Turn Down the Silence


I wake up halfway cause I can hear the phone. But, when I feel one of two arms slip off of me I hear Emmett's mumbling voice and the ringing stops and I slip back into the fluffy fake dream. I say fluffy and fake because oh who is walking and talking to me. Smiling and luaghing with me. Running after me. Who we are trying to put a tie on. My mother and Father.

On that note I wake up all the way and snuggle into Jake's huge chest to wipe away the tears.

"Okay Robbie. I'll tell her when she gets up." Emmett sets the phone down and heads to the bathroom. Jake pulls me away and looks at my face. He wipes the last tear and pulls me back into him. But, then he rolls over taking me with him. I am on top when Emmett comes back.

"You two know that's called insest." he chuckled.

"You're just mad cause I am getting a hug and not you."

"Hey, that's not fair!" Emmett ran over to us and Jake turned and protected me from Emmett and another hug. I smiled watching the retards that I live with and as they were wrestling I slid from under the coffee table and slithered up the stairs avoiding all the creaky steps.

"Hey!" they both yelled when they finally noticed I was upstairs brushing my teeth and picking out my clothes for the paintball arena. They both came up with pouts on their faces and I just turned to them and gave them two minty kisses before closing the door. They barged back in and licked both sides of my face.

"Eeew!!" I squealed throwing the toothpaste at them. My uncle came and picked up the toothpaste and started chuckling as he walked in and sat it back on the counter. I was scrubbing my face. I spat and rinsed and then gave him a kiss good morning. He walked out after me and I took the towel I had over my shoulder and headed down the hall.

I opened Jake's door and they weren't there so they were in Emmett's. I twisted my towel up and kicked the door open. I smacked Emmett first and got Jake after he tripped over the bean bag on his right side. I laughed and headed to the kitchen. I made myself some cereal and walked back up to my room I saw a truce sign on my door ripped it off. Instead of yelling truce I was gonna let them walk on egg shells for a few hours. It will make paintball even better when we go.
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short filler chapter for the rest of their day