Chase the Morning, Yield for Nothing

Chapter 2.

Alex Davies was in love, but it was a forbidden love. His one and only love had been forbidden to see him, her parents were a bit old fashioned and strict - they always thought that he was no good to be dating their only daughter. He couldn’t stay away from her though. He was addicted to her, her needed to be with her, always. Knowing that she had been taken from her home and shoved in a carriage angered him.

Alex had always had issues with his anger, but, not when he was around her. When he was around her, nothing could set his anger off, not even if someone ran into him, he’d stay calm but now…well, now he was furious. Furious that someone had taken his beloved and he had a pretty good idea about where she was being taken, but he wasn’t certain about it.

The day before her parents forbid her to see him she gave him the necklace that she had worn round her neck on the first day that she met him, it was a plectrum shape with a little golden guitar shape in the middle with his initials written in a neat scrawl in the middle of the guitar base. He was walking along behind the others twiddling it between his fingers, like if he twiddled it enough times, he’d be wherever she was.

“Alex, we’ll get her back.” Edward says quietly to him, slowing down to match his fellow immortals pace.

“I know, but when we do, will she still be alive or will she be like us, if not dead?” Alex mutters curiously, not wishing to think about the fate that his beloved has been given.

Edward didn’t know what to say, he didn’t know what would happen to his friends beloved. Alex stalked on ahead of them all, never letting go of the necklace that he was clutching so desperately that it was digging into his palms.

The scent was getting further and further away, each step that the five immortals took the scent seemed to move double their step forward. They started to pick up their pace to try and get closer to the fleeing carriage again but the scent led them somewhere strange, somewhere crowded, that’s not right.

“A village?! Surely it didn‘t pass through here?” Ali muttered as they passed a little grocery shop.

“It’s a decoy. We’re following the wrong carriage.” Alex spits, his anger raising to the surface once again.

“How can you tell?” Dan asks him as he takes a step forward toward a old looking bookstore that was stood next to a dark alleyway where the scent had trailed off down.

“Her scent’s not here, I thought that it trailed off a while back but I wasn’t sure, I am now, they past another carriage and the scents got mingled. We’ve lost her.”

“No we haven’t we just have to go back on ourselves that’s all. Come on if we keep going we can find the scent again and lead the other trail, ok.”

“I know where the other trail led to, it was towards the hills but nothing is on the other side.”

“Well let’s check it out it’s worth a try, or do you want her to suffer longer knowing that you never tried to catch up.”

Dan had gone too far with that last sentence, Alex didn’t even care that they were out in public, he wasn’t going to stand for being accused of not trying to find his beloved.