Status: In process

Breaking the Unbreakable Vow

Chapter Eighteen

There it stood.

"Come on harry it's safe."

"How do you know that?" I asked a little startled

"Because I've used it, thousands of times." Draco started to drag me, I couldn't resist.

"Okay. I believe you." I already knew he'd used it in the past.

"Good." he smiled.

"What places have you gone to, in this cabinet..."

"You'll find out soon enough." my heart rate started to raise. I was about to see the dark lord. To see if all of this was true. I needed to know why everything that's happened was absolutely neccersary. Making a little child an orphan how was that neccersary! "Harry what's the matter."

"Oh, nothing." he sensed my anger in my tone of voice.

"You scared?"

"Yeah-" he put his arms around me and shut the door. Minutes later he opened it again, feeling insecure I grabbed his warm hand.

"It's gonna be okay, nothing will hurt you. I won't allow it." he clenched his teeth. I felt safe around him, he was protective. Although my mind was at rest, my body wasn't. I was cold, shaking, and I felt like fainting. That's when I noticed, properly we were out of the cabinet. The wind blew against my face, I could see nothing apart from the moon on the waters surface. Suddenly it went cold. I mean really cold. Freezing cold! "Death Eaters!"

"You'll be fine. There on our side."

"I'm not so sure Draco, there every where." he put his hands around my face.

"I'm promising you here. Trust me!" he let go of my hand.

"What are you doing?" maybe he was lying.

"We can't be seen like this, not yet. It's too soon."

"I thought that's why we came here."

"No, there's another reason."


"Shh" he halted, the atmosphere around us began to get even colder.

"Malfoy, and Potter" said a deep voice. My heart could have lept out of my chest. It was voldemort, "You!" I raised the wand to him.

"What are you doing Harry!" Draco screamed

"You! Killed my parents." Voldermort began to laugh, Draco pulled me away.

"Sorry, my Lord he has no idea. Why you killed his parents years ago." Lord Voldemort turned away with his long dark cloak trailing behind him. "You see Harry you're mother, was a mud blood." he paused, "Harry Potter a wizard? She couldn't bear to think of it. She wanted a normal boy. But I protested against it, knowing you had so much potential growing inside you." pausing again. "But she would not let it go! And of course your, Father stuck up for her. So there was nothing to do but get rid of them."

"Then why do I have a scar."

"I gave you a scar, so you would not forget. You would not become a normal boy." my scar began to burn again.

"Argh my scar."

"Yes, so you wouldn't forget!" Draco came to my aid. It was helpless it burned like fire.

"I'm a orphan!"

"You don't need parents, with the power inside of you. You can be great."

"You ruined my life!" with that I fell on the floor and it all faded. To an ironic, dark black.