Status: In process

Breaking the Unbreakable Vow

Chapter Twelve

The rest of the day was spent with Ron and I entertaining ourselfs with Chess. Hermione seemed proud that I wasn't worrying about Draco. The thing is, I am. Things weren't the same anymore betweeen us. Neither our friendship couldn't be anywhere near the same that it had been the day before. In the library Draco had given me his one secret he hasn't told anyone before. Than I just walked away. Than today in the bathroom, as I tried to help him. Kissing him slightly to show him that it was okay. I just walked away. Scared of what would happen if Myrtle would tell anyone about the happenings in the bathroom earier today.

My heart was confused, never had I questioned my sexuality. What I felt for Draco, wasn't anything until he had kissed me. I liked Ginny, teh way I felt for her was undiscribible. But, did I love Draco, like I did Ginny?

"Hey Harry, you gonna move or what?" Ron waved his hand in frotn of my face.

"Oh yeah of course." I moved a random statue on the board and Ron won.

"Smart move Harry." Hermione said. "What's on your mind Harry. You have been dazing off like this for ever. And don't say there is nothing wrong. I know that there is something going on between you and Draco. You can tell us you know."

"Hermione if I told you. You wouldn't believe me anyways." I stood up. "I have to go talk to Dumbledore." I lied. I was going to go talk to Draco. It has been a while since I talked to him. I took out the Marauders Map to locate Draco. I walked out the door quikly without the other two saying a word.

I over heard them talking to one another behind my back but it didn't change anything. I had to talk to Draco about this. See how he felt about us. I sure don't know what I want. And what I am. But obviously he liked me. Did this mean I was going to leave Ginny behind for Draco, the enemy of us for so long?

I looked on the map, Draco was walking outside the building. I continued to walk in that direction not sure of where it led. He stopped moving and I took the chance to run up to him. He wasn't that far ahead of me. He was alone which was a good thing. I opened the door to the left of me and stepped outside. The rain falling on me made my hair flatten to my face. I closed the door slowly to find Draco only feet up ahead of me.

"Draco, we need to talk." I motioned my feet to him and set on the wet grass next to him.
"Theres nothing to talk about. I was wrong. You don't like me." He picked at the grass next to him, his entire body soaked. He set there shivering.

"Why are you out in the rain?" I took off my cloak and put it over him.

"I don't know. I come out a lot when it does. So I can think."

"Yeah theres a lot to think about lately."

He nodded and looked out into the distance. It was beautiful. Foggy, you could hardly see the lake that was off into the distance. "Sorry I kissed you the other day, I guess I just had to get it off my chest. Something I had to do." He began ripping the grass out of the ground by its roots.

"Don't be sorry Draco, it's fine. Really." I looked over at him. That was the first time I actually felt something with him. It wasn't the same feeling I had for Ginny, but something more. Something unusal. I couldn't describe it.

"I not the simple Harry. I like you. It's not something I can just take away. Five years Harry. It took me five years to actually tell you. Just to see you walk away, without a word."

"I know it was wrong of me. And I'm sorry Draco." I swolled my fear so it would dissapear. Not working.

"Well things are different between us now most likely."

"Yeah that's for sure."

"Again, sorry."

I sucked in all the fears that I have had endured for the past two days and swolled them so they were gone. I kissed his cheek. "Don't be, it's okay Draco. I like you too. But it's so confusing. I've never thought of myself as this." He smiled over at me.

"Yeah, wasn't so easy for me either Harry."

"I doubt it was. Things are going to be different now. But I can deal with them."

He smiled. "Really."

"Yes really. Now I want you inside before you catch your death." My body was now soaked. I stood up and helped him up. "Let's go."

"Thanks Harry." He thanked me. It felt good being around him, even though I still questioned my sexuality. How was I going to tell the other two. I wasn't.

"Anytime. What are friends for?" I walked him to his coridoor. "Bye."

"See yeah, thats again Harry."

"Dont mention it." I shut the dorr gently and walked back to my room.

Hermione and Ron were standing right in front of the door, looking quite angry.

"So, what did Dumbledore say?" Hermione held up another Marauders Map.