Status: In process

Breaking the Unbreakable Vow

Chapter Eleven

Where would he be! I told myself. I checked everywhere…so I thought. When a great thought buzzed in my head “The bathroom!” running all the way there, I felt as if I was going to collapse with the nerves. There she floated, moaning myrtle. The annoying spirit, she was infatuated with me, gross… “Umm myrtle?”

“Yes, Harry?” she squeaked

“Never mind” I went to turn away, when I heard a deep sigh

“There’s a boy, crying in there” she looked towards the toilets. Suspense gripped me; I’m scared of what’ll happen. I mean I’ve never had an interest in guys… Pushing the door open, my heart broke. I saw a distraught Draco. “What are you doing Harry” he cried

“I came to see if you’re okay” I said softly

“Well don’t, I’m absolutely fine!”

“You don’t look fine…” Draco broke down, and held his head in his hands.

“It was a mistake, Harry.”

“No it was not!” I took his head in my hands, and leaned in to kiss him back. It felt so wrong, but it felt good at the same time.
“Harry I never knew you had it in you!” Myrtle peered over the door. “Oh no!” Red flooded my pale skin; I made a run for it. “Harry!” Draco yelled, it was almost enough for me to turn back and do it all over again. But Myrtle knew, she knew everything I was. I went back to my house, Gryffindor. I felt like I put shame upon the house, that everything I am, has changed completely. Confused about my sexuality, I thought long and hard. Over and over it went round in my head. Did the kiss mean anything at all to me? It wasn’t love, after all Ginny was the only one for me. Ginny, is the only person I’m attracted to. When I kissed her it meant something. From now on, I planned to give Draco the cold shoulder. Draco was the one twisting it all, I’m straight. I said it aloud; it felt like I was lying. “What the bloody hell are you going on about?” Ron laughed.

“Ron?” He shocked me

“You don’t fancy me do you?” he joked

“Ugh! No way!” I laughed too; he sat at the bottom of my bed.

“I’m sorry about fighting with Draco, I suppose-"

“No it’s okay; I don’t think I’ll see much of him.” Ron looked confused but daren’t question me. “So, I guess it’s just the three of us again?”

“Yep” I faked a cheesy grin.

“We haven’t talked for ages”

“Since when do we talk?” I giggled like a little school boy.

“Harry? We used to talk for ages about garbage that means absolutely nothing!” afraid he’d sense my changes “So, you and Hermione? How’s that going?”

“God, she’s hard work. I try and give out little signals, but she doesn’t get it.”

“I thought girls were meant to do that.” So we chatted away, until I almost forgot about Draco. I slept uneasy that night, nervous about what I’d become if I kept hanging around him.