Chase the Morning, Yield for Nothing

Chapter 3.

“How dare you!” Alex hissed, his back still turned away from the youngest of the group.

All the men could feel the tension, even people who were passing there darkened alley shivered as they heard and felt the anger and foreboding in the air. Teddy shifted slightly; he knew it would end in a fight. Dan was young and quite frankly, insensitive, whereas Alex was… Well, Alex was angry; all the time.

“I can dare all I want Alex! You didn’t follow alone! Why? Didn’t want to risk it? Not willing to die for her? I thought you were meant to be in love with her!”

Spinning around to stare down the blonde, Alex leapt forward, a blur that was not fast enough for any of the others to stop. Ed managed to pull off the angry dark haired man, but it was too late. Dan glared up at Alex wiping blood from his nose as it poured copiously. Teddy growled and walked forward as if to hit Alex.

“Stop the lot of you!” Ali barked, and the other four instantly became stilled. He rounded on Alex who looked down at his feet, embarrassed at losing control at his friend so easily, “Alex, we’re here as a favour for you, just because you don’t like what you hear doesn’t give you the right to lose your temper! Right, split up, see if we can catch the scent again.”

Dan’s teeth were grinding together in frustration. It was not the pain of the punch that was making his face pound un-healthily; it was the man who had caused it. He loved Alex like a brother, but he was so angry, and Dan didn’t trust him. He couldn’t… He wouldn’t… It wasn’t fair…

“Dan?” Teddy said gently, resting his hand on his brother’s shoulder, “Come on, let’s track her.”

The pair smiled at each other, and Dan hit his shoulder against Alex’s as they passed, but the dark haired man barely noticed, his ocean eyes fixed up at the sky, looking intensely at the stars that reflected against his glassy orbs. Ed and Ali watched their friend until a harsh cold wind blew against there strong bodies.

All five froze. Stone, ice, sculptures they became, as that all too familiar scent billowed around them, carried by the friendly gust that had chilled everyone except the men. After a few seconds of solid empty silence and stillness Alex twitched, and every muscle in his body rippled with anger, pain… Blood lust.

“Faith,” He moaned, sounding more like a wounded animal then a man.

With a single look to the others and a nod from Ali, they set off, like bats in the night sky. They were off. Running, flitting through trees with abnormal speed they followed the warming scent; helped along every now then by a gust that would carry the smell of the girl they were chasing.

Ali hissed through his teeth when the scent stopped suddenly. Cussing and cursing they came to a stop. There was no way this was Alex’s fault, they were being tricked and stopped at every turn. He let out a yell of frustration, turning to cut off the tall blond before he could even utter an insult. Dan threw his arms in the air, huffing angrily, but stayed silent. Ali had power over them all.

“They led us to a fucking moor,” Alex seethed, his dark eyes scanning through the fog and mist, attempting to see something, anything that might lead him to his beloved, “We’re never gonna find them in this!”

The five all breathed heavily as they contemplated their situation. A resounding crack echoed in their ears, and they all turned to look at Ali, whose lips were pulled back over his teeth.

They were being watched.