Chase the Morning, Yield for Nothing

Chapter 1.

His eyes stared with hatred and anger burning deep inside them as the carriage went past him on the road. He could follow easy, and take what should be his, and slaughter anyone who dare get in his way. But he didn't. He waited, and he stared long after the carriage had disappeared from even his vision. It didn't matter.

He could follow their scent to the other side of the world.

He stayed calm as he heard the distant noises that drove him wild with un-pure desire. His chest heaving he waited for it to pass, and with it he allowed the voices of the passing couple to disappear as well. Calming his breathing the dark haired man concentrated again for less appealing sounds, those of quickening footsteps, running toward him at a pace that was not quick enough.

His impatience grew with each passing second that felt like a lifetime to the immortal.

"Sorry, I got here as quick as I could," a melodic voice drifted from behind him, sounding excited and alert, though not like the owner had just ran many miles.

"It wasn't quick enough, " the second voice, belonging to the dark haired man was like waves crashing like rocks, harsh and beautiful. A third voice, similar in pitch but not the same as the first came now.

"Yeah Alex, we got the message about 7 seconds ago."

Alex sighed. Had that been all the time that had passed since he had watched the carriage pass? It felt like hundreds of years, and he thought his patience was stronger, "Anyway everyone's here now!"

Two more figures emerged, smiling. One, a short black haired man named Edward looked concerned, his almond eyes crinkled at the corners, while the other, tan and lean, Ali, just looked at him with an expression of boredom on his exquisite face. The two others, were brothers, alike in looks, though one was a blonde, his name Daniel and the other a brunette, Teddy.

"A few miles away now," Alex muttered his eyes focussed somewhere where he couldn't see, but could feel. Edward placed his hand on his friends shoulder and squeezed it gently, electing a smile from him. Ali spoke up first.

"We'll find them. Don't worry,"

Alex's smile turned into a smirk and then a glare.

"Oh, I'm not worried," He hissed, "Not one bit."