Status: In process

Breaking the Unbreakable Vow

Chapter Fifteen

The moment was odd when he changed the subject. “I guess we should talk about the plan and stuff. Going to see Voldemort I mean.” He pulled himself onto the counter by the sinks and began thinking. I think. I mean, the look on his face told me that he didn't want to tell me, but another part of him was fighting himself to say it.

I knew that this should have been coming soon. I wasn't enjoying the wait, and now I was sure that I wasn't going to enjoy the fact that I was standing in a bathroom talking about to him about it. I wasn't actually sure what to say or what do when he was talking about Him. Was I suppose to agree with him, or disagree. I mean I knew a lot about Him, but I didn't hear the right facts. I have been feed lies the past years here by Dumbledore himself.

“Yeah, that would be essential. I don't want to go to him without knowing anything about the happening. I mean I would look really dumb.” He smirked and he nodded, I was trying to make this an easy topic for me to talk about. But, I shouldn't find this funny, I should be serious about it. “Sorry.”

“It's fine, trust me. I don't want to be working for him, but he makes me a better person. He shows me what I can be. I've become a better wizard, learning from him. I am learning so much more from him, than I would have ever learned in this place. He could help you too Harry. I'm glad that believe me, I thought it would have been a lot harder to do. I didn't expect you to accept the fact that he was helping you, so quickly.”

I was surprised also. I mean I just said 'for some odd reason I'm believing you'. I didn't really think about it all that long. “I know. I was shocked myself.”

“But your smart Harry. You know I would never lie to you right.”

“Of course Draco.” he smiled. I looked into the mirror in front of me. The look on my face, serious. I wasn't lying to Draco. For some odd reason I believe him 100 percent. Even if he wasn't the best friend in the world to me. For the past five years he has been like the enemy to Ron, Hermione and myself. But now it didn't matter. They were no longer my friends. Hermione knew my secret, I mean our secret. I was sure that she was going to tell Ron, and everyone else. I would be ever so surprised if she didn't do it.

“Well maybe I should start with the true story about you and your parents the night that they died.” He looked embarrassed. I have been feed so many reason why my parents have died. “The true reason Harry.”

I nodded I didn't want to hear the true story but I guess that I had to know the true reason at what actually happened to my parents the night that they died.

“Well first like I have said many ti-” I cut him off.

“Draco, how do you know the story?” He looked at me puzzled. “I mean, I haven't really thought about until just this second.”

“Well. Um its kind of hard to explain.”

“Really just tell me.” I stared at him. “It can't be all that hard.”

“Well, I was told by Voldemort himself the night that I...” He trailed of mumbling the rest of the sentence.


“When I made the Unbreakable Vow to protect you, and to make sure that you did join us, and become a death eater.” He paused and looked at the ground. “I'm sorry.”

“So the only reason that you are trying to make me friends with you is so you don't die.” I backed away slowly, did he really feel anything towards me? Or was he lying?

“No Harry. I do like you a lot. I'm mostly doing this to protect you.” He looked up at me.

“Really, is that the reason... Do want to protect me, and you are willing to die for me, just so I can become a death eater. Or are you lying to me, faking that you made the vow, just so you can get close to me and learn more about me. Just so you can see what I am doing, than go to Him and tell him what I think? Is that it?”

“No Harry. I really like you a lot. I'm not lying to you, I would do anything for you. And I thought that this vow thing would make a point to you. I like you, and I couldn't make out a way that I could tell you face to face. I didn't plan to tell you about this.”

“So you were going to hide it from me?”

“No I was going to tell you, just not this soon.” His eyes got watery. “Harry please, believe me.”

Why couldn't I stay mad at Draco, for longer than two seconds? Come.. On.. “I do, I guess.” What is wrong with me. “ I guess the only reason I'm like this is because I love you. No. I mean..”
