‹ Prequel: Frozen Tundra
Status: Currently put on pause for varying circumstances. I will return to FT when I have a firm basis to continue.

United Front

Chapter Nine: Calling the Retreat

Weather: Heavy Snows, Fast Winds
Predicted Temperature: -31°C

The sun began to fall beneath the horizon. Andre sat at the table quietly and observed the schematic of the stadium, illuminated by a nearby lantern. There was a bottle of rhazvod sitting on top of the table next to him. The worried commissar poured himself a cup.

It had been nearly a week since their captain was wounded and, as the political officer, Andre had to keep the soldiers in line. The men and women of 6th Company had a mutual and outstanding respect for their captain, but their focus on her welfare has distracted them from doing their best on the battlefield.

Lilia walked in with a heavy sigh...

“It’s driving me nuts,” Andre said, “They keep bothering me about how Hannah is doing. I’ve had to lie about it because, honestly, I haven’t even heard anything about her condition.”

She placed her sniper rifle on the table, “I heard a little bit from Demechiv, He said she’s going to be there for a few more days before she can be sent back.”

“I guess that’s a good thing...” He responded, “But it would be so much better if she would be back today...”


Sugechov was in his tent, leaning over a table with a map of the city spread across. He knew well that the situation was getting worse with every hour. The orks were stepping up their attacks and tank assaults. He feared that if the orks did another push like the one they had performed a week ago, they would hold, but wouldn’t survive a third...

“Colonel?” He heard Talias ask, “Another request from Captain Scarbourgh to leave the field hospital and return to combat.”

Jeez, He thought That woman is persistent... Sugechov turned to Talias, “Which request is this?”

“Twenty-seventh, sir.”

The Colonel chuckled slightly, “If it makes her leave us alone...Request granted.” Sugechov returned to the map and said to himself, “Damn. I really need more officers like her.”

A few minutes passed before Talias reappeared, “Colonel, vox call for you. It’s the Lord-General.”

Sugechov took the receiver from her, “This is Colonel Sebastian Sugechov speaking.”

“Ah, Sugechov,” He heard, “It has been awhile. I have some news for you that you, unfortunately, won’t enjoy.” There was a slight pause, “The offensive in New Mockba has been further stalled by heavy resistance. I’m proud of you guys for holding off for a good three or four weeks, but I have to go against my word.”

“What is it, Kulikov?”

“You won’t be receiving any additional forces after next month,” The Lord-General responded with a sigh, “You will have to make do with what you have and wait another two more months from today before reinforcements are re-routed. I’m sorry.”

Sugechov hung up and furiously knocked over the table, cursing as he did so.

They were now, indeed stuck in a dire situation. All imperial reinforcements were practically cut off from the four regiments stranded in Tsorograd. Only one choice remained: Pray to the Emperor, and hope for the best.


Vladimir Talichnikov sat quietly against a wall. He had his helmet pulled over his eyes in a futile attempt to catch some sleep. But the constant resonating sound of Basilisk artillery guns in the distance made it somewhat difficult. Rina was asleep across from where he sat.

She had changed in her attitude towards him. Vladimir figured that she changed because he so suddenly saved her from certain death several times. But in the past week, the chainsword wielding sergeant hadn’t seem much action due to his CQB style fighting and the fact that he was stuck on the second floor of a huge stadium.

Vladimir lifted his head and reached for his canteen of vodivilisk.

Vanya Illotovitch turned to him, “Sarge, do you think we’ll win this city?”

The sergeant sighed, “Of course I do, Vanya, why wouldn’t we win Tsorograd?”

“I don’t know, sir,” He responded, “It just doesn’t seem like we’re doing good right now.”

Rina had awoken and began to stir, “Don’t worry, Vanya,” she said with a heavy yawn, “We’ll win, the Emperor will be sure of that.”

Vladimir raised his canteen, “Rina, vodivilisk?” He said with a joking smile beneath the scarf around his face.

“Sure...” the woman responded, her indigo eyes staring deeply into his, “It’s been awhile since I had a good drink,” She took the canteen from him, “I prefer rhazvod, but vodivilisk will do just fine.”

“What happened to fighting sober?”

Rina took a large gulp, “I lied,” With that, she took a bottle from her inside coat pocket. It was a bottle of Vostroyan rhazvod, “This is my last bottle...You gotta love this stuff!” Rina, after passing the canteen back to Vladimir, slipped the bottle back into her pocket.

“I know what to get for your birthday now!”



“Thanks, but my birthday was yesterday.”


Hannah sat quietly in the back of the chimera, which was trundling along the cratered rocks from the field hospital near the bridges. It had been nearly a week since she last saw combat and she was very eager to return despite the fact that her arm was in a sling.

The armored vehicle came to a slow stop and the rear entrance fell open. There was a Steel Legion officer, the gunner, waiting for her. He said with a heavy accent, “This is your stop, captain.”

“Thank you,” Hannah responded as she rose from her seat.

As the chimer drove off she heard him yell to her, “Good luck, comrade! May the Emperor protect you!” She watched it disappear around the corner before entering the stadium with a heavy sigh.

Novisik was the first to see her, “Welcome back, captain!”

Another day had past and night began to descend upon the city. Hannah had not seen her two senior officers because they had left for an officers’ meeting a few minutes before she had arrived. But they had left an important data-slate on the table which read:


63rd SLA, 47th DKKG, 114th CA, 203rd VA


Officers, our situation is desperate. The 203rd’s ship, Pride of Valhalla has imaged the ork heat signature. The xeno battle-group is approximately ten times larger than the current Imperial force stationed at Tsorograd... In other words, us. We all had been hoping to receive reinforcements in the upcoming month, but a call to Colonel Sugechov from our Lord-General himself states otherwise. Thus, we will hold an officers’ meeting in one hour to discuss this matter.

Jordan Lindhoff

Colonel, 47th DKKG

Hannah sat quietly for a moment then she took a map and began to observe it intently...


Andre and Lilia had returned to their command station in the stadium very late and they had found Hannah already sleeping at the table, a large map of Tsorograd and the surrounding area spread across it. The both of them did their best not to disturb the captain and walked out of the souvenir stand.

For a few moments they stood in complete silence, “Do they really expect us to hold out against such a superior force?” Lilia said, “We’re outnumbered ten to one. Even though we’ve had the upper hand before, it still doesn’t prevent us from receiving tremendous casualties.”

Andre had to agree with her. The Valhallan regiment was nearly below two-thirds strength, 6th company making up the majority of what was left. For the 114th, four companies had to be consolidated leaving the Cadian regiment at just above a third and the Death Korps were at half. Not to mention the armor they had already lost in the previous battles.

Andre sighed and a small cloud of steam appeared in front of his mouth. It was cold. But for some reason, this cold was different than before.

“We can do it. We can’t give up hope. The entire battle-group is depending on us.” The commissar said sub-consciously.

Suddenly Hannah woke-up. Jumping to her feet she said to the two of them, “Did you hear that?”

Andre, caught slightly by surprise looked at her with a puzzled look.

Lilia answered, “What?”

“Shh!” Hannah held her good hand up to quiet them. Then the commissar and executive officer heard it. There was a sudden thump in the distance, it was followed by one, then two, then three, until the number was uncountable.

They heard from down the corridor, “Incoming!”