Status: In process

Breaking the Unbreakable Vow

Chapter Ten

Did this just happen? No it couldn't have Draco isn't like that. I hardly doubt he is like that. Though what if he was? Did he mean it? What I came across in the library must have been a dream, a dream. Just a dream. Draco's secret was in my head. Although it couldn't really be true. I kept reminding myself, just a dream, just a dream. Yeah this isn't going to be as easy as I had thought.

The taste on my lips couldn't be drawn away by the childishness of me. Draco had kissed me in the library and I had to admit it. It wasn't a dream. It was reality. But I couldn't come to my senses to honestly believe he did it. He felt rejected as he set back and I stood up and walked away. But what was I suppose to say to that? Its hard for me, right now to actually think of a way I could comprehend what I witnessed in the library this afternoon.

The corridor was quiet. Extremely quiet. I couldn't hear anything, the the thoughts in my head that lingered. And the I continued to feel the sensation of his lips on mine. Worriedly I wondered, if Draco actually did feel this way, and I had ditched him. I hadn't noticed that Draco had feelings for any other guy in Hogwarts. But maybe he was scared to tell anyone and he trusted me. And I and let him down.

I thought to myself, he could actually like me. I decided that I would talk to him in potions today, and actually find out what was going on.


I walked into Potions, and looked around for Draco, he wasn't in class. Slughorn said that he had been missing since second period. That was when i was in the Library. I had to go find Draco, Slughorn accused me from class, and I walked out the door, quickly.