

"Just a few." he said. Well, that few invited some. My wall came back up. I clung to the four of them all through the night. Most of them left when it got dark. That's when I started to calm down and show off. I boogie-boarded with my cousins and made a sandcastle with Connor. Well, it was kinda perverted cause it looked like a penis before I helped him. Now, it looks like a royal penis. I just used a twig to give it pillars and 2 glass domes. We laughed at the monstrosity we had created. I got to know Monika from my art class. By know I mean I actually found out her name.

Then, it was 8 o clock and just the 4 of us. They looked at me like they were waiting for a once in a lifetime miracle. I turned and made a run for the water. They all laughed and ran after me. I dived into the wave and coasted on my belly with the wave right into Jake. He caught me and we fell back into the river and I pulled him up. He coughed cause he had started laughing when the water fell in his mouth. He patted his back and he grabbed hold of me and dunked me in. I pulled my goggles down and looked through them. He had done the same. I crawled onto his back and he swam up. Robbie splashed water on us. And Emmett went under. Oh no.

I swam away. I spent alot of time with Emmett at pools and his fave thing to do was to act like Jaws. He grabbed at my ankle and I swam harder squealing. Connor, Jake, and Robbie were yelling for me to swim faster knowing I was a gonner.

He popped out and I turned as he fell on me. We were chuckling and holding our breaths as we floated through the water. We popped out through the surface. I was sleepy.

"I'm sleepy. Let's go home." They all nodded in agreement. Robbie swam in front of me and I latched on. We all trudged onto the sand.

" I feel really heavy." I said wobbling through the sand to my duffel bag. Jake picked me up.

"Would you guys stop babying me...sheesh." Jake shrugged and was finst to put me down. I tightned my grip and whimpered.

"That's what we thought." they all said. I readjusted onto Jake. Connor threw a towel over the two of us. I tied it around his shoulders and rested against him.

"She looks so not evil when she's asleep."

"Shut up. " I mumbled to the voice those words belonged to. Connor.

"So, that new paintball arena that just opened last week... I got some tickets as a late birthday present form my grandparents." Connor said. I have 6 tickets and my brother is definitely coming you guys want to come?" Robbie, Jake,a nd Emmett all said yes.

"What about you, Jazzie?" said Jake nudging me. I mumbled a yes and nodded.

"She says she'll come." Jake said. We stopped and I looked up. Connor was finst to leave to go down his street. I grabbed him sliding off of Jake and gave him a hug goodnight. He smiled and said bye as he boarded down to his house. His brother Tyler walked out with the trash and waved at us all. I smiled and gave a small wave. He looked kinda shocked when he saw me hop on to Jake's back. Okay so I really am being out of character.

The guys noticed Tyler's expression smiled and we kept walking home. When we got to my house I slid off again. I hugged Robbie goodbye and he slid in a kiss on my forehead and I grabbed his hand tightly.

"Thanks Robbie. See you tomorrow." Emmett and Jake had been oblivious and hadn't noticed until I spoke. I let go of his hand and stepped back.

"Yeah dude, see you tomorrow. " Jake said. Robbie nodded and skateboarded home.

Once inside we all got ready for bed. I was in my room putting away my camera after just uploading all the pictures when Emmett and Jake came in.

I stood up and looked at them.

"Want to sleep downstairs tonight?" Emmett asked. I nodded and grabbed my body sized pillow. I walked down and moved the coffee table in front of the fire place.We put on Nick at Nite and watched George Lopez and Fresh Prince. I was in between my cousins and I was happy. I picked up my cell phone and texted "Goodnight :) " to Robbie. He texted "You too, Jazzie ;) " and then I snuggled in between my two huge muscular cousins and fell asleep. I heard them talking in the void between sleep and awareness.

"I'm glad she finally is getting used to us." Jake

" Yeah. We have the wierdest cousin." Emmett

Yeah she's awesome huh?"Jake

" Yep. Man I love her omelette's." Emmett

" Oh god I love her homemade cookies." Jake

"With the homemade choclate chunks." Emmett

"We're gonna end up like dad when we get older." Jake

"Oh well." Emmett

Then, they fell asleep like two bears in hibernation.
♠ ♠ ♠
So she is opening up to a selected few people. She can cook. She can swim. She is Jazzie. So......she's happy.