Status: In process

Breaking the Unbreakable Vow

Chapter Three

We reached the door and the people of Gyrifindor came out. They stared at me, they would be staring at me more if they didn't know all the secrets that withheld. Than out came Weasley and Granger, without Potter. Odd. They continued out the door and turned when they saw me, out of the corner of their eyes.

"What the blood hell are you doing on this side of the castle?" Weasley spit out at me.

"None of you business Weasley." I stared at him. Granger making him leave, smartest thing shes ever done. I turned to look at Snape who was already gone. I walked into the room. "Potter?" I looked around, no sign of him anywhere. "Potter, we need to talk, trust me. Just talk."

"What Malfoy." I turned to see him at the stairs, he walked back up them. Running up the stairs trying to keep up with him I began to speak, this is going to have to work.

"We need to talk." He was packing. "Where do you think your going."

"No where." He snapped at me.

"Potter, we need to talk, I know, I'm not the one who you'd want to be seen with but I need to tell you some stuff."

"Talk." He continued to pack.

"Well remember earlier, yesterday actually, when I asked you to be my friend?" I starred over at him, he looked back.

"Well yes, I do. Why? I'm not going to be your friend Malfoy. If that is what your getting at."

"Well, you need to be, Voldemort, was only trying to help you Harry. He killed you parents you know because they didn't want you to be a wizard. They doubted you, Voldemort saw so much in you Harry. And that scar, on your forehead is there because he transmitted some of his power to you, as he did with me." I showed him the tattoo. He stepped back. "Yes, I am a Death Eater. But I'm proud to be Harry. And as shall you, you just need to trust me Harry. He's only protecting you, and you don't see it. He killed them for you, to become one of the greatest wizards as you should have been. Harry join us and you will become what you want and more." He looked at me.

"I am suppose to believe all that?" He actually walked over to me.

"Yes Harry. And it's all the truth, your parents never wanted you here, they never saw all the amazing things you could do. And if you were with us.,. you could become so much more."

"Alright for some crazy reason, I'm believing you."

I smiled, finally he accepted. I wasn't gonna die, nor was he. "Your smart Potter."